View Full Version : Quack quack, Ontario Liberals love to spend money.

05-30-2017, 06:49 AM
The Ontario government will celebrate the country’s 150th birthday with a giant rubber duck — and taxpayers are taking a bath.
Ontario PC MPP Vic Fedeli said the $200,000 birthday duck tour — more than half of it covered by Ontario — is a sure sign of a government with “messed up” priorities.
“I cannot imagine what the rubber duck’s connection is to the 150th,” Fedeli said. “They’re laying off frontline health-care workers right across Ontario ... They can’t find money for alternative level of care beds, but they can find $200,000 for some kind of a duck promo?”

http://tu9srvbirvvtmtqkc3rvcmfnzs50b3jvbnrvc3vulmnvbq00.g 00.torontosun.com/g00/2_d3d3LnRvcm9udG9zdW4uY29t_/TU9SRVBIRVVTMTQkaHR0cDovL3N0b3JhZ2UudG9yb250b3N1bi 5jb20vdjEvZHluYW1pY19yZXNpemUvc3dzX3BhdGgvc3Vucy1w cm9kLWltYWdlcy8xMjk3OTU4ODcwMTU3X09SSUdJTkFMLmpwZz 9xdWFsaXR5PTgwJnNpemU9NDIweCZpMTBjLm1hcmsuaW1hZ2Uu dHlwZQ%3D%3D_$/$/$/$/$/$

05-30-2017, 07:11 AM
No surprise there. They've just proved that they're a bunch of Quacking Idiots.

05-30-2017, 07:12 AM
Yes sir.

05-30-2017, 07:33 AM
Tourist crap is a fine line and a hot topic in some places.
The governments invest billions every year into tourist stuff.
Other business owners can be frustrated at this because in some areas the tourist places are the ones makin the biggest bank.
And yet the government helps pay for all their expansions and stuff. While the rest of the small business get squat.
Seriously look into it. There are absolutely zero government assistance or grant funding for small business unless your just starting out and even then only if your a minority or a female.

05-30-2017, 08:56 AM
And on the subject of extra costs to small business.


05-30-2017, 09:13 AM
Jesus Christ!!!! Someone shoot me!!!!

05-30-2017, 10:09 AM
Criminal t have a marginal tax rate above 50%. Having a marginal tax rate above 50% and paying for a giant rubber ducky should mean a firing squad.

05-30-2017, 11:07 AM
I understand that there is spending on the 150th. Although there are better things that money can go to, I can accept spending for celebration and to aid things that will benefit tourisam. However I think that spending should be on something relivent to canadas history. Or at the very least on something built in Canada. A giant rubber ducky is neither of those things.

05-30-2017, 11:32 AM
As a matter of interest, I am a contractor. This is my 38th year of being in business and at the height of the season i emply 12-15 people. In all those years I have never gotten any sort of a subsidy for my workers. None. Nothing at all, and Bombadier gets billions in subsidies, then gives their execs huge wages.
I can't even imagine hiring a good labourer for less than $18-20 an hour, and most of my carpenters make a lot more than that, so this minimum wage thing doesn't help me at all.

05-30-2017, 01:14 PM
Well, it's definitely different. But that's what art is.

The Rubber Duck drew in over 1M tourists in Pittsburgh. So if the display draws in even half that crowd, and each tourist dropped at least $1 while downtown, that's $500k.

05-30-2017, 01:36 PM
^^^ Oh look... Don's lost his fkn marbles.

Please Help Don find his marbles... http://www.carlfishermarbles.com/

05-30-2017, 01:46 PM
...I can accept spending for celebration and to aid things that will benefit tourisam. However I think that spending should be on something relivent to canadas history. Or at the very least on something built in Canada.

How about a Big Hoe?


05-30-2017, 02:23 PM

83 5.0
05-30-2017, 02:46 PM
Too Funny, some how missed this episode .

