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Thread: Vaccination, who's received it and which one?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2014
    My sister has received the Moderna (she is a personal support worker), my mother in law received Moderna (nurse) and my wife's grandfather (96) also received Moderna. My sister had some issues with her arm for a day or so, potentially because of an auto-immune disease she has. Other than that, no issues

    As someone with an underlying respiratory issue waiting to have major surgery at Toronto General, I can only hope as many people get this vaccine as possible to limit this third wave and relieve the congestion in the ICU's to allow surgical wards to re-open


  2. #32
    Club Supporter hammerhead's Avatar
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    Melancthon,Ontario, Canada
    this morning on the news a gentleman received one shot and was informed his second dose will be a different brand (he was ok with that) - how is that possible - will they react - 16 weeks between shots - just seems to shoot from the hip for me - I will wait cause if the USA won't approve the astrazeneca but feel it's ok for Canadians I will wait - It's sad the hospital situation, but that wasn't caused from antivaxxers and the roll out is typical of the speed of our government to get things done...not sure why when things open up the hospital rate and cases climb - must be a fluke
    1979 Pace Car 302 4spd
    1981 Cobra t-top option - power to be determined, in the works

  3. #33
    Member bluetoy's Avatar
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    Here's my .02. Getting the vaccine is a personal choice and everyone has different reasons for getting or not getting it. Which brand, side effects and availability are all factors. I think it should not be anyone else's business. If you get vax and I don't what difference does it make to you? you are vaxed and wont get sick from me (maybe) and if I get sick from you it's my business. Same goes opposite. If I get vax and you don't it doesn't matter to me. Since I'm fairly safe. If I give it to you well thats your problem. Calling people names and stuff is nonsense. Best idea right here ----> Turn off the news. Stay away from people. Live your life.

    P.S. Glad to have you back 5.4MarkVIII

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by bluetoy View Post
    Here's my .02. Getting the vaccine is a personal choice and everyone has different reasons for getting or not getting it. Which brand, side effects and availability are all factors. I think it should not be anyone else's business. If you get vax and I don't what difference does it make to you? you are vaxed and wont get sick from me (maybe) and if I get sick from you it's my business. Same goes opposite. If I get vax and you don't it doesn't matter to me. Since I'm fairly safe. If I give it to you well thats your problem. Calling people names and stuff is nonsense. Best idea right here ----> Turn off the news. Stay away from people. Live your life.

    P.S. Glad to have you back 5.4MarkVIII
    funny thing is i agree with you 100%

    All I'm doing is acting the exact same way other people were acting when it came to mask and lockdown conversations on this site.

    when there was conversations about masks and if they were effective. I remember some people saying that it is a free country and that it should be personal choice. I was told freedom doesn't trump the greater good of the health of others. there were multiple comments regarding intelligence ect. comments about antimaskers. I'm pretty sure there were also comments linking it to conspiracy theories and Qanon.

    but now when the situation is reversed. people have a problem with those kind of comments.

    if someone is anti mask and anti lockdown and anti vaccine, then i have no issue there, as there is consistency

    I have issue with the people that were pro mask and pro lockdown but now not willing to do the one thing that will actually make a difference. sacrifice should not be a one way street.

    as for being back... we shall see. i check in every now and then. this post dragged me in. we shall see if the ban hammer starts swinging again

  5. #35
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    Apr 2014
    in regards to the icu and hospital numbers

    this is the graph taken directly from Ontario's website. the black line is the ICU numbers. they are not relaying all the info (surprise)

    what I was told, from someone who has been working in an ICU with Covid patents. Some people go into the hospital and get on a ventilator for a few days and then get better and move out. However there are a large number of elderly people who, due to the severity of their illness or underlying condition, are not leaving the hospital. They have been left in a state where they cannot return to the care home they were in due to ventilator requirements or other health reasons. Sadly they will most likely remain in the ICU or hospital until they pass. They no longer have the virus and are not contagious but since Covid was the reason for them being immitted, they remain on the count for Covid ICU and hospitalization counts.

    apparently ICU capacity is currently only around 20% but the lockdown talk has begun again

  6. #36
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by 5.4MarkVIII View Post
    in regards to the icu and hospital numbers

    this is the graph taken directly from Ontario's website. the black line is the ICU numbers. they are not relaying all the info (surprise)

    what I was told, from someone who has been working in an ICU with Covid patents. Some people go into the hospital and get on a ventilator for a few days and then get better and move out. However there are a large number of elderly people who, due to the severity of their illness or underlying condition, are not leaving the hospital. They have been left in a state where they cannot return to the care home they were in due to ventilator requirements or other health reasons. Sadly they will most likely remain in the ICU or hospital until they pass. They no longer have the virus and are not contagious but since Covid was the reason for them being immitted, they remain on the count for Covid ICU and hospitalization counts.

    apparently ICU capacity is currently only around 20% but the lockdown talk has begun again
    I've been watching with Durham Region COVID data reports since the beginning of the Pandemic. In particular the hospitalizations and deaths. There was a slight spike in both during the "2nd wave", but things normalized again. As for deaths, the young people dying has been less then one handful and people 50-69...a total of 26. The oldest bracket 70-95+ have taken the hardest hit (common knowledge). This in a population of 642,000.

