Quote Originally Posted by BIGBIRD View Post
We drive out to a place in Wicklow, ON ,Knights Apples, it's a whole sale place where they do grading and storage & buy bushels of apples , C grade, as my dog eats them, nothing wrong with them , they are just not perfect for the grocery store , 99 % of them are irregular skins etc, just not perfectly round, depending on the apple type , 1/2 bushel of Courtland are $10 -12 , full bushel of Mac's are $22 , even the "A" perfect ones are $35 for a full bushel, & they keep perfect in my garage ! & the quality is much better than grocery store one that have been shipped from god only know where and banged around ! it just a nice cruise about an hour outside of Ajax !

Back in November we were talking to a B&B owner in the Niagara region and they were complaining about all the good fruit that gets rejected and ends up going to the dump/landfill by the truckload (even though they're perfectly fine) - with their help we're trying to get something going where it can get re-directed to groups in Caledon that can use it as part of their services/community effort to feed people who need help, etc., or donate it to local groups that can use it in fundraising efforts. Wifey has sourced a couple commercial fridges/freezers and kitchens in Caledon (NFP based) to use for this.