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Thread: Politicians and my theory on why it's not working out for us...

  1. #1

    Politicians and my theory on why it's not working out for us...

    I'm looking at people like Trudeau, Faith, Maxime, Tory, etc... and thinking what is wrong with the picture?

    I know that intelligent people will successfully run businesses and make much more money than a PM of Canada, actually I feel intelligent business savvy folk will move to the USA anyway to better succeed as it's a country better geared for business than Canada could ever dream to be. So our politicians are really "bottom of the barrel" slim pickings, failed substitute drama teachers and failed lawyers.

    Because of the the intellectual drain this country has (kind of a version of "white flight") and the fact that anyone who can drive success will run their own show and reach higher levels of monetary gain. What we have left are people who have stronger egos than mental capacity and part of my theory is that people with extreme views (left OR right) are not intelligent. I believe the most intelligent people will have a more central view of things. Thinking doesn't allow any room for extremist thoughts because you will be capable of weighing options and use objective or agnostic methods to build the best strategies with outcomes that will be better for the masses. And stupid people are probably more susceptible to choice-supportive bias and not capable of identifying poor decisions. I am not witnessing any sort of above or even average intellect with any current politician from any party.

    It's hard to ignore western civilization destruction conspiracy theories because the leadership is really crumpling our countries but it may not be due to a hidden force that has been planning to destroy us for generations (not a theory but I know of two groups who want the west and/or capitalism destroyed [islamists and marxists] and this has been documented and proven). Although I highly doubt anyone from either of those groups has the capacity to destroy us. One of those groups literally believe in fucking flying unicorns for fucks sake...

    Honestly I think our own destruction is being done by ourselves. People are lazy, and much worse... parents are lazy. They use teachers as baby-sitters and allow their kids to be indoctrinated by a few bad apples for example. Snowflakes have been around for a long time but maybe they're not as lazy as the average person as they really believe in their own philosophies and now that SJW minority is shaping things and our politicians are reflective of the minority of stupid people who are the most vocal and allowing for changes that put common sense out the door. This laziness is allowing us to be complacent and opening the door to idiotic politicians such as trudeau pushing gender identity bullshit into trade agreements. We should be at his house waging civil war by now - I won't, I'm too lazy and addicted to my materialistic lifestyle to give it all up for jail.

    There is a lot at risk right now. We have ideologies that are very far apart from each other and we allowed them to grow out of control. Without governance, we will be torn apart as more and more central-thinking people are swayed into the far-field thinking of either side.

    We basically have a leaking roof: The water penetration is allowing for mold to grow and it's slowly rotting our foundations. We are too lazy to patch the roof, all we are doing is arguing about which color to paint the walls to hide the mold. This country will be another Venezuela in 25 to 50 years with more "trudeau-types" at the helm. We are witnessing the end of Canada and if America is not careful, it will soon follow.

  2. #2
    nom nom nom RedSN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    You realize your grandparents had this EXACT same rant?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Member 83 5.0's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Why would anyone want to run in politics given today's rip you apart culture, through social media, where false accusations can be spread easily.
    And RedSN is right, every generation has almost the same thoughts about the current generation coming up.
    I remember in the 60's my grandfather railing about the hippies, it's quite comical, if he even knew pot would be legalised, he would lose his stuff!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by 83 5.0 View Post
    Why would anyone want to run in politics given today's rip you apart culture, through social media, where false accusations can be spread easily.
    And RedSN is right, every generation has almost the same thoughts about the current generation coming up.
    I remember in the 60's my grandfather railing about the hippies, it's quite comical, if he even knew pot would be legalised, he would lose his stuff!
    listening to a pod cast that was discussing exactly that and the ramifications of the rip apart culture, its going to make a lot of people who would be well suited for the job but cant handle the emotional strain of the out right lies and assault that happen to anyone running. means the quality of the people running will go down, and ultimately make things worse

  6. #6
    Trump is in it for fame and stroke his ego I’m sure. Although he did warn Americans that if things don’t change he will become president and fix things back in the 90’s? Impressive that he actually did it!!! Although if Clinton would have stepped aside, Trump wouldn’t have won.

  7. #7
    Trump > Trudeau

    In any battle other than looks, Trump trumps trudeau.

  8. #8
    Club Supporter hammerhead's Avatar
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    Melancthon,Ontario, Canada
    the one think I like about trump and it's probably the only thing cause i've never really liked him - he actually ran his campaign, he's actually the boss doing the job the boss should do - all the other dick heads are just posers who think they deserve the spotlight - I read a story the other day that Tory needed to hire consultants to figure out how to run the city with less staff which begs me to ask "What the hell is your job description...?"

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