What is important to make ceramic coating last is to apply a topper coating which is similar to a quick detailer spray but usually made to be sprayed annually by the manufacturer of the ceramic coating. Different brand may work too but use at your own risk. I would check with your detailer first before buying any other brand of topper. The topper is to help prolong the life of the ceramic coating. As for PPF they make a ceramic coating for this as well which helps prolong the life of the PPF. FYI, PPF cannot be applied on top of ceramic coating as it will NOT stick properly. Ceramic coating is very hydrophobic.

Quote Originally Posted by shadow View Post
Hey, guys. I'm hearing you guys talking about waxing, and I'm wondering because I thought that if you CC , you didn't have to wax.
I just got a black '22 GT, and I immediately had it CC'd, and the front-end PPF'd underneath the CC. It was expensive, but I want it to look good forever, or for the next 5 yrs at least, which is how long the detailer told me it would last.
Anyway, isn't CC a waste if you're just going to cover it with something else? I know that there are products that are supposed to be used on CC, but I'm wondering if it's not overkill.
Let me know what you know about CC, and PPF.