View Full Version : OPP officer getting it done.

03-16-2017, 07:10 AM
LONDON, ONT. - It looked like something from a strongman competition.
A lone man pushing a hulking van down the road in sub-zero temperatures.
But this wasn’t a competition — it was just another day on the job for OPP Sgt. Glen Seddon.
Now photos of the van-pushing Middlesex County police officer have gone viral.
Kary Pellow was working at Trissa’s Family Restaurant on Dundas Street east of Veterans Memorial Parkway Monday morning when she saw a stalled van blocking the entrance to the eatery’s parking lot.
She went outside and approached the van where a young girl explained the vehicle had run out of gas and her mother was at a nearby service station. After returning to work, Pellow observed an OPP officer pushing the van toward the gas station.
Pellow snapped photos of Seddon in action and posted them to Facebook, where the images had been shared more than 2,300 times by Wednesday.
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“It’s pretty awesome,” said OPP Sgt. Dave Rektor, who learned about his colleague’s good deed through social media.
“He decided he’d push a (vehicle) by himself the length of a football field to the gas station.”
The good deed earned Seddon congratulations from OPP Supt. John A. Cain.
Pellow said she offered to buy Seddon breakfast, but he only reluctantly accepted a coffee.
“What an amazing officer,” she said Wednesday.
Rektor, who has been with the OPP for nearly three decades, said the public often doesn’t see all the different ways officers help citizens.
“You do what you think is the right thing to do at the right time,” he said. “The reason we get into this business is because you want to help people out. When you have the opportunity to do that it just makes it that much more rewarding.”

03-16-2017, 07:11 AM
http://tu9srvbirvvtnsrzdg9yywdllnrvcm9udg9zdw4uy29t.g00.t orontosun.com/g00/2_d3d3LnRvcm9udG9zdW4uY29t_/TU9SRVBIRVVTNSRodHRwOi8vc3RvcmFnZS50b3JvbnRvc3VuLm NvbS92MS9keW5hbWljX3Jlc2l6ZS9zd3NfcGF0aC9zdW5zLXBy b2QtaW1hZ2VzLzEyOTc5MzU5NDg5ODdfT1JJR0lOQUwuanBnP3 F1YWxpdHk9ODAmc2l6ZT00MjB4JmkxMGMubWFyay5pbWFnZS50 eXBl_$/$/$/$/$/$

03-16-2017, 07:38 AM
Saw this the other day. Kudos to the office but a damn shame no one else took the time to stop

I remember years ago when I lived and worked in London. Traffic was backed up one day worse than usually for a drive home. Took me about 15 min for traffic to get past the cause which was an elderly gentleman who's car had quit. No cell phone and too afraid to get out in traffic. All people were doing was honking,yelling and waving the finger. Shut you not one person even threw stuff as they went by.

I pulled over into a parking lot and walked back. Pushed him to the closest lot and let him use my cell to call his son. Then came back with a coffee or him and waited with him till his son got there.

I have never had less faith in humanity that that day. He was passed literally by 100s of cars and no one would take the time to help. Even while I was pushing the guy right behind was still honking the horn and yelling to hurry up.

Seems to be less and less good people every year.

03-16-2017, 07:42 AM
Saw this the other day. Kudos to the office but a damn shame no one else took the time to stop

I remember years ago when I lived and worked in London. Traffic was backed up one day worse than usually for a drive home. Took me about 15 min for traffic to get past the cause which was an elderly gentleman who's car had quit. No cell phone and too afraid to get out in traffic. All people were doing was honking,yelling and waving the finger. Shut you not one person even threw stuff as they went by.

I pulled over into a parking lot and walked back. Pushed him to the closest lot and let him use my cell to call his son. Then came back with a coffee or him and waited with him till his son got there.

I have never had less faith in humanity that that day. He was passed literally by 100s of cars and no one would take the time to help. Even while I was pushing the guy right behind was still honking the horn and yelling to hurry up.

Seems to be less and less good people every year.

You and I are on the exact same page.

03-16-2017, 08:43 AM
Saw this the other day. Kudos to the office but a damn shame no one else took the time to stop


Where this happened its a 4 lane 80 km/h zone with people doing about 100. I think if the van was in traffic people would def stop and help but where it was its off on the shoulder. I drive the thru the city daily and still see more good deeds then I do people turning a blind eye. But I don't ever see anyone stopping on the 401, 402 or 403 anymore. I don't stop either but have used *OPP often.