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Thread: Good healthcare in Canada?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Good healthcare in Canada?

    I've always been of the opinion that our healthcare system was okay. Way too much over spending and room for improvement but if something happens to me or my kids then we are looked after.

    That opinion has changed.

    My brother lives in BC and while headed home alone from a friends he dropped his bike in some gravel and wiped into a curb.

    He woke up in the hospital both arms bandaged, face banged up. Confused (concision) and having no idea what had happened he pulled out the IV and left
    Wandered around his town for awhile before stumbling across his buddy's girlfriends place. She called his friend none of them know what had happened but took him back to the hospital. THEY DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS GONE!

    They said "oh he is fine" and discharged him.
    After not being able to form sentances and arms hurting really bad his buddy took him to the walkin clinic. Where the dr took one look at him and said you need to go to the hospital.

    Hospital would not take him back
    The walk in DR has been working with him and my dad has now flow down to help.
    Turns out severe concussion.
    Two broken arms. Bad road rash wish has gotten infected because it wasn't cleaned properly.

    Turns out BC has a 3 tear health system. And the local hospital is a tear 3.
    Even though my brother has the coverage for better they (hospital) decided that the 9 hour drive to a better hospital was not necessary

    Turns out. That a witness at the scean said he was slurring his words and not making proper sentences after the crash.
    The police assumed he was drunk. (Cuz going headfirst into a curb with only a Beenie on might. It cause that)

    So they put him in a room didn't do a cat scan, X-rays or nothing. Just rinsed off his wounds and wrapped him up. Didn't miss him when he was gone for hours.

    He lucky to be alive but this shows the despicable state of our healthcare. Especially in rural areas.

    Time will tell if there are long term damages from this.

  2. #2
    Club Supporter Old Fart's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Hope it turns out ok for your brother. I think the health care system is a little different in every province.

    04 GT
    89 LX...bye-bye!!
    67 Cougar x 2...should have kept them!

  3. #3
    Admin ZR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Toronto, On
    No difference here. Wife was at a wedding reception, mid way through her first drink, passed out. Upon arriving at the hospital, quick look over n smelled rest of the drink that was all over her dress n wrongly assumed she was drunk n dumped her out in the hall on a gurney with rails up. Upon my arrival, take one look at her n ask head nurse if anyone had noticed her MEDIC ALERT / DIABETIC bracelet. Ya, she'd had a reaction and passed out due to a diabetic complication and was not intoxicated. Talk about seeing peeps fly into action from there on forward. Thankfully a friend at the reception called me and I arrived at the hospital before she quietly passed away.
    We had a similar situation happen when she was in hospital for a procedure.
    How either of these incidents could happen in a hospital seems inexcusable.

  4. #4
    I hope your brother is OK

    my opinion on our health care system ever since my wife had a serious health scare is that once you're admitted into hospital, then you're in damn good hands....but the problem is they don't seem to want to admit you

    I think the number crunchers running the place must be telling the front line to look for any reason why you should go home in an effort to save money or something

    if I ever meet the emergency room asshole again, who sent my wife home with a 15cm section of her colon so infected that it was perforated and had an abscess......I won't be too fucking pleasant with him I can guarantee you

    and I won't give the douchebag an inch of slack on the issue because we had her into emergency for an MRI 4 weeks prior...she had already been given meds that didn't work and the condition had worsened....hardly eating, losing weight she barely had in the first place.....it was fucking malpractice imo

    if that abscess had burst....it would have likely been the worst outcome that you never want to think about

    but when I finally got her admitted...the pros showed up...and they were on their game....and she's as good as new now

    my wife's new regular DR went through the 115 page file on the issue and can't understand why they didn't admit her on the first visit

    and it's obviously not an isolated case based on what I'm reading

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