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Thread: Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown resigns over sexual allegations!

  1. #1
    Member 83 5.0's Avatar
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    Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown resigns over sexual allegations!


    Always wondered how the PC's were going to eff up this election given Tory and Hudaks blunders, hope they have a good plan B, or Kathleen Wynne is going to skate back to power.

    Never was happy with how he got elected (I am a PC supporter) it should have been Christine Elliots (Jim Flaherty's wife) place to take on Wynne and the Liberals.
    Glad retirement is only a few years out.
    What a shite show.

  2. #2
    It looks so bad it’s as if the PCs are on the libs payroll

  3. #3
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    I've got such a freakin hate on for politics and all the spin off bullshit that comes with it. Given the stakes of an election coming up, who actually did what or who put the wheels in motion, we have no idea whats real.

  4. #4
    Club Supporter mavrrrick's Avatar
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    I think its all bullshit smear campaign, however listening to him in his press conference he sounds like a wussy. Someone we want running province...? Dunno. JMO

  5. #5
    What I was thinking... Seems pretty convenient and in this liberal society the false accusers will just get a "thank you" from wynne. I doubt very much Brown is guilty, it's all a liberal scandal for sure... They are desperate to stay in power and they're evil enough to resort to this sort of thing.

    Welp, here's another 20+ years of higher taxes, policies for the lazy, higher cost of life, the financial rape of anyone who makes more than $100,000 a year... F the liberals... (sad thing is, technically I'm left leaning but never voted liberal or NDP in my life)...

  6. #6
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    Damn near broke my clock radio whe. It turned on to the news and that’s the story I woke up to

    If real he should be prosecuted but one thing I’ve noticed in the last few months with the thousands of people being called out. Dosnt seem to be a lot of charges laid. But maybe that’s just not making the news

    I’m hoping it’s just a smear to put him out
    Think he made the right call stepping down. Regardless of it being true it will be true to all the liberals and be used against him regardless if the accusers end up being proven as Liers and charged themselves.

    Hopefully this gives them time to right the ship before June.

  7. #7
    Off my meds again
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    Let this be a lesson. If you own a business, don't hire women. And if you've already got women working for you, never talk to them alone and make sure your office is under 24 hour surveillance just so there's no he said - she said bullshit.

    If you're just an employee, keep contact with women as brief as possible and never talk to them alone.

  8. #8
    Peekaboo, I see you! True Blue's Avatar
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    Guilty or not, I never liked him... He was the wrong choice as the PC leader. Hopefully the party can bounce back from this, otherwise we're fucked yet again.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by StAnger View Post
    Let this be a lesson. If you own a business, don't hire women. And if you've already got women working for you, never talk to them alone and make sure your office is under 24 hour surveillance just so there's no he said - she said bullshit.

    If you're just an employee, keep contact with women as brief as possible and never talk to them alone.
    Sad to say isn't it... Not all people are like that thankfully but when it comes to the work place... be damn sure to be as PC as possible and for a guy like me it's F-ing hard as F... I honestly treat everyone as equals that includes stupid jokes, now though, I have to be a boring vanilla guilty of everything white straight male... might as well be hitler.

    People just need a good smack on the head. Now, if you even scratch your crotch because of an itch, you can be on City Panic as a sex offender.

  10. #10
    Off my meds again
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stangstevers View Post
    Sad to say isn't it... Not all people are like that thankfully but when it comes to the work place... be damn sure to be as PC as possible and for a guy like me it's F-ing hard as F... I honestly treat everyone as equals that includes stupid jokes, now though, I have to be a boring vanilla guilty of everything white straight male... might as well be hitler.

    People just need a good smack on the head. Now, if you even scratch your crotch because of an itch, you can be on City Panic as a sex offender.
    I honest don't care. They can compare me to Hitler, it doesn't bother me. It won't shut me up, and nor should it shut anyone up.

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