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Thread: Some interesting predictions

  1. #11
    Posting and liking.... Ponyryd's Avatar
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    There’s way more systems to vehicles than just driveline, and most issues are not with driveline, so the article is way, way off. Further, it will not take 15 minutes to change an electric motor.

    Bu this is all very sad if true, basically we will lose tons of jobs/careers, which will not be changed over into another sector, and we will be overpopulated to the point where the earth won’t be able to handle us all. So yea, this is the end of life as we know it, way to go technology!

  2. #12
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    That's a compendium of several theories and statements/data that's been shared around for few years now. Interesting compilation when you join them all together.

    Just came back from a strategy planning session (up to 30 years out; disruption, alternative competitors, disintermediation, future of money/payments, crypto, biometrics, etc) and then a conference on risk/economics, etc....all above are pretty much a given, and some of it came up/was discussed. Add climate change (whether you believe it or not) and I will say I am glad I don't have children - they or their offspring will be fucked (or dehydrated). There is a lot more not even mentioned above that is laying the foundation for the Fourth or is yet to come post-Fourth. An example of what is not noted above is the impact as quantum computing as that gathers steam. For example, much of the encryption we have will become useless. On the other hand it will accelerate design/modelling/innovation, etc which may speed up some of the things mentioned above. That's assuming someone doesn't set off a nuclear war first or a pandemic (or ancient virus in the Arctic ice) that will kill off most of us (since we are running out of new antibiotics to fight evolving viruses/diseases). Animal farming which is unsustainable will change significantly or disappear (hopefully) as food becomes more lab/greenhouse grown. All types of innovation (which has different opportunity and different efficiency leverage which means not a 1:1 job replacement but traditional/old sectors will decline/disappear).

    This is why UBI is being discussed/tested more recently although I'm not sure how this can be paid for on a mass scale (where will tax revenue come from?).

    Lots of material out there over the past few years....some of the things we reviewed/discussed last week in terms of what's been done and how to define/build/create the future (Fourth and stuff in money but is indicative of change). Everything is accelerating.


    Last edited by 92redragtop; 11-11-2018 at 12:23 AM.

  3. #13
    Off my meds again
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    I'm just going to put this here.... And leave you with a bit of wisdom. Technology isn't immortal, it can be destroyed. Ditto for the internet.


    Resistance is far from futile.

  4. #14
    Member Ontariomystic's Avatar
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    They also predicted flying cars by 2020. Not even close.
    Doing my part to boost the economy

  5. #15
    Club Supporter hammerhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92redragtop View Post
    That's a compendium of several theories and statements/data that's been shared around for few years now. Interesting compilation when you join them all together.

    Just came back from a strategy planning session (up to 30 years out; disruption, alternative competitors, disintermediation, future of money/payments, crypto, biometrics, etc) and then a conference on risk/economics, etc....all above are pretty much a given, and some of it came up/was discussed. Add climate change (whether you believe it or not) and I will say I am glad I don't have children - they or their offspring will be fucked (or dehydrated). There is a lot more not even mentioned above that is laying the foundation for the Fourth or is yet to come post-Fourth. An example of what is not noted above is the impact as quantum computing as that gathers steam. For example, much of the encryption we have will become useless. On the other hand it will accelerate design/modelling/innovation, etc which may speed up some of the things mentioned above. That's assuming someone doesn't set off a nuclear war first or a pandemic (or ancient virus in the Arctic ice) that will kill off most of us (since we are running out of new antibiotics to fight evolving viruses/diseases). Animal farming which is unsustainable will change significantly or disappear (hopefully) as food becomes more lab/greenhouse grown. All types of innovation (which has different opportunity and different efficiency leverage which means not a 1:1 job replacement but traditional/old sectors will decline/disappear).

    This is why UBI is being discussed/tested more recently although I'm not sure how this can be paid for on a mass scale (where will tax revenue come from?).

    Lots of material out there over the past few years....some of the things we reviewed/discussed last week in terms of what's been done and how to define/build/create the future (Fourth and stuff in money but is indicative of change). Everything is accelerating.


    I always wonder about currency since it appears to be fewer jobs for the future...I think it's important not to let your children forget the old ways and become too comfortable with convenience. Simple things like growing your own food and maybe propagating seed. Myself personally I don't trust process food. I didn't move to my house by accident. The ground I live on has an abundant supply of clean drinking water that needs no treatment - that was a big factor in my decision. I think change is happening faster than we have time to think about it. My biggest concern is politics - Trump was voted in because people have lost faith in the current ideals of leadership before him - this could have gone in an even worst direction if a socialist was voted in.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by hammerhead View Post
    I always wonder about currency since it appears to be fewer jobs for the future...I think it's important not to let your children forget the old ways and become too comfortable with convenience. Simple things like growing your own food and maybe propagating seed. Myself personally I don't trust process food. I didn't move to my house by accident. The ground I live on has an abundant supply of clean drinking water that needs no treatment - that was a big factor in my decision. I think change is happening faster than we have time to think about it. My biggest concern is politics - Trump was voted in because people have lost faith in the current ideals of leadership before him - this could have gone in an even worst direction if a socialist was voted in.
    Not really sure about the last part as you're seeing the early glimpses of facism strategies (like use of unconstitutional actions, restricting freedom of the press, use of fake news, etc).

  7. #17
    Club Supporter hammerhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92redragtop View Post
    Not really sure about the last part as you're seeing the early glimpses of facism strategies (like use of unconstitutional actions, restricting freedom of the press, use of fake news, etc).
    the strategy planning session you recently participated in sounds very interesting to me - is it something that may get posted online for others to see?

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92redragtop View Post
    Not really sure about the last part as you're seeing the early glimpses of facism strategies (like use of unconstitutional actions, restricting freedom of the press, use of fake news, etc).
    but none of that to the level of which Obama used, so why only an issue for people now. not to highjack but I think there is more at play. or I suppose less maybe people truly were not paying attention to what was going on until be media went full fear monger on Trump. but Obama lied constantly, used the DOJ and Ag as his own personal hit squad and clean up crew, caused more division than any other president in history (remember #metoo, black lives matter Antifa, occupy wallstreat ect ect, all pre trump movements)
    Obama even had members of the "press" arrested and jailed of documentary's he didn't like.

    so the big question is why do so many look the other way for one president and then flip out on the other?

  9. #19
    Club Supporter hammerhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5.4MarkVIII View Post
    but none of that to the level of which Obama used, so why only an issue for people now. not to highjack but I think there is more at play. or I suppose less maybe people truly were not paying attention to what was going on until be media went full fear monger on Trump. but Obama lied constantly, used the DOJ and Ag as his own personal hit squad and clean up crew, caused more division than any other president in history (remember #metoo, black lives matter Antifa, occupy wallstreat ect ect, all pre trump movements)
    Obama even had members of the "press" arrested and jailed of documentary's he didn't like.

    so the big question is why do so many look the other way for one president and then flip out on the other?
    exactly what I was thinking - what scares me about voting is most people have no idea what they are voting for (so the phrase "get out and vote - it's your right - "your duty" sounds more dangerous to me than not voting at all. People voted for change real change not just a new face. The lack of knowledge may notbe intentional, but mostly hidden or masked with good feeling campaign. The government has become a vessel for ramming their agendas thru like it or not.

  10. #20
    Posting and liking.... Ponyryd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5.4MarkVIII View Post
    but none of that to the level of which Obama used, so why only an issue for people now. not to highjack but I think there is more at play. or I suppose less maybe people truly were not paying attention to what was going on until be media went full fear monger on Trump. but Obama lied constantly, used the DOJ and Ag as his own personal hit squad and clean up crew, caused more division than any other president in history (remember #metoo, black lives matter Antifa, occupy wallstreat ect ect, all pre trump movements)
    Obama even had members of the "press" arrested and jailed of documentary's he didn't like.

    so the big question is why do so many look the other way for one president and then flip out on the other?
    Some real truth right here, but you won’t get through to some as they have their mind made up that trump is the devil despite all the positive progress he has made for the us. Democrats/liberals are delusional and cannot be reasoned with for the most part. It’s very sad.

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