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Thread: Please read before posting

  1. #1
    Admin ZR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Toronto, On

    Arrow Please read before posting

    Forum Protocols

    - Be respectful. No one likes to feel like they are being flamed or personally attacked.

    - Contribute constructively. Yes that includes no inter-club bashing, it's all good.

    - New threads, post em in the most appropriate forum. If you've goofed, pm a mod and ask them to move it.

    - Threads are expected to be kept on the original topic. If you want to discuss another subject, create a new thread in the proper forum.

    - Opinions expressed within this forum are not necessarily those of TMC, its Board Members, Sponsors or its affiliates.

    - Hot babe thread, no nudes, no under age, no distasteful pictures or vids. Pretty sure we all know what that means. Let's all do our part to see the thread stays open.

    - Flaming any of the TMC Sponsors is not permitted. Got a problem, best to call them to work it out.

    - Language filter is off. Let's keep things to a dull roar, zero profanity allowed in post title.

    - No posting of videos or pictures or links to:
    1) Porn
    2) People dying or being maimed

    - Mod shopping, always pm one and only one mod regarding your thoughts or concerns. It would be normal for a reply to take between 24 - 48 hrs. If you don't hear back after that time, fire off another pm.

    - Non-Supporting vendors are not allowed to post anything about available products or services on the forums. Sorry, that also means non sponsors can not register in the company name or add links in their signature etc. Please contact us if you are a retail vendor looking to sponsor or advertise, we have options available.

    - Moderators and Administrators have the right to edit a post or thread anytime a rule has been broken or the situation deems necessary.

    - If you disagree with the actions of the TMC Staff, express your concerns privately. We are always willing to listen, however public bashing of the team will not be permitted. Once replied to, decision is final and not up for further debate.

    - Notice something that really should be added or perhaps doesn't belong, great if you'd shoot the idea our way.

    Enjoy your stay.

    TMC Staff

  2. #2
    TMC Crew
    We at the TMC strive for open, respectful, and unfiltered dialogue between our members. But unfiltered does not include racist, homophobic or hateful text. That being said, after several complaints we have removed several posts from our forums. We are not pointing fingers, but if you notice that one of your posts is missing you now know why. On your next post, please take a moment to consider if your words fall into that category before hitting the enter button.

    TMC Crew

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