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Thread: Post whatever is on your mind!!

  1. #18831
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    That first term went by quickly?

    Phil will be happy.

  2. #18832
    Super Moderator Stephen06GT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 92redragtop View Post
    That first term went by quickly?

    Phil will be happy.
    Yes and yes.

  3. #18833
    Member Laffs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5.4MarkVIII View Post
    The most infuriating part about the lockdowns coming back is people who will retain pay checks dispite being sent home, preaching to the people who risk losing everything “that we are all in this together and all need to make sacrifices.”

    The second most infuriating thing is DIRECTLY following the news report talking about how everything will be locked down again because small business are too dangerous. They go to sports and talk about how pro hockey will resume across Canada. With teams continuing to travel back and forth across the country.
    And this only days after a guy was arrested for playing hockey out doors.
    What's the alternative?
    Quote Originally Posted by ludacris View Post
    I'm Supercharged with the HideAway License Plate

  4. #18834
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    dont know. but if lock downs dont stop spread and only cause job losses, business closing and bankruptcies then what is the benefit of diving back into them?

  5. #18835
    Member Laffs's Avatar
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    Well unfortunately we've hit the stage where trying to get everyone to behave and follow safety protocols hasn't really worked and the numbers are skyrocketing. I'm normally 100% anti government telling me what to do but like, I unfortunately don't see much other option. That said there's a lot of support programs for businesses out there so everyone needs to be on top of that, take as much support as you're entitled to.
    Quote Originally Posted by ludacris View Post
    I'm Supercharged with the HideAway License Plate

  6. #18836
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    there is another option. quarantine the sick, contract trace as much as possible. protect the Vulnerable. keep the masks, sanitizing and distancing mandates. and everyone else take personal responsibility to determine your own risk level. which for the majority of the population is very very low, stop the media fear mongering and give people full, accurate information to make their own decision on. If your not comfortable going out no one is forcing you. if you have underlying conditions there are plenty of programs and business that can deliver what ever you need directly to your door. it makes no sense trashing the economy and destroying more lives.

  7. #18837
    Member Laffs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5.4MarkVIII View Post
    there is another option. quarantine the sick, contract trace as much as possible. protect the Vulnerable. keep the masks, sanitizing and distancing mandates. and everyone else take personal responsibility to determine your own risk level. which for the majority of the population is very very low, stop the media fear mongering and give people full, accurate information to make their own decision on. If your not comfortable going out no one is forcing you. if you have underlying conditions there are plenty of programs and business that can deliver what ever you need directly to your door. it makes no sense trashing the economy and destroying more lives.
    Sure, except that's basically where we were at, unless you mean ramp up enforcement of that which probably would cost the tax payer more than they could handle in that regard. We were already at "only go out if you feel comfortable and sick people quarantine" levels and it got way way way worse. It's already proven the honour system of enforcement on gatherings and social distancing doesn't work, health units are stretched to the brink and can't keep tabs on the current case loads, and sanitizing and distancing measures are mandatory everywhere.

    Also I don't think we really can judge the risks and make blanket calls that most of the population will be fine this early in the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by ludacris View Post
    I'm Supercharged with the HideAway License Plate

  8. #18838
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laffs View Post
    Sure, except that's basically where we were at, unless you mean ramp up enforcement of that which probably would cost the tax payer more than they could handle in that regard. We were already at "only go out if you feel comfortable and sick people quarantine" levels and it got way way way worse. It's already proven the honour system of enforcement on gatherings and social distancing doesn't work, health units are stretched to the brink and can't keep tabs on the current case loads, and sanitizing and distancing measures are mandatory everywhere.

    Also I don't think we really can judge the risks and make blanket calls that most of the population will be fine this early in the game.
    agree on some points disagree on others.
    I'm not saying that the method i advocate for will stop the spread. it wont. but nether will lockdowns. the sad reality is this is a dangerous virus and people are going to die. I feel that the last 9 months have shown us that lockdowns only make the fall out worse. The WHO says the same thing.

    I disagree on the point that health units are stretched to the brink. I say that as someone who has family that work in hospitals. 4 extended family members being drs in one form or another. (and i dont mean a doctorate in education lol) Ontario added over 3000 beds specifically for covid positives. Currently there are only like 915 people in hospital. multiple drs and nurses in Ontario are reporting empty hospitals despite them saying they are over capacity and "stretched to the brink.
    my area as an example. we are now locked down like everyone else. despite only 50 active cases across our entire municipality and only 3 people currently in hospital from covid. how do you justify thousands of people out of work. and shutting down business many to never open again. for 3 hospital beds taken up.

    I also disagree with this being early in the game. the top medical professionals in the world have been working on this. we know what it is, we know what it does, we have a fairly good idea of the death rate and there are working vaccines rolling out.

    its time our leaders stop politicizing and fearmongering and start being open about the realities of the situations and work to mitigate all losses as much as possible. that includes both lives and lively hoods.

    I would strongly suggest people go directly to the government websites and start reading into some of the death stats for 2020.
    government lockdowns and fearmongering have increased deaths from drugs, suicides, hear attacks, strokes, diabetes, ect ect. the increase this year from last is far greater that the number that have died from covid. these deaths should be factored into decisions to continue down the same path.

  9. #18839
    Member Laffs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5.4MarkVIII View Post
    agree on some points disagree on others.
    I'm not saying that the method i advocate for will stop the spread. it wont. but nether will lockdowns. the sad reality is this is a dangerous virus and people are going to die. I feel that the last 9 months have shown us that lockdowns only make the fall out worse. The WHO says the same thing.

    I disagree on the point that health units are stretched to the brink. I say that as someone who has family that work in hospitals. 4 extended family members being drs in one form or another. (and i dont mean a doctorate in education lol) Ontario added over 3000 beds specifically for covid positives. Currently there are only like 915 people in hospital. multiple drs and nurses in Ontario are reporting empty hospitals despite them saying they are over capacity and "stretched to the brink.
    my area as an example. we are now locked down like everyone else. despite only 50 active cases across our entire municipality and only 3 people currently in hospital from covid. how do you justify thousands of people out of work. and shutting down business many to never open again. for 3 hospital beds taken up.

    I also disagree with this being early in the game. the top medical professionals in the world have been working on this. we know what it is, we know what it does, we have a fairly good idea of the death rate and there are working vaccines rolling out.

    its time our leaders stop politicizing and fearmongering and start being open about the realities of the situations and work to mitigate all losses as much as possible. that includes both lives and lively hoods.

    I would strongly suggest people go directly to the government websites and start reading into some of the death stats for 2020.
    government lockdowns and fearmongering have increased deaths from drugs, suicides, hear attacks, strokes, diabetes, ect ect. the increase this year from last is far greater that the number that have died from covid. these deaths should be factored into decisions to continue down the same path.
    Weird cause I got my symptoms last Monday, couldn't get tested until Wednesday night and had to go an hour outside my city to get one that early, didn't get my test results until Sunday and was told today the Health Unit is at least 7 days behind on calling me to contact trace/tell me what I should be doing. I tried calling today and the operator there basically said they're overwhelmed. So that seems pretty stretched.

    Also I'm 33, workout every other day, eat healthier than 90% of people, don't smoke do drugs or have any pre existing health conditions and let me tell you. It fuuuuuuuuucking suuuuuuuuuucks.
    Quote Originally Posted by ludacris View Post
    I'm Supercharged with the HideAway License Plate

  10. #18840
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    Hope you recover quickly.

    Our area is still getting results within a couple days.

    Testing has been said to be the most important thing from the beginning and yet is one of the things most governments seem to be failing to stay on top of. But I don’t think that testing problems is the same as hospitals overwhelmed

    Rest lots and get better

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