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Thread: More hydro news that will cost you $$$ and make your blood boil.

  1. #1
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    More hydro news that will cost you $$$ and make your blood boil.

    Ontarians are in for a hydro shock.
    An internal cabinet document leaked to the Progressive Conservatives shows that electricity rates in the province will remain stable in the lead up to the 2018 election, and then spike in 2022.
    The document, which breaks down the Liberal government’s recently announced plan to slash hydro rates by 25%, shows that prices will begin to rise for the average homeowner following this year. The government plans to limit rate increases to 2% a year, but then prices will jump in 2022 when the cap expires.
    The Tories say the document was presented to cabinet in March and that they obtained it from a “whistleblower.”
    It says that between 2022 and 2027, Ontario residents will be zapped by a 6.5% jump annually, each year. That will be followed by a whopping 10.5% increase in 2028.
    When all those hikes are applied, the average monthly hydro bill in Toronto will leap from $142 to $215.
    In March, Premier Kathleen Wynne announced a plan to cut hydro rates by 17% after months of outrage over increasing electricity costs. The cut amounts to 25% if a previous 8% HST rebate is included.
    But the cost of the rate cut is an estimated $25 billion in interest payments over the next 30 years as the government had to reorganize the system’s debt in order to make the reduction possible.
    Liberal Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault unveiled the legislation that enables the hydro cut Thursday, giving the legislature eight days to debate and pass the bill before Queen’s Park begins its summer break.
    Initially, Thibeault said he couldn’t confirm the document or verify its numbers.
    “I’ve been in this position for 11 months,” Thibeault said. “I’ve seen literally thousands of graphs. So for any confidential document, I can’t verify it.”
    Thibeault stressed government has received figures for months on their hydro plan which included “thousands of documents” and “hundreds of briefings.” But he did dispute the accuracy of the 10.5% in 2028.
    Asked if documents presented to cabinet are often false, the minister said typically reports are presented as “topics for discussion.”
    But later Thursday afternoon, Thibeault released a statement saying the documents obtained by the Tories were only a draft.
    “Patrick Brown and the PCs have instead decided to share an outdated document with data that is months old, as they try to distract from the fact that they have offered no credible ideas for hydro rate relief,” Thibeault said in the statement. “We have been working on this plan for months, and as we worked on it, the documents and calculations evolved, meaning that numbers shared by the PCs today are completely inaccurate.”
    It’s no coincidence that secret Liberal documents show hydro rates will skyrocket after next summer’s provincial election, says the Progressive Conservative energy critic.
    MPP Todd Smith slammed the government’s plan to slash hydro rates by borrowing billions, saying documents leaked to the Tories by a “whistleblower” show the true cost of the scheme.
    He called the reduction plan a “desperate” ploy ahead of the key 2018 vote.
    “They are simply borrowing to get them through the next election and (are) not dealing with the underlying reason why our electricity prices are as high as they are,” he said.
    “This is a desperate government. This is a desperate issue for this government. They’ve created legislation that we’re only getting a few days to look at.”
    Smith also said the documents suggest the government plans to resurrect the much-hated debt retirement charge. That fee, which was recently curtailed by the government, added about $4 to $5 on the average bill.
    But the new Clean Energy Adjustment, which will be placed on bills in the late 2020s to help pay down the debt created by the Liberal’s rate cut, will be like the retirement charge “on steroids,” Smith insisted.
    Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault denied people will once again have to pay a debt retirement charge.
    NDP energy critic Peter Tabuns said he believes the cabinet document is legitimate and it points out what his party has been saying all along: The Liberal plan doesn’t address the hydro problem.
    “It just means that the Liberals allow all of the things that are driving higher prices to continue to be there,” he said. “They’re able to suppress the price for awhile. They piled enough money on top of it that they can make it look good for a bit. But it’s all going to burst out again.”