05-30-2017, 04:19 PM
As a matter of interest, I am a contractor. This is my 38th year of being in business and at the height of the season i emply 12-15 people. In all those years I have never gotten any sort of a subsidy for my workers. None. Nothing at all, and Bombadier gets billions in subsidies, then gives their execs huge wages.
I can't even imagine hiring a good labourer for less than $18-20 an hour, and most of my carpenters make a lot more than that, so this minimum wage thing doesn't help me at all.

Nope. And the problem comes when those workers now want a $4.50 and hour raise as well

We are in the position where none of my employees make minimum wage but two of the three make less than 15 and the third makes 16 per hour.
So now out of the gate I have to pay the part time lady and the guy doing grunt work almost as much as the guy with more responsibility and training.
People don't like that and may ask for more money. If I pay them more I have to raise rates to cover costs and now I'm no longer competitive with the big box stores who already make life difficult.

05-30-2017, 04:30 PM
I personally believe the duck will bring people (including myself I think) to Toronto and the spin off will inject way more than $200,000 that it cost.
They need to do something for the 150. This will help draw people to the events.
IDK I'm ok with the GIANT DUCK!


05-30-2017, 05:36 PM
Just the province spending more money to help Toronto and screw the rest of the province.

05-30-2017, 06:24 PM
what a great idea

I mean...wtf could go wrong with a 6 fucking storey balloon


05-30-2017, 07:00 PM
Well that was disappointing. When the vid said "explodes" I was expecting "oh the humanity!"

05-30-2017, 07:17 PM
I'd say, maybe if it pops we will get a refund, but knowing our government they would find a way to pay three times as much if that happens

05-30-2017, 09:27 PM
Cluster Duck...

83 5.0
05-30-2017, 09:34 PM
what a great idea

I mean...wtf could go wrong with a 6 fucking storey balloon

I almost wish this will happen to Cluster Duck. I am all in to celebrate the 150 th but when it's one big stupid duck is the focus, the Liberals have truly jumped the shark, well some would claim this happened a long time ago.

05-30-2017, 11:02 PM
Nope. And the problem comes when those workers now want a $4.50 and hour raise as well

We are in the position where none of my employees make minimum wage but two of the three make less than 15 and the third makes 16 per hour.
So now out of the gate I have to pay the part time lady and the guy doing grunt work almost as much as the guy with more responsibility and training.
People don't like that and may ask for more money. If I pay them more I have to raise rates to cover costs and now I'm no longer competitive with the big box stores who already make life difficult.
Cost of living is what is making people want more pay. Pay, especially minimum wage is not even close to keeping up with cost of living these days.

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05-30-2017, 11:14 PM
^ Level of profit as an employer is in free fall. New measures by the Ont Govt will only chase away small business employment opportunities

05-30-2017, 11:33 PM
^ What is the appropriate solution ?

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05-31-2017, 07:36 AM
The government to stop meddling. Of course that's never going to happen so if they need start imposing limits on multinationals that are funniling our money out of the country. And start supporting local Small business that keep the money in the country.

if you impose a want vs need mantality cost of living is not that bad. Problem is people want all the things while not having the income to support it. This used to be a problem of the spender but in a society to blame everyone else we blame the employers.

Minimum wage jobs always used to be a part time starting spot for young people. At some point people took them on as a career choice and then blame everyone else when they can't afford to life off that wage.

I've never payed an employee minimum wage. But I've been short one guy for 3 months because I can't find anyone that wants to work now it's going to be that much harder because why would someone want to do actual work when they can flip burgers or pour coffee for the same money.

All it's done is devalue the wage for every other worker. And the cost of living problem you talk about won't be fixed when employers have to raid their rates to cover the extra cost of wages.

05-31-2017, 10:24 AM
Funneling money point makes me think of what happened with our realestate market...

From experience too many employers pay close to or slightly above mininum and over task workers. I think this is a contributor to people wanting this minimum increase.

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