OK. I'm on a roll with my rants.
IT happened to me AGAIN yesterday. I was sitting at a traffic light in the right lane. My light turned green so I moved forward, going south. Suddenly, some idiot (they seem to be split evenly between men and (especially) young pretty women)(OK. If I sound sexist well, i'm old!) a BMW comes along to make a right turn in front of me. They CLEARLY had a red light, but they didn't even touch the brake. They made their turn and then straightened out and accelerated,(not very hard, though) going south in front of me. This was so close to me that my collision alarm cam on, and I had to stab the brakes, hard. IT was as if I wasn't there.
This happens to me 3 or four times a day. Crazy, and dangerous. And of course, the police are never there to see it.
I drive all over the city , at least 1200 km a week, and the overall quality of other people's driving skills seems to be going downhill.
What gives?

For the record: I always come to a full stop when I am making a right turn on a red. I've even been honked from behind for doing that!