  2. #2
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Confidential cabinet documents on Ontario electricity rates drafted for Premier Kathleen Wynne’s government and released by the Progressive Conservatives Thursday reveal that the Liberals’ so-called “Fair Hydro Plan” is a farce and a mirage.
    They demonstrate that there is no free lunch when it comes to electricity prices, no matter how the Liberals try to spin it.
    Simply put, when you take on $25 billion in new debt to give hydro consumers an average 25% reduction on their electricity bills today, it means you’re going to hit them with even higher bills tomorrow.
    Especially since the Liberals also say they will limit annual hydro rate increases to no more than inflation for the next four years, meaning rates will explode once this artificial lid comes off.
    That’s assuming the entire plan isn’t another one of Wynne’s “stretch goals” (see auto insurance) that she will abandon if she wins next year’s election.
    To be fair, hydro rates were going up no matter who won the 2003 election which brought the Liberals to power, because previous governments of all stripes had neglected the system.
    But they didn’t have to skyrocket as they did under the Liberals.
    That was due in large part to their reckless blunder into expensive and unreliable green energy, chiefly wind and solar power, which wasn’t needed to replace coal-fired electricity, the main justification the Liberals gave for skyrocketing hydro rates.
    (The Liberals actually replaced coal with nuclear power and natural gas.)
    In 2011, then auditor general Jim McCarter predicted that according to the Liberals’ own numbers, electricity rates would rise an average of 7.9% annually from 2010-2015 with 56% of that due to renewable energy.
    Electricity, McCarter warned, would cost consumers $4.4 billion more than necessary over 20 years, because the Liberals failed to follow the advice of their own experts by offering overly generous, 20-year contracts to wind and solar developers.
    By 2015, McCarter’s successor, Bonnie Lysyk, estimated the bill had soared to $9.2 billion, with the Liberals paying twice the average cost for wind power and 3.5 times the cost for solar power, compared to the U.S.
    The Liberals paid almost $2 billion for smart meters, double the original price tag.
    They cancelled two unpopular gas plants before the 2011 election (needed, in part, to back up wind power) at a cost of up to $1.1 billion over 20 years, according to the auditor general, 378% higher than the Liberals’ estimated cost of $230 million.
    Because their policies created an energy surplus — as many manufacturing companies closed due in part to high electricity prices — the Liberals had to pay renewable energy developers not to produce electricity, since they were contractually obligated to buy their power first, or sell it at a loss to the U.S.
    While the Liberals made blunder after blunder, the costs went up and up.
    In 2013, they predicted residential electricity prices would rise 42% by 2018.
    In the decade between 2006 and 2016 prices doubled, making Ontario’s electricity the most expensive in Canada, according to Hydro Quebec’s annual survey of major North American cities.
    With their so-called Fair Hydro Plan, the Liberals aren’t solving the mess they’ve made of electricity rates.
    They’re kicking it down the road and making it worse.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Scrape's Avatar
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    oh damn. Wynn!!!!!! I was going to share the same thing too since I know you love her so much!


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Next thing you know she's(IT) is going to give away money for free to get votes!

  5. #5
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Isn't she already?

  6. #6
    Member bbriann's Avatar
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    Have to pay for the "Free" wind and solar green electricity.
    Wait till all those windmills need rebuilt....
    Wind 14 cents
    Solar 48 cents
    Gas 16 cents
    Nuclear 7 cents
    Hydro 6 cents

  7. #7
    Member Ray721's Avatar
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    Nuclear would be even cheaper if they would consult guys that have been in the trades for a couple decades when planning jobs. Some of the shit they plan/do doesn't make any sense and is just wasteful. Doing the same job time and again due to poor planning is very frustrating.
    Follow me on Instagram @ray721_14gt for car pics and general shenanigans

    Because Rayscar!!!!

  8. #8
    2018 will be a good year if the fucking mindless sheep in this province wake the hell up and literally decimate the OLP in the upcoming election.....their record shouldn't even get them one damn seat

    let the PCs come in and clean up this fucking mess

    1) enact legislation that allows the province to kill all these fucking green-energy contracts without penalty
    2) kill the fucking contracts
    3) start paying down this fucking debt that costs us $1 Billion every month in interest payments
    4) tell all these activists and social-engineering wannabees to go suck a dick and find a real job

  9. #9
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Toronto, On
    WTF for Premier.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I'd vote for that!

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