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Thread: Looking for immigrants? Why yes, yes we are.

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkhorse View Post
    I'm not an immigration expert, but I always understood there is really only 3 ways into Canada:

    1. Buy your way in (not cheap) have to invest or open a business.
    2. Get sponsored in by marriage or a relative
    3. Refugee

    Everyone seems to focus on the negativity of the third. If your home country is war torn or you are not safe, or even if you did everything right and earned a good living over there, but could lose it all over corruption or war, you'd be moving too. Just imagine going to China at age 35 and having to learn the language at that stage.....not easy.

    If we had to buy our way into another country to have a better life, I'm curious how many of us could even afford it.

    I'm too busy making my own living to worry about others.

    I guess it's an easy target as to why some people don't do better.....blame the immigrants.

    Yes, both my parents were immigrants from other countries.
    The majority of immigrants to my knowledge go through the 4th option which would actually be #1 on your list by the number of people annualy: a points based system at which "Express Entry" is at the top of that grouping (below that the points system still applies but you're not put to the front of the line). This is likely how many of the members on here with immigrant parents likely ended up in Canada because it is probably close to a generation old in some format or another. I believe the refugee category is at the low end of the pool in terms of the numbers included in the 333K per year that is being referenced.

    Some people misconstrue the programs and the data (ie. promote an idea that the majority of the people coming in/brought in are in #3 on your list) either through xenophobia or lack of knowledge but they also complain about high taxes and lament the possible absence of programs for when they become seniors, or their kids become seniors (ie. CPP, OAS, etc) - under either Conservative or Liberal philosophies - but I assume they don't understand macroeconomics of these programs (333K per year may not even be sufficient to sustain an adequate tax base with the % of population above 55 years of age today and current death rates). Refugee numbers do need to be managed but another aspect of this (I am making an educated guess) is that a sub-factor in the equation is they are "acquiring" children in the refugee numbers (my understanding is that families are the largest component) since children/second generations typically do better than their parent immigrants who have to start over but their kids go to school here and are better prepared for our economic structure.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellow Yellow View Post

    But if anyone on this forum says ANYTHING against Islam we would be subject to criminal proceedings and possible jail.
    While I don't think we need a Bill M103, can you clarify your point as it pertains to what would happen under the laws of Canada if we on the forum do this?

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92redragtop View Post
    While I don't think we need a Bill M103, can you clarify your point as it pertains to what would happen under the laws of Canada if we on the forum do this?
    fines and potential jail time. its happened nit sure about on forums specifically but there was a comedian who was charged after telling a joke in a set.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5.4MarkVIII View Post
    fines and potential jail time. its happened nit sure about on forums specifically but there was a comedian who was charged after telling a joke in a set.
    Are you re-posting a fake news story from a right wing site or something? How would a comedian get charged under M103? Do you know the details of that M103 offence/charge? So if you get charged under M103 you can be levied a fine and or jail time? Is this what the previous poster also meant with regard to forum posting?

    I know people like Gavin and Goldy push this rhetoric but is that what would happen?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legwound View Post
    that's an interesting question. I did 5 minutes of digging on consequences of violating M103 and couldn't find anything specific. I don't imagine it'll be a stern talking to.
    We're being told we'll be charged, fined, locked up, and flogged as a result - just trying to understand what that means based on the claims under this law posted about above.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legwound View Post
    How do the authorities typically react when you violate the rules?
    What are the "rules" under the law?

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92redragtop View Post
    While I don't think we need a Bill M103, can you clarify your point as it pertains to what would happen under the laws of Canada if we on the forum do this?
    I wasn't specifically speaking about comments made on the forum; just generally that individually anyone on this forum could run afoul under M103 if we stated anti Islam comments in public.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellow Yellow View Post
    I wasn't specifically speaking about comments made on the forum; just generally that individually anyone on this forum could be charged under M103 if we stated anti Islam comments in public.
    Understood - I was curious about how that would occur - for someone to be in violation, get charged, fined, and/or arrested (and not from the perspective of Goldy or Gavin - from an actual legal mechanism perspective).

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legwound View Post
    I'd imagine it'd be case specific with varying enforcement and penalties depending on what victim group you can identify with.

    Different statute, but take the example of the man who raped a male child in a swimming pool change room in Windsor area. He wasn't penalized as he was from a different culture where this was acceptable. If the perp would have been a white male he'd be someone's boyfriend behind bars for a long time.
    Mixing up unrelated laws doesn't address the question though - how would one get charged and punished under the M103 law? I'm not getting how the legal mechanism works.

  10. #20
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    So it's not a law then? Can one still get charged, fined, and incarcerated?

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