the conversation evolved, as they usualy do. and the discussion turned to government subsidies. 92redragtop said subsidies should be removed from farmers. I agreed and gave an example why. do you assume a simple example should fit every single scenario? I am also from a farming family all that's left in the family is the 3 acers my family have, it blead dry for years and there was never a dime from the government to help out. only regulation and red tape that made things more expensive and difficult for the little guy, while helping the big guys. as the same time I've grown up alongside those benefiting. I've talked fist hand to the dairy farmer. who openly said he buys land, new equipment yearly and builds barns specifically so his farm doesn't make a profit. so he doesn't have to pay takes, and can claim subsidies, I've had first hand conversations with pig and egg farmers who do the same thing, Cronyism and corporatism exists in the farming industry just like any other and its specifically designed limit competitions. the same reason small business are closing down at a record pace while big big stores thrive. small farms cant make ends meat and the bigger ones are getting handouts to make money.