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Thread: Adamson BBQ

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ZR View Post
    ^ Easy answer, because only 2/3 of us are doing the right thing while the other 1/3 choose to disregard it.
    I don’t thing those numbers are accurate at all

    Sure there are a couple people being dicks about it, but by no means 1/3. And by that logic the outbreaks would correlate with places they have been. Since the majority of outbreaks seem to be, care homes and hospitals, A place where masks are 100% mandatory for anyone coming in. I’d say there is more to the story.

  2. #92
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Accurate number or not (pulled it out of a hat for example only), the virus does not spread itself, humans being dumb ass's do. Appalling how many you see in stores with either no mask or mask around their neck or mask covering mouth only.

  3. #93
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    Yeah I get that. Can’t speak for the city but around here everyone is wearing when out and about.

  4. #94
    Member bluetoy's Avatar
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    I have yet to see someone not wearing a mask in a store. I have seen idiots bumping into each other and crowding each other though..

  5. #95
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Polar opposite here, rare to go into a store without seeing a person or persons.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZR View Post
    Accurate number or not (pulled it out of a hat for example only), the virus does not spread itself, humans being dumb ass's do. Appalling how many you see in stores with either no mask or mask around their neck or mask covering mouth only.
    Yup - too many folks in stores and line-ups who won't wear it properly. Not sure if they don't know, don't believe, or don't care.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minaccia View Post
    IMO, the anti-maskers are all attention seekers that's why they have to tell us they are one. They remind me of vegetarians, everyone has to know they're different from the rest.
    I’m anti bullshit Lou , but can’t smell it through a mask so I’ll wear it where required otherwise stay 6 ft from me & you’ll be safe ...

  8. #98
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    Apr 2014
    been sharing this like mad https://twitter.com/aginnt/status/13...821381634?s=20

    you tube keeps removing the video and facebook has removed posts.

    Mike Rowe's comment
    Mike Rowe’s comments
    Enough already.
    This woman is right to be angry. She’s right to be scared. And she’s right to be protesting. Please watch this short video and share it. Or, just keep reading, and I’ll tell you what it contains.
    The woman in the video has been deemed “non-essential,” because her business has been deemed, “unsafe” by the Mayor of Los Angeles. Like every other restaurant owner, she is shut down. Even after spending a small fortune to build an outdoor space, and following all the government guidelines, she is once again out of business. And yet, right next door to her restaurant - in the parking lot not fifty feet from her own outdoor patio - a movie company has been allowed to set up a massive catering operation, in order to feed the enormous cast and crew of whatever film is being made.
    Full disclosure, I’ve been working since March, because I am among those who have been deemed “essential” by the state. Why? Beats me. I can only tell you that I’ve been flying all over the country filming commercials, making TV shows, and even giving a few socially distanced speeches. I’ve followed all the safety protocols, and in no instance did I ever feel uncomfortable with the risk I had assumed. In fact, I’m flying again next week to film another project, and while the production won’t leave a footprint as large as a movie set, the crew and I will be dining outdoors in the same basic conditions you see in this video. Point being, I’ve been able to keep my people employed, so I suppose I should be grateful to the Governor of California and the Mayor of Los Angeles for allowing me to do so. But I do not feel grateful to them. I feel angry. I feel angry because of what’s happening to this woman.
    Friends of this page know that I’ve been writing and talking about the business of “essentiality” since March, mostly because people ask me about it every single day. Dirty Jobs was, and still is, the “granddaddy of essential working shows,” so people assume I’ll have nice things to say about America’s essential workers. And of course, I do. But I have also warned from the very beginning of these devastating lockdowns, that ALL workers are essential to someone – even if only to their families or to themselves. And I have looked with deep suspicion upon the logic that allows our leaders to determine, in their sole discretion, who is essential, and who is not. Especially those officials who tell us that “our safety is their responsibility.” I still remember Governor’s Cuomo’s incredible statement months ago.
    “Any measure is justified,” he said, “if it can save a single life.”
    As I argued over the summer, if saving lives was really his top priority, he’d lower the speed limit to ten miles an hour and outlaw left turns. And if “flattening the curve” was really the goal of the lockdowns - as he and so many others assured us for months - then we’d only lockdown when the hospitals were overwhelmed. But the Governor not only said what he said, he repeated it – over and over again. “Any measure is justified, if it can save a single life.”
    How in the world did we get to a point where we allowed the prospect of a single to death to paralyze a country of 330 million people? When did “staying alive for as long as possible,” become more important than the freedom to assume our own risk? And how can anyone expect the woman in this video to obey her elected officials - officials who brazenly violate their own rules and regulations? Gavin Newsome caught dining at the French Laundry is not a small thing. Neither is Nancy Pelosi, caught mask-less in a salon closed to the public, or the mayors of San Francisco and Chicago, all caught red-handed violating their own edicts? These are ENORMOUS things. Not just because their actions reveal their hypocrisy – which is truly rank - but because their actions show us in undeniable living color, that THEY ARE NOT AFRAID.
    Which begs the obvious question, why are we?
    Or more to the point, why do they want us to be?
    I’ll say again what I said in March. We are not, at base, a “Safety First” nation. For short periods of time, we might choose to put our safety above our liberty, but not for long. Especially when our leaders peddle policies with no rhyme, no reason, and no sense of fairness. If I can follow sensible protocols in the course of filming a TV show, shouldn’t the woman in this video be allowed to follow the same protocols while serving her customers?
    If someone in charge doesn’t address the fundamental inequity unfolding in her parking lot, I’m afraid the pushback is going to make the protests we saw this summer look like a parade. I think we’re going to see a level of unparalleled civil disobedience. Because in the end, it’s easy to forgive our leaders, when their mistakes are born of ignorance and stupidity. But it’s nearly impossible to overlook the proclamations of a hypocrite or deny what we can all see with our own eyes. The evidence demands a verdict.
    Watch the video again.
    And pass it on.

  9. #99
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    I don't think she tests all her customers that come in?

  10. #100
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92redragtop View Post
    I don't think she tests all her customers that come in?
    Was never a requirement. Have not heard that being a requirement for the movie staff

    Was she given the chance to adopt that? Or just told shut down and shut up while these millionaires get to keep working?

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