    Government projections (worst case) have never been even close when it comes to cases/day and hospitalizations.

    On the vaccination front, I'm undecided. I'm old school...what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, and I doubt this will be the last of the virus' we all have to worry/contend with. In fact, the gov't has already indicated a yearly shot may become necessary/recommended.

    My daughter works in the hospital and has had two shots, both Pfizer. 1st shot, no side affects whatsoever, 2nd shot, she felt fatigued and also had some chills and a sore arm for about 24 hrs. and was then fine.

    Anyone else think its interesting that the government decided that they new better then Pfizer/Moderna when it came to just issuing a single shot....and delaying the 2nd beyond what the companies themselves said?

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gr8Stang View Post
    I've been watching with Durham Region COVID data reports since the beginning of the Pandemic. In particular the hospitalizations and deaths. There was a slight spike in both during the "2nd wave", but things normalized again. As for deaths, the young people dying has been less then one handful and people 50-69...a total of 26. The oldest bracket 70-95+ have taken the hardest hit (common knowledge). This in a population of 642,000.

    Government projections (worst case) have never been even close when it comes to cases/day and hospitalizations.

    On the vaccination front, I'm undecided. I'm old school...what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, and I doubt this will be the last of the virus' we all have to worry/contend with. In fact, the gov't has already indicated a yearly shot may become necessary/recommended.

    My daughter works in the hospital and has had two shots, both Pfizer. 1st shot, no side affects whatsoever, 2nd shot, she felt fatigued and also had some chills and a sore arm for about 24 hrs. and was then fine.

    Anyone else think its interesting that the government decided that they new better then Pfizer/Moderna when it came to just issuing a single shot....and delaying the 2nd beyond what the companies themselves said?
    I’d have to look back but if I recall correctly both Pfizer and moderna. Came back and said that real world testing was showing that one shot was good enough for something like 85-90% efficiency and that the second shot would give the 95 plus and could be given as far as 4-6 months away.

    IMO this was the move that should have been made sooner.

    Yes ideal situation both shots within the best case scenario time frame but since our government is a cluster fuck and the whole roll out thing has been a fail on both provincial and federal levels.

    One shot in twice the people is far better right now. Worse case there if they don’t get the other one In time is there person has fairly good immunity right now and then just need to get both shots again later once we know for sure how long the immunity lasts for. By then hopefully supply has caught up.

  8. #38
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    Got mine today. No side effects so far but expect the arm to get a bit sore much like a flu shot. Went to Markham as the schedule here in Newmarket was full. Pfizer was on offer. Staff at the Aaniin Community Center was great. Wait time was minimal. In at 3:40 out at 4:00.

  9. #39
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    Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabe View Post
    My sister has received the Moderna (she is a personal support worker), my mother in law received Moderna (nurse) and my wife's grandfather (96) also received Moderna. My sister had some issues with her arm for a day or so, potentially because of an auto-immune disease she has. Other than that, no issues

    As someone with an underlying respiratory issue waiting to have major surgery at Toronto General, I can only hope as many people get this vaccine as possible to limit this third wave and relieve the congestion in the ICU's to allow surgical wards to re-open

    Toronto's ICU cases has not fluctuated much of anything these past couple of weeks/months.


    I think this is what is driving more antivax ideology than anything else. The numbers they show and preach on the news is contradicted by simply following the numbers on a semi daily basis.

  10. #40
    Member Harbinger's Avatar
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    My gf got the Pfizer vaccine as a health care worker. They pushed back the second dose...ridiculous. I'm waiting for a chance at the Pfizer or Moderna since I'm front line as well and essential. I will not take my chances with the Astra vac. Reports show the Pfizer vaccine is very effective in younger persons without adverse effects.

    But we can go back and say the Gov fucked up in locking the country down back in March 2020... Should have had a big lock down super tight long enough to get the vaccines before the cases quadrupled. Now with cases going up again i think vaccines are late as fuck...saved people, yes but with reports showing even younger, super healthy adults getting covid and being morbidly affected by it / dying from it is scary. We need more Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for the younger, dumber/narcissistic population that is still partying and congregating, no masking, not social distancing etc.

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