Track day soon approaching... had to get a few things done on my car for the event.

Track seat finally mounted! Man o man what a pain in the ass that was.
Sparco's 'bolt in' track put the seat up wayyyyy too high in the car. Thankfully had a Corbeau bracket with a double locking track here. Was able to make some brackets to all make it work together.
Spent a lot of time messing around with the angle of the seat and getting it centered behind the steering wheel. It's very very close now and really happy with the result.
It's a big seat for a big guy in a not so big car. lol

Also got some other minor things done such as
Trunk struts, the old ones didn't hold it up anymore, new ones installed!
Window switches... yeah... I couldn't put down the passenger side window from the driver side... but the passenger side didn't allow it to go up...
Anyways... 3 new switches and the windows now work as they should !
I found a A Pillar cover from a car being parted out (the car had one in it that had a bunch of holes in it from gauges)
Also installed a JLT Catch can. Interested to see if I catch any oil or not.

Other then that, just need to throw my race brakes on for TMP next Thursday and I'm ready to rock and roll... excited to get back out and keep on improving and learning.
