Quote Originally Posted by RedSN View Post
Is it going to be for peace of mind, looks, or to actually put out a fire?

Would love to have some of our resident firefighters chime in, but my understanding has always been that you aren’t putting out any fire with anything less than a 5lb

Don is right. To be truthful, the ones you guys have wouldn’t put out a trash can full of paper, let alone a gasoline fire. I’m surprised that they still sell them. Even the 5lbs ones don’t do a lot. We carry 20lbs ones on the rigs and I have only 10lbs ones in my house. If you’re worried, get better insurance because it’s very rare that a car is saved from fire unless it’s right next to the station or it’s a small interior fire. Especially if you are in a more rural area where response times are higher.

That element thing looks interesting, but I’d have to see it used on an actual fire.

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