View Full Version : Gee, wonder when he finds time to actually deal with well, you know,

01-13-2017, 08:24 AM
............running the country. :choke:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau begins the second day of a whirlwind outreach tour at CFB Trenton in eastern Ontario this morning, where he will have breakfast with soldiers before moving on to a jam-packed day.
Trudeau is set to hold town halls in Peterborough and London, Ont., with a number of photo-opportunities in between including with youth from La Loche, Sask., at the Toronto Raptors training facility.
The prime minister has faced questions on the campaign-style tour about a range of issues including electoral reform, the environment and the government's handling of the Phoenix pay system controversy.
Trudeau told a large crowd that gathered for a town hall Thursday night in Belleville, Ont., that he will stand up for diversity and feminism during Donald Trump's presidency.
Trudeau's tour comes as his own team tries to fend off criticism about cash-for-access events and a recent trip to the Bahamas, where he visited the Aga Khan and travelled on the spiritual leader's helicopter.
Today's leg of the tour will end in London, Ont., before Trudeau heads off to Quebec, B.C. and the Prairies, then the Atlantic provinces and the North.

01-13-2017, 08:31 AM
Watched about 5 min of the town hall yeasterday.
All the questions and answers sounded pre determined and rehearsed.

Although I must say it's a relief to hear that the biggest issues we face is a danger to diversity and feminism brought on by trump.

01-13-2017, 12:18 PM
The liberals must love having the photo opportunities. So exciting!!.... I hope he puts some actual effort into creating and keeping jobs within Canada- could work on cutting down the crazy spending that's going on. We are going down a steep road of debt that we will never be able to come out of. Funny thing is that the majority of liberal voters that I know and have talked to honestly don't seem to care about the debt and higher taxes. The middle class is getting crushed. But hey, I can get a picture with our prime minister so it's worth it

01-14-2017, 09:54 AM
You can guarantee his town hall tour is not going how he planned it.

PETERBOROUGH, Ont. — A single mom from a rural eastern Ontario community blasted both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne Friday for driving up the costs of electricity and driving her into poverty.
“I feel like you’ve failed me,” Kathy Katula, 54, told Trudeau at a town hall question-and-answer meeting that was broadcast live across the country by several news networks. “I’m asking you here today to fix that.”
Katula told the crowd of 350 she’d lived a tough life, had a disability, and yet had scrimped and saved to be able to buy her own home and raise four children.
“I lived off Kraft dinner, hot dogs, whatever it took to survive but I bought that home and I’m proud. But something’s wrong now, Mr. Trudeau. My heat and hydro now cost me more than my mortgage,” she said. That brought loud applause in support from the crowd about 350 at the town hall meeting.
“How do you justify to a mother of four children, three grandchildren, physical disabilities, and working up to 15 hours a day — how is it justified for you to ask me to pay a carbon tax when I only have $65 left of my paycheque every two weeks to feed my family?”
Katula, from Buckhorn, Ont. was cheered several times in a sustained four-and-a-half minute broadside aimed squarely at the powers-that-be at both Queen’s Park and Parliament Hill.
“I don’t know much about Liberals or Conservatives or any of that,” said said. “I’m just a Christian, single, hardworking mom who lives in rural … Ontario.”
It was a public lambasting the likes of which no prime minister in the last decade — and maybe more — has withstood from an everyday citizen in a public setting.
It also underlined a fact stressed by Trudeau’s handlers during his two-day, four-town hall swing through southern Ontario Thursday and Friday: None of the attendees at any of his public events were pre-screened and no questions put to the PM were vetted by the party.
Indeed, in Kingston, Ont., where there are many federal government workers, Trudeau took it on the chin for a computerized civil service payroll system which has left thousands of government employees with no paycheques for months.
His day in Peterborough began with a welcome from a local indigenous leader who used the opportunity to remind Trudeau that her community had no safe drinking water and was operating under a boil water advisory.
Others at these town halls complained that Trudeau was not keeping his promises to cut Canada’s dependence on fossil fuels.
But it was Katula’s emotional from-the-heart plea for help which was the most electric of Trudeau’s two days on the road.
“I’m asking you to fix our hydro system. I am asking you to fix Canada. I’m putting my faith in God in you that you’re going to make our country a place that we can prosper again, that I don’t have to wake up tomorrow and worrying whether I’m thriving or surviving.”
The crowd erupted at that point in cheers and applause and, for a spell, Trudeau appeared at a bit of loss to answer
But he did try to explain that, at least for now, the federal government was not adding to her woes.
“We haven’t brought in any carbon tax yet ma’am,” he said. “It doesn’t start kicking in for another few years.”
The high cost of electricity, he said, was something that the government of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, woiuld have to deal with. And when a federal system pricing carbon becomes law, Trudeau reminded the crowd that provincial governments, like Wynne’s, will be getting additional revenue which, he hopes, each will use to provide tax relief to those who need it.
“It will be up to the government of Ontario to ensure that you are not penalized. I’m trusting they will do that.”

01-14-2017, 09:56 AM
Click on link for video or her questions to Trudeau.


01-14-2017, 09:59 AM
Yeah all he said was twist and deny. He said the federal government had nothing to do with the carbon tax that's the provincial government. Oh course he ignored the part where he told the provincial governments to implement carbon tax themselves or he would force them to do it.

01-14-2017, 10:01 AM
All the while knowing full well there thousands, maybe tens of thousands of Ontario residents in the exact same position she is.

01-14-2017, 10:22 AM
Check these numbers out, OMG. No wonder they moved to monthly bills.

In 2015, the most recent year for which data is available, Ontario utility providers disconnected nearly 60,000 customers from their electricity services for non-payment. Many of these customers, upwards of 95 per cent, were reconnected within two business days. At the end of 2015, more than 565,000 customers in Ontario were behind on their hydro bills to the tune of $172 million.

01-14-2017, 10:25 AM
Yeah, I don't think this victory lap is going to be the big giant hug he thought it was going to be.
If it was intended to prove "look, see, we are listening to the common people", then he HAD to know he was going to face some fires. How could he not have better answers prepared? Or is that the best he can do?

01-14-2017, 10:38 AM
I found his attempt at deflection laughable at best. Kudo's to her for taking him to task, feel for her situation.

01-14-2017, 11:04 AM
Best thing to happen would be for the States to annex us, and put those two idiots on the street where they belong.

01-14-2017, 11:26 AM
Yea they've got a pretty huge shiat show going with old Trumpster about to take the helm.

01-15-2017, 02:28 PM
I found his attempt at deflection laughable at best. Kudo's to her for taking him to task, feel for her situation.

I found his response pathetic actually. She is by far not the only one. He simply just passed the buck (to another liberal) and did it in an arrogant way. He has no idea what it is like to be in her shoes and you could tell. I think he was frustrated because it wasn't all rainbows and hugs like he thought it would be.

01-15-2017, 05:47 PM
He has absolutely no clue / completely out of touch.