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Thread: Our PM in action..........disgusting

  1. #11

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Absolutely sickening. Problem is....who's really paying attention/cares. Apathy is what is killing our country...

    Here's the voter turn out for the last 3 Federal elections according to Elections Canada. Sorry for the formatting.....

    Date of election Population # of Electors on lists Total ballots cast Voter turnout %

    14 October 2008 31,612,897 23,677,639 13,929,093 58.8%
    2 May 2011 33,476,688 24,257,592 14,823,408 61.1%
    19 October 2015 33,476,688 25,939,742 17,711,983 68.3%

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Looks like he uses the same excuse for ethic violations as he does for sexual assaults on women.

    I uhhhh, remember uhhhh it differently uhhhhhhhh.

  4. #14
    Watch this... I bet trudeau will pay jihadis jack millions as well... bring him over so he can be free to roam too.

  5. #15
    Off my meds again
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Legwound View Post
    Trudeau cooked up some debate rules specifically designed to exclude Bernier (is he so dangerous that he shouldn't be allowed to debate?).

    since when is the government in charge of debates? Aren't they usually sponsored by a university or the press with debaters invited? How is governmental debate rules not an infringement of freedom of expression?

    Elizabeth May was invited previously with less qualification than Bernier, coincidentally her enviro policies agree with the Libs and she spends all her time attacking conservatives but what does that have to do with it. Additionally Bernier actually has more candidates running than the liberals.

    So here's one of her candidates that she forced a resignation from. The issue is the candidate thought it was a good idea to speak out against a guy who set his wife on fire trying to kill her (3rd degree burns, near death). Does this mean that Elizabeth May believes this to be an approved way to deal with ex's?


    Do you still believe that Canada is a democracy? With the main 3 parties and the fringe Greens trying to show which party is the most progressive, it's clear to see that we're slip sliding our way down the shitter faster than ever.

    We're fucked if the CPC win, certainly fucked if the NDP win, and really fucked if the Libs lie, cheat and steal their way to another term.

  6. #16
    Club Sammich baddbullitt's Avatar
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    Alberta baby!!!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  7. #17
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Toronto, On
    The Liberals have a narrow three-and-a-half point lead over the Conservatives nationally but have opened up a sizeable advantage in Ontario, a new poll has found.
    Mainstreet Research polled 1,876 Canadians over the weekend and found that Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party has the support of 37.5 per cent of decided and leaning voters compared to 34 per cent for Andrew Scheer’s Conservative party. The Green party were in third with the support of 10.8 per cent of decided or leaning voters while the NDP were in fourth (8.4 per cent) and the People’s Party were in fifth (4.6 per cent). The Bloc Quebecois, meanwhile, had the support of 15.5 per cent of voters in Quebec.
    In Ontario, the Liberals had the support of 45.3 per cent of decided or leaning voters compared to 30.4 per cent for the Conservatives, 10.1 per cent for the Greens and 7.5 per cent for the NDP.

    The Liberals also performed well in Atlantic Canada (49.1 per cent) and Quebec (40.3 per cent). The Conservatives, meanwhile, were the top choice in Alberta (63 per cent) and the Prairies (50.8 per cent).
    “This is bad news for Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives as the Liberals have crossed the 40 per cent mark in Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and Ontario,” Mainstreet Research President and CEO Quito Maggi said in a press release. “If the election were held today, the Liberals would comfortably win a majority. The solace for the other parties is that the election is not going to be held today and that they will have the entire writ period to chip into the Liberal lead.”
    While the Liberals appear to be off to an early lead ahead of the official start of the federal campaign, the Mainstreet Research poll found that there was some room for improvement for Andrew Scheer’s Conservative party.
    A total of 11.1 per cent of all respondents said that they remain undecided.
    The poll is considered accurate to within 2.26 percentage times, 19 times out of 20.

  8. #18
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Toronto, On
    Is everyone in Ontario out of their minds????

  9. #19
    I follow a lot of left leaning social media sites and I don't think the trend is to vote for that idiot again. The millennials who got us into this mess are more likely to not vote, vote for green or NDP before the liberals. He doesn't seem very popular. He has effectively let a lot of people down and hoping that the "anti harper" BS will still work.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    yes. the biggest complaint I'm hearing about Trudeau in certain circles is he is not far enough left.

    this may prove to an advantage as Ive heard some unions at putting their support behind the NDP.

    its possible we may actually be moving away from the two party race

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