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Thread: Photo radar coming to Toronto.

  1. #1
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Toronto, On

    Post Photo radar coming to Toronto.

    Photo radar should soon be catching speeding drivers across Toronto — a notable and long-awaited development in the fight against traffic carnage that has claimed the lives of 37 pedestrians so far this year.
    Ontario’s Transportation Ministry confirmed Friday, in response to a question about photo radar, “the province will be filing enabling regulations under the Safer School Zones Act today that will give municipalities the ability to adopt new and enhanced tools to promote safety in school zones and community safety zones.
    “The regulations take effect (Sunday) and provide the framework to support municipalities in developing responsible, transparent and effective programs to promote road safety in their communities.”

    Detailed regulations with rules for use of the “enhanced tools” had not yet been released by late Friday afternoon but the ministry made it clear the decision on whether to employ photo radar will be up to each municipality. It’s unclear if there are any restrictions about how cities can use the technology.
    “Automated speed enforcement is a municipally driven initiative as municipal governments are in the best position to determine what needs to be done in order to improve road safety on municipal roads,” said Kristine Bunker, a Transportation Ministry spokeswoman, in an email.
    Toronto has been waiting for years for regulatory approval to operate a planned 50 “automated speed enforcement” cameras across the city — two in each ward, in school and community safety zones where pedestrians and cyclists are at high risk according to data including collision figures.
    The city is also working on doubling the 149 red light cameras catching drivers who run lights.

    A June transportation report, adopted by city council, recommended preparing drivers for the risk a camera will register their speed and licence plate — and trigger the issuance by mail of a speeding ticket under the Highway Traffic Act — with an initial period where speeders get only a warning.

  2. #2
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Toronto, On
    a notable and long-awaited development in the fight against traffic carnage that has claimed the lives of 37 pedestrians so far this year.

    Too much push back against the proposed Zombie law so let's first lower speed limits on the city streets (been rolling out new signs around us the last few weeks) followed up by photo radar because we continue to see pedestrian after pedestrian step off the curb with the last thought through their mind before being hit being "pedestrians have the right away". Why do we continue to see problems being attack from the backside vs head on.
    We have pedestrians with no regard for the law at legal crossings let alone everywhere in between, start enforcing laws we already have on the books.
    We have drivers who disregard pretty much every law of the road yet we see precious little enforcement beyond speeding. What happened to blitz's at intersections to catch the double n triple left turners? We see all but no ride checks anymore, little wonder drunks make the news on such a regular basis. What happened to common sense enforcement!! Have no idea if it's due to limited Police resources or shift on whats considered important.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I'm good with the red light cameras and community/school zone photo radar to try and get drivers to avoid accidents/slow down......but fear it will spread beyond these areas. My daughter lives in Calgary and photo radar is bringing in between $200-$300 million in revenue for the government. Would be interested to know if it's actually helped reduce the number of crashes fatalities on their roads//hwy's…..which I believe is reasoning behind it being implemented.

  4. #4
    How about we teach people to look before crossing a road?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Foxstang View Post
    How about we teach people to look before crossing a road?
    Absolutely! But there are far to many people clocking ridiculous speeds throughout the GTA in community/school zones (and neighborhoods) and there should be no tolerance for that IMO.

  6. #6
    Member Chinga's Avatar
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    The Reserve
    Cash grab is all it is. They can eat a bag of dicks.

  7. #7
    Member Zutz2v's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZR View Post
    a notable and long-awaited development in the fight against traffic carnage that has claimed the lives of 37 pedestrians so far this year.

    Too much push back against the proposed Zombie law so let's first lower speed limits on the city streets (been rolling out new signs around us the last few weeks) followed up by photo radar because we continue to see pedestrian after pedestrian step off the curb with the last thought through their mind before being hit being "pedestrians have the right away". Why do we continue to see problems being attack from the backside vs head on.
    We have pedestrians with no regard for the law at legal crossings let alone everywhere in between, start enforcing laws we already have on the books.
    We have drivers who disregard pretty much every law of the road yet we see precious little enforcement beyond speeding. What happened to blitz's at intersections to catch the double n triple left turners? We see all but no ride checks anymore, little wonder drunks make the news on such a regular basis. What happened to common sense enforcement!! Have no idea if it's due to limited Police resources or shift on whats considered important.

    Your absolute right though. Just today I have the arrow for the left and some girl starts walking across ever so slowly knowing what she’s doing was wrong

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I’m not slow, I just like the way your bumper looks

  8. #8
    I'm sure those yellow "your speed" things were for testing and expect photo radar in some of those locations. In the 70 zone I had fun reaching 99kmh. Lol

    I get school zones but farm roads in the middle of nowhere... I'm not going 70 or 80 in a sports car.

  9. #9
    Off my meds again
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    Mar 2014
    I guess Drunken Duhgy Ford is letting his red show through even more.

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