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Thread: More hydro news that will cost you $$$ and make your blood boil.

  1. #31
    isn't that called cooking the books?

    I'd love to see these Ont Libs behind fucking bars

  2. #32
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    It most certainly is.

  3. #33
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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  4. #34
    Member bluetoy's Avatar
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    The problem is that if and when these idiots get the boot. We are still going to be left with their mess.

  5. #35
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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  6. #36
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    If there is a government more politically corrupt than the Wynne Liberals of Ontario, it has not been invented yet unless one goes to deepest darkest Africa and arrives in Zimbabwe.
    Been there; saw that.
    It is absolutely scathing, in fact, how wretched this government has become in its quest to con voters.
    Ontario Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk stopped short of calling them crooks in her damning report Tuesday on their scheme to pay for hydro-rate cuts — their factiously named Fair Hydro Plan — by hiding the true costs of it from their bottom line.
    What the Wynne Liberals essentially did to keep the costs off the public books was to figuratively go to a loan shark instead of government lender where interest rates are less onerous
    It will cost them — read, Ontario taxpayers — an additional $4 billion in interest fees, money that loan sharks like to call their “juice.”
    “Anywhere else in Canada, you won’t see this done,” said Lysyk. “The government’s proposal is to treat that ($4 billion) loss as an asset.
    “That’s like you treating your credit card debt as an asset in your books. Does that sound right to you?”
    It was obviously a rhetorical question being posed by Lysyk because what the Wynne Liberals are doing is as wrong as wrong can be, and is only legal because it involves government.
    Try such a stunt in private industry, and it would be criminal.
    If any more proof is needed to punctuate the gall of the Ontario Liberals, they are spending another $5.5 million to run ads on radio and television to tell voters that their 25% cut in hydro rates is all on the up-and-up, and that there is no false bottom.
    It’s a crock, of course, but they are counting on the electorate to be as dumb as posts and wave pro-Liberals flags next election because their hydro rates are almost affordable.
    Yes, but not less costly for long, stupid people.
    Not only does the Liberals’ “Fair Energy Plan” add $28 billion in debt, it adds that aforementioned $4 billion in unnecessary interest payments because they borrowed indirectly through the back door from agencies like Ontario Power Generation (OPG) instead of through sources that would require fiscal transparency and openness.
    It’s politically sinful to the point of being unforgivable, and encapsulates what is wrong in governments when politics trumps doing what is right for the taxpayer.
    The Trudeau Liberals, unfortunately, are progressively becoming another example of this increasing wrongness.
    Their servitude to their own self-interests is slowly rising to the surface, what with their fiddling with ethics regulations, and their championing of so-called “middle class” ringing hollower with every banal reference by their PM.
    How can they possibly relate to the middle class when their prime minister is a trust-fund baby who talks about his “family fortune,” and his finance minister is so filthy rich he forgot to tell the ethic’s commissioner than he owns a private villa in France through one of his many incorporated companies?
    What the middle class doesn’t forget is a mortgage payment that's due, a rent cheque, the cost their hydro, the rising prices at the grocery store, and the price of gas at the pumps.
    And not one of them looks upon their credit card debt as an asset.
    This only happens in the Wynne government, a place where the Trudeau Liberals appear to be taking their lessons in foregoing all their high-minded promises of transparency.
    The middle class, to the Trudeau Liberals, are really nothing more now than “revenue tools.”
    That, too, is becoming more obvious by the day as the contagion spreads like a bad rash.

  7. #37
    nom nom nom RedSN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I agree. If I hear Trudeau or Morneau mention "middle class" one more time........


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