View Full Version : Ugh! More security/data leaks - time to change passwords again

02-24-2017, 03:53 PM
Ugh! More security/data leaks - time to change passwords again

Just advised by our IT/Data Security team of this and to change our corporate (external use) and personal passwords (home) since Cloudfare has not indicated the extent of the leak (no full list provided as yet).


This morning a notification was released by Cloudflare (https://blog.cloudflare.com/incident-report-on-memory-leak-caused-by-cloudflare-parser-bug/), revealing that web services (Uber, OKCupid, Fitbit among many many others) hosted by Cloudflare have had their users data leaked due to a bug in Cloudflare’s code.

Due to the nature of the bug, and in the absence of Cloudflare publishing a complete list of affected web services, we strongly advise all of our ABC users to change their passwords for all their web services, for both ABC business and personal use (We want you to be safe at home as well).

Please remember that a strong password will contain both upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. A password manager can help you keep your passwords organized and stored securely.

Further reading can be done here:

https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/02/24/cloudbleed_buffer_overflow_bug_spaffs_personal_dat a/

Thank you all for your continued support and diligence,

On behalf of,


https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/02/24/cloudbleed_buffer_overflow_bug_spaffs_personal_dat a/

Old Fart
02-24-2017, 04:03 PM
So if my son uses a Fitbit tracker, he should change his password?

02-24-2017, 06:10 PM
So if my son uses a Fitbit tracker, he should change his password?

It's advisable to do so. I'm not sure what type of information (personally identifiable information) would be stored in a Fitbit account/app but that is what you're trying to protect.
