View Full Version : Ford Nation Part Deux.

09-09-2017, 06:19 AM
Ford Nation is back. Former city councillor Doug Ford officially announced he will be running for mayor of Toronto in 2018.
Ford made the highly publicized announcement on Friday evening at his family’s 23rd annual “Ford Fest,” hosted at his mother’s house in Etobicoke.
The announcement comes after about a year of Ford teasing a return to politics, telling CP24 that he would run for mayor of Toronto or as an MPP under the Progressive Conservative party back in August 2016.

Tory would beat Ford in rematch of 2014 election, poll finds (http://www.cp24.com/news/tory-would-beat-ford-in-rematch-of-2014-election-poll-finds-1.3360553)

Ford says 'stop the gravy train' won't be part of expected mayoral bid (http://www.cp24.com/news/ford-says-stop-the-gravy-train-won-t-be-part-of-expected-mayoral-bid-1.3579405)

Doug Ford plans to announce political future at Ford Fest (http://www.cp24.com/news/doug-ford-plans-to-announce-political-future-at-ford-fest-1.3566713)

https://www.cp24.com/polopoly_fs/1.3582183.1504924742!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_225/image.jpg (https://www.cp24.com/polopoly_fs/1.3582183.1504924742!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_960/image.jpg)

Doug Ford speaks in front of a crowd announcing he will be running for mayor of Toronto in 2018.

Speaking at the event, Ford said his mayoral run will honour his late brother Rob Ford who died in March 2016 at the age of 46 after being diagnosed with pleomorphic liposarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of soft-tissue cancer.
“I’m here to continue on Rob’s legacy,” Ford said. “Rob is looking down from heaven with that big smile on his face as each and every one of you has seen many of times.”
“I just have to say Robbie, this one is going to be for you.”
Ford spoke at the outdoor BBQ in front a chanting crowd.
“I know there is only one option, I know where it is in my heart,” he said. “Here today I am officially going to announce that I will be running for mayor of Toronto.”

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After making his official announcement, Ford spoke about the city under its current mayor John Tory versus his brother’s time in office.
“For four years we have watched all the hard work we did at city hall slowly come undone,” Ford said. “During our administration of Toronto we were consistently ranked number one in the world to work and number two to live. The unfortunate thing is in three years we have fallen down to number 15.”
“When I become mayor we will be number one.
Furthermore, Ford said Tory has “failed” to deliver his promises made during the 2014 election.
“Transit in this city is a mess, traffic has grown to a halt and your taxes have never been higher,” he said. “Well I can assure each and every business owner and every resident when I am mayor we will have the lowest taxes in North America.”
Speaking with CP24 earlier in the day about Ford’s impending announcement, Tory said he should be able to run for “whatever office he wants.”
“Doug Ford has said he’s going to make more big announcements than anyone I’ve ever seen – and that’s fine,” Tory said. “He should make whatever announcements he wants.”
“I will only say to people that we are in the midst of actually building a transit network across the city, meeting our affordable housing target, which wasn’t the case in previous years, getting along well with the other governments and people just have to cast their minds back to three years to dysfunctional city council, no relationships with the other governments, no consent transit debates, nothing actually getting done, cuts back in transit, and they will have to ask themselves if they want to go back to that.”
Tory said he will be seeking reelection in the fall of 2018.
A poll conducted in June showed that Tory would beat Ford if the two squared off in a rematch of the 2014 mayoral election.
Forum Research asked 1040 randomly selected Toronto residents who they would vote for if the election was held in June and about 66 per cent of those asked said they would vote for Tory while 34 per cent said they would vote for Ford.
Ford spent one term as city councillor for Ward 2 – Etobicoke North and unsuccessfully ran against Tory in 2014 for mayor of Toronto. He entered the mayoral race after his brother had to withdraw amid his battle with cancer.
The next municipal election in Toronto is scheduled for Oct. 22, 2018.

09-09-2017, 10:11 AM
Rob Ford was what Toronto needed at the time. I don't think Toronto needs a Doug Ford.

09-09-2017, 11:02 AM
Rob Ford was what Toronto needed at the time. I don't think Toronto needs a Doug Ford.

They need Doug Ford more than they need that fucknut John Tory.

09-09-2017, 11:11 AM
Rob Ford was what Toronto needed at the time. I don't think Toronto needs a Doug Ford.

agree....and Rob had a Tommy-Boy likeability.....Doug with his eyes that don't blink has a bit of a thug quality going on there

but I'm happy he's running for Mayor instead of an MPP position in the provincial election next year

Doug Ford running for the Ont PCs woulda been a liability for Patrick Brown...the Libs woulda branded him as Trump-Lite and it woulda had some legs.....and Ford would no doubt have been constantly getting his big yapper in the headlines causing Brown constant damage control

I don't think he has a shot against Tory now....he came close last time but Tory had not been Mayor so no track record.....and while I'm not a huge fan of Tory he hasn't really fucked anything up that would warrant another Ford at the helm

all good from where I see things

09-09-2017, 02:59 PM
…that fucknut John Tory.
He's actually one of the better mayors TO has had in a long time. He works his ass off, he is well spoken, he hasn't done anything stupid (as WTF said). I'm curious why you think he is a "fucknut"?

09-10-2017, 11:18 AM
What's wrong with Tory? He seems a little bland but competent.

83 5.0
09-10-2017, 06:22 PM
Tory has shown he is a good project manager type Mayor, what Toronto needed to move forward. You aren't going to please all the people, but he has stick handled it well.
Doug is no Robbie, that train has now left the station for the Fords.

09-11-2017, 04:52 PM
John Tory.
Higher taxes.
Trying to toll the DVP
$60,000 stairs
the absolute total transit screwup
$350 million for a 1 stop subway
did not continue to privatize garbage pickup or anything else
Huge increase in bike lanes (nothing against bikeriders, but it's a massive traffic tie up
absolutely no help at all in traffic congestion. The politicians can try all they want but they are NEVER going to pry people out of their cars.
No attempt whatever to reign in spending
Complete sop to the left.

That's just for starters, and I don't even live in Toronto

09-11-2017, 11:56 PM
You make some good points Steve. But I still contend he is a decent mayor.

John Tory.
Higher taxes. Toronto tax rate is stupid low compared to the rest of the GTA
Trying to toll the DVP. Brilliant play to force Wynne's hand
$60,000 stairs. Yeah, that was pretty stupid, but he admitted that
the absolute total transit screwup. Transit needs huge upgrading
$350 million for a 1 stop subway. Considering $60k for stairs, $350M for subway seems like a bargain
did not continue to privatize garbage pickup or anything else. That was a Ford pilot program
Huge increase in bike lanes (nothing against bikeriders, but it's a massive traffic tie up
absolutely no help at all in traffic congestion. The politicians can try all they want but they are NEVER going to pry people out of their cars. Can't speak for TO, but up here the bike lanes are empty.
No attempt whatever to reign in spending. When confronted with
'Stair-gate' mentioned above, they did reign in that cost
Complete sop to the left. TO is left...in case you haven't noticed

That's just for starters, and I don't even live in Toronto