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Thread: Ok riders help me out a bit...

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Clutt gt View Post
    Can't imagine you feel all that safe in the Morgan Tim.
    nope...not the safest feeling at all....I like that fact that the car is loud as fuck so they hear you and start looking for you....much like a rider with loud pipes

    I'm super defensive driving it....and much like a bike...my mindset at all times is that they can't see me and I drive accordingly

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    In some ways, Warren, I didn't want to say anything really negative. But since other people opened the floodates....
    I do a thousand or more kilometres a week all season, and I see a lot of idiot drivers. A LOT! There are so many people who should NOT have a licence, period. "situational awareness" is non existant. Today I was in the middle lane of the 407 at about 125 km/hr, and someone pulled directly in front of me from the right, for absolutely no apparent reason and with no warning, and was doing, at best 80k. I have adaptive cruise control and the "collision warning" lights went off like a christmas tree and the car slammed it's brakes on. God only knows what would have happened if I'd been on a bike.
    riding a motorcycle in and of itself is a tremedous amount of fun. Wind in the face, no restrictions, plenty of power. But, there are too many other factors to lessen the experience, such as traffic. I gave it up becuase I got tired of riding when it was too hot, or too cold, or raining, but mostly becuase it's f*cking scary out there. I've been driving all around this city every day for 38 years for my business, sometimes doing 1200 or more k's a week. The competence and level of attention-paying by a majority of drivers has deteriorated hugely in that time, and I personally would never want to ride in traffic again.
    However, it's your choice, your body, and your life. If you choose to ride, just make sure you get a good helmet, gloves, boots and a balistic jacket with hard shoulder and elbow guards, and a back plate. Don't EVER wear floppies, shorts, or a t-shirt, no matter the weather. I saw a guy on a sport bike last year on the 407 at well over the speed limit in bare feet and bare chested, with only a pair of shorts on and a cheapie helmet. His girlfriend on the back was wearing... a bikini. One bad move and they're done!
    1971 Avanti II,
    '89 Coupe, , 22 Bronco sport
    '21 Bronco 4-door, 22 Mustang vert
    '18 Ecosport, , 96 Mustang GT vert

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    In the garage
    Well I'm a fairly new rider but I am a current rider. Yes keep your head up and try to predict what can happen.
    Plan an escape route for situations before they happen because they might happen.
    But holly guys it's not that bad. People make it sound like you stand little to no chance of survival once you swing your leg over the bike.
    My dad has well over 30 years riding has had 8 different bikes, rode with all 5 kids and one of 2 wives as passengers.
    He has been to Tenessee and rode the tail of the dragon twice, he has rode all the way to Florida and back, he has been to Nova Scotia and separately to Newfoundland. He's logged thousands of miles.
    He put me on my first bike at 6 years old. Then 30 years latter he introduced me to the street riding his chopper.
    I would like to think he has not been trying to kill us all.
    I'm not sure how many rider friends we have between the two of us but there are dozens and most of the bike stories I hear about on a ride or about a ride are positive ones that don't involve near death experiences.
    Ride safe, ride smart and for gods sake don't ride in Toronto. There is nothing worth seeing there anyhow.
    Get on a bike any bike and get out there, it's great.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    In the garage
    Well tonight I had the pleasure of a test ride on a 2016 Honda CBR 300R.
    Here is my honest opinion of the bike.
    Looks kinda cool, kinda sporty, but you can tell its not it's bigger brother.
    Performance was nonexistent, and trust me I ride a Harley, my expectations are not that high when it comes to performance. This thing was slow realy realy slow.
    If you like performance at all then do not start on this bike. Just go straight to a 600 and be smart and grow into it.
    On this 300 you will be bored and wanting more within a month.

    Now not all bad
    If you plan to use this bike like a city dwelling Vespa only slightly cooler in the looks department.
    It might just work for that. It's very light, very easy to ride, turns great, not horribly uncomfortable.

    So this is just my take on the 2016 CBR 300R
    Sport bike skin on a scooter.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    In the garage
    This is the type of bike I would suggest as a starter based on the info you have give us.

  6. #46
    Shake and bake! CDNfyrfytr's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    I bet that would be a fun bike^^^^

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    “Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! Help me Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me! Help me Oprah Winfrey!” — Ricky Bobby

  7. #47
    My Avatar is hot Intmdtr's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Wasaga Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by Clutt gt View Post
    This is the type of bike I would suggest as a starter based on the info you have give us.
    And Warren should know exactly where that is. Seen the bike on my way to work this morn. at the Yamaha dealer.
    "Without Warning, Without Conscience"

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