View Full Version : Can't afford your business, close.

12-10-2017, 12:18 AM
Click to start vid.


12-10-2017, 12:24 AM
Sounds about right. Fuckers.

12-10-2017, 12:25 AM
Sadly it does.

12-10-2017, 12:26 AM
This is completely out of hand. Wtf.

12-10-2017, 12:59 AM
Sadly this is the exact sentiment that we nhave heard from liberal supporters.

Can’t afford pay raise... close

Can’t afford hydro ... close

Can’t afford... cpp increase.... close

Can’t afford.... tax freeze... close

One or two might be manageable but start adding them up and you have a different story.

Clutt gt
12-10-2017, 09:55 AM
This is shit.
Last week I was working on a comercail job in Ajax for a regular client of mine. He was giving me a good pat on the back for being reliable and trustworthy and good at my job. Also included in the conversation was the property owner. Property owner states its hard to find good trades to work on his many commercial properties.
So long story short he asked me to quote a small drywall repair in the back room of this unit he is going to rent out.
I take a look and there is mold covered drywall requiring removal about 20x4' so five sheets worth.
Technically yes a hygienist should almost be called in to wright a protocol.
So willing to bend the rules depending on the situation I can look after this for him.
Put on paper suits and respirators and any other ppe.
Bag up the drywall, clean the area
Install new board
Tape it out.
Sand prime and paint.
I quote between $750 and $800
He informs me that he has a guy that will do it for $400
Only way I could do this is to operate as a one man show for cash.
No ins, no wsib, no employees, no book keeping,
I can't send an employee to this job for $400
How can anyone run a legit business in Ontario and work for people like this.
And it's only going to get harder.

Small business in Ontario is being destroyed.

12-10-2017, 10:18 AM
shocker....here's the quick bio on Liberal MPP Ann Hoggarth

"Hoggarth was born and raised in Barrie, Ontario. She was an elementary school teacher at Terry Fox Elementary School in Barrie, and a past president of the Simcoe County