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Thread: Absolutely Disgusting

  1. #1
    Member Ray721's Avatar
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    Absolutely Disgusting

    Our soldiers getting the boot from their homes.

    Follow me on Instagram @ray721_14gt for car pics and general shenanigans

    Because Rayscar!!!!

  2. #2
    nom nom nom RedSN's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    Is it because the refugees are terrorists that this is 'disgusting'?
    Because military personnel have been relocated before in emergencies to provide temporary accommodations in the barracks while refugees are sorted out. But helping them out is somehow disgusting in this case.

  3. #3
    Member Ray721's Avatar
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    In a round about way yes. I do not support taking in these refugees.

    These 25,000 refugees are gonna cost 1.2 billion. We should be spending the 1.2 Billion on our Veterans, First Nations, Homeless rehabilitation. Mental illness, healthcare etc.

    The liberal govt and majority of Canadians chastised the PCs for what has happened to our First Nations people. These are people who are robbing food delivery trucks weekly so they can eat and drink clean water. Why not sending them 1.2 Billion.

    We have way too many problems within our own boarders that need attention first.
    Follow me on Instagram @ray721_14gt for car pics and general shenanigans

    Because Rayscar!!!!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Ray721 View Post

    We have way too many problems within our own boarders that need attention first.
    Exactly this

    Take care of Canadians first and foremost

  5. #5
    What really is disgusting is the need to fast track 25,000 refugees in a month. How can you possibly filter out the twats from the group? Way too serious of an operation for a temp drama teacher to force.

    We also let kids die from cancer when the medication is too costly. Instead of fixing the leaky roof and sinking foundation on my house, I'll invite people over to stay for free - trudeau.

    But on the other hand there ARE good people in that bunch that would become proud Canadians if we don't go and spit on their faces the minute they land here.

  6. #6
    55 HD
    They will need jobs when they get here. Is Trudeau going to pass a rebate to employers who are willing to hire them next? Or are we tax payers on the hook for the expenses to keep them for years to come as they learn what it takes to survive here.

    Now we do have our own people looking for work here too. So will this cause some problems down the road?

  7. #7
    My understanding is that the 25 000 are already in the refugee vetting system and will be picked; apparently women and children will be a priority; likely with the husbands as well.
    Remember, this is not simply a case of the boy wonder waving the wand at the young men we see rioting in the videos etc. Presumably there are a lot more than 25 000 applications to Canada.

    The ballooning budget for this is a travesty, however. First it was $250 Million; now it's deemed 5x that. How the fuck could it possibly cost that kind of money to vet, inspect, house and relocate 25 000 people; some/most of whom will be in family units, thus driving down the housing and some of the other costs? Can't tell me every child under the age of 8 needs to be background checked the same as a mid 20's male with no ID and a fishy story. It's almost $ 50 000 per person.

    You would think that if you take in refugees, you would also expect them to produce and contribute to the society that is taking them in. If we have choices on the skillsets and experience of these folks, why would we automatically just assume they will go on the (permanent) dole ?

    I do think that the rushed year end timeline sends the wrong message, even if these folks all meet the criteria. It says either our admission system is not operating properly, or this was rushed thru, or ?????? Pick any scenario, none are good.

    Here is a good commentary from someone who seems to have it right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f9l-33VS6E

    At the end of the day; the vast majority of those fleeing ISIS/Daesch deserve our compassion and help. 25 000 out of 4 million displaced or fleeing is almost nothing, but we need to do something other than just bomb the caliphate. Moving forward safely, properly and with fiscal efficiencies with Canada's security and well being at the forefront is the right thing to do; all the while understanding this needs to happen sooner rather than later.

    We must do our part to help those in need beyond our borders. This is something we tend to forget - Canada is highly respected internationally because of our humanitarian and refugee/immigration history and policies, not just cause we're polite or have a cool flag.

  8. #8
    nom nom nom RedSN's Avatar
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    I thought the title of this thread was appropriate to post this story. Absolutely Disgusting.

    The attack Tuesday in the northwestern province of Idlib is believed to have killed at least 100 people, according to groups who monitor the war. More than 100 others were injured. The early morning air raid believed to have been carried out by Syria's military or its ally, Russia.....Chemical weapons experts say early analysis of the attack on the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun points to the use of sarin gas

    Details and stories are sketchy and all over the place, but despite who/what/where/whatever, this is nothing short of disgusting.

    And I also wanted to re-quote this:
    Quote Originally Posted by tulowd View Post
    We must do our part to help those in need beyond our borders. This is something we tend to forget - Canada is highly respected internationally because of our humanitarian and refugee/immigration history and policies, not just cause we're polite or have a cool flag.

  9. #9
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    The company I work for is part of a program to help employ refugees, these people are family people. They are very appreciative and hard working. Their lives have turned to poo. The current gentleman working for us was actually better off then myself in his country. He had it torn all way from him.
    He is a Syrian refugee, him, wife and 4 kids under age of 10. They were taken in by complete strangers. The people that took him in need to have 30k per person extra disposable income, so that one family is an extra 180K a year.
    My father was sponsored by a stranger like this back in the 60's. My father was facing conscription into a war. The owner of the company he worked for said "fugg that, I ain't helping sending you to war. I have a brother that owns a branch in other country and they need staffing" (he was a German business man, with business interests in the middle east)
    He happened to be the part of the family that owned "ElectroHome" He shipped my dad to Kitchener, They paid for everything and gave my father a place to live. Both my parents worked there till the day it closed.
    Canada is the most amazing country in the world, our soldiers are fed and paid well to do a duty. They weren't just thrown out on the streets. This country is built on multiculturalism and giving people a second chance. We have all been touched by it one way or another, we just forget.

  10. #10
    The Gunslinger Burns's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedSN View Post
    I thought the title of this thread was appropriate to post this story. Absolutely Disgusting.


    Details and stories are sketchy and all over the place, but despite who/what/where/whatever, this is nothing short of disgusting.

    And I also wanted to re-quote this:
    Trudeau says Canada to give Syria $840M following deadly attack

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the chemical weapon attack in Syria shocking and appalling. Trudeau said in order to find and hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions, Canada is supporting evidence gathering and will provide $840 million worth of life-saving humanitarian and development assistance.
    The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.

    Leonardo da Vinci

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