I see these lists pop up in various locations over the years, like in Haggarty magazine, newspapers etc... and this one piece of advice is almost always nearly missing, and I appreciate you putting this on your list:

"- don't start the engine while it sits over the winter unless your in a position to take for a decent drive."

This is great advice. If oil can't get up to 160F (or more) the by- products of combustion are distributed around the engine anywhere that touches oil. Most times idling for even hours is not enough time to get oil to this "warmed" up temperature, enough to eliminate the moisture and acid that make it into the oil. Anyway thanks ZR for this important and often overlooked piece of advice.

... now, if this topic wasn't controversial enough, if you could please tell me on my motorcycle to "drain the bowl or not" over the winter ... that would be great!
(I cover my exhaust and squeeze a bit of oil into the cylinders and rotate a few before it sleeps as well).