as for masks and not being able to breath. i think its hilarious how many people go off saying I don't have a problem so your making it up. every body is different and things effect people in a certain way.

I have not had asthma related problems since I was about 10ish.

since wearing a mask daily I have had an ER visit after going into a major attack at work. luckily i was in a town with a hospital. after that i had a visit with my family dr to get back on an asthma med. both the nurses and both the drs i was dealing with said, yes it was a thing and to limit mask use when posable. by taking breaks and going outside so i could remove it while working.

the funny part is after this our local healthcare group issued a statement saying that there was no link to masks and asthma issues

after more that 2 decades with no attacks. Im currently averaging 2-3 minor attacks every week and a major one about once every couple weeks.