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Thread: Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown resigns over sexual allegations!

  1. #121
    Retired Biz's Avatar
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    680 news is reporting:

    Patrick Brown registers to run for leadership of Ontario PC party: sources

    Patrick Brown has registered to reclaim the leadership of the Ontario PC Party, sources tell CityNews.

    The move comes just weeks after he abruptly stepped down as leader amid sexual misconduct allegations and on the same day interim leader Vic Fidelli announced Brown would no longer be welcome in caucus.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I heard they booted him out and told him if he wants to run it will have to be as an Independent?

  3. #123
    Member Minaccia's Avatar
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    I don't think the PC's want Brown since nobody knew who he was before all this crap began and now everyone knows Brown for all the wrong reasons, they are backing Mulroney and she will take down Redenbacher.
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  4. #124
    what a shitshow

    that CP24 coverage looked like Rob Ford came back from the dead and threw his hat in the ring

    I feel for Patrick Brown....anonymous allegations backed by a major TV network.....who after 3 weeks look like they're ripe for a huge legal settlement for shoddy reporting.....should not sink a career

    I was hoping (after reading the holes shot through the allegations) that he'd just run as an independent for his Barrie seat and win in a landslide....which would send a message to all these fucking virtue-signalling-toxic-waste-politicians, that due process is what your preach...instead of this "we always believe the survivors" bullshit....and it would stop that shit dead in it's tracks

    but....this is entertaining to say the least

    and I still think Wynne and the libs are fucking toast regardless

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Legwound View Post
    anyone remember when the Bob Rae NDP won out of protest votes?
    oh yeah...I was trying to carve my way up the ladder while that fucking disaster took place...it was far from pleasant

    2 cents on Patrick Brown's chances here of PC leadership

    1) the People's Guarantee (his platform) was a good deck.....had the rubber-stamp from non-partisan pros that it is doable...very hard to debate against from the opposition
    2) carbon tax - SockBoy in Ottawa is gonna implement some sort of carbon tax on every province whether they like it or not.....so as a province we can't say NO....but we can say HOW (revenue neutral vs right into the gov't purse)
    3) every PC leader candidate besides Brown has said they'll axe the carbon tax...but they can't
    4) the funding for all these spending bells and whistles in the People's Guarantee come from the carbon tax
    5) all PC candidates besides Brown will say you get all the bells and whistles without it.....and they're blowing smoke
    5) the only one of the candidates telling the truth on policy is Patrick Brown
    6) the only policy that the Libs can't blow holes through in a debate is Patrick Brown's

    a bit of a mess eh?

    good news is the masses don't either have a clue or give a shit

  6. #126
    PC party needs to turf Brown's application for Leader of the Party now.....with this financing shitshow

    they can not accept his application and should

    tell him to run for his seat as an independent and leave it at that

    been watching a bunch of twitter-laundry get thrown around over the weekend and the lot of them are a bunch of fucktards

    and I'm not talking specifically about the Ont PCs.......I'm talking ALLLLL of these bullshitters and their handlers

    we simple peons who pay massive taxes on our income are being taken to the cleaners by thousands of incompetent and dysfunctional fucks who pretend to run this province and country

    all of them

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by WTF View Post
    PC party needs to turf Brown's application for Leader of the Party now.....with this financing shitshow

    they can not accept his application and should

    tell him to run for his seat as an independent and leave it at that

    been watching a bunch of twitter-laundry get thrown around over the weekend and the lot of them are a bunch of fucktards

    and I'm not talking specifically about the Ont PCs.......I'm talking ALLLLL of these bullshitters and their handlers

    we simple peons who pay massive taxes on our income are being taken to the cleaners by thousands of incompetent and dysfunctional fucks who pretend to run this province and country

    all of them
    This is bad press and needs to go away - this reeks of Liberal vote buying. Less and less likely to turf Wynne and her cronies now because these guys look like a bunch of idiots now (some crooked and some incompetent).

  8. #128
    Brown dropped out

    although still going to run for his Barrie seat

    claims his family is being harassed

    he'll tell his supporters to vote for Elliot imo.....and if she wins and he wins his seat....payback in a cabinet position

  9. #129
    Retired Biz's Avatar
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    In out in out!!!
    Make up your mind.
    TBH he wouldn't win and why he thought he would now is beyond me.
    The trust is gone.

  10. #130
    nom nom nom RedSN's Avatar
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    The craziness continues.

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