As some of you know, I've had a Project Fox on the go. Part of the final segment of the build was to install a power adder. All of the steps were taken during assembly of the motor and fuel system to accommodate the final phase of the car. I decided to omit the power adder for the season that has just past us as I was eager to get the car on the road and get any bugs worked out before going forced. The car ended being trouble-free save for a slight coolant leak.

Ever since I'd say around the mid 90's, I have had a monster hard-on for a 2.1L Kenne Bell. At the time, I could never had near enough scratch to buy the kit let alone the related parts. Other projects/builds/hobbies then took precedence and the KB idea got shelved.

With everything checking out on the car, and me being a good boy this year, I was going to realize a wet dream of days gone by and finally have my own Flowzilla kit instead of watching other people's YouTube videos. I was also looking for a brand new factory unit. I don't care how "lightly used" someone elses was. Factory fresh was the only answer.

I go on KB's website and make my way over to the Price List so I can get the P/N to place my order. I notice that the Fox kits are not listed. Interesting...

So I place a call down to Rancho Cucamonga, CA this morning with the intent of placing an order. Upon inquiring about a Fox kit: "We no longer stock them, they are discontinued and WE WILL NOT BE MAKING ANY MORE KITS FOR THE PUSHROD MOTORS". Apparently, the last kit sold in the Spring of this year.

The rest of the day was kinda ho-hum for me. I know that KB's customer service/Tech is notorious for being abysmal, which I kind of expected. After thinking about it, I made peace with a few reasons why this likely happened.

Anyways, you can always go check 'em out on YouTube. I know all the good vids...