Take the climate change argument out of the equation, let's all assume it's real and we have 12 years to live on the planet as some are pontificating.

How is blocking a bridge for the common-folk going to save the planet when 56% of co2 comes from concrete, agriculture, and coal. Stopping random people from going to work in a country as big as canada with an entire population of the state of california won't do anything but annoy people, the wrong people. Why don't they protest against things like sunwing vacations, cruise ships, coal power plants or red meat? Canada still has coal powered electricity, why don't they protest the crap out of that!?

If the world is ending in 12 years because of pollution, why don't you put effort where it will count the most? If you judge "climate change" by people's actions, it's pretty obvious they don't have a clue what they're trying to achieve or that it's all a hoax. Look at trudeau how he's for "the environment" but takes two jets for his campaign, spends over 300 bucks/month on plastic water bottles, etc...

Not saying it's wise to pollute, but at the end of the day the planet isn't going to wipe out humanity in 12 years. That's preposterous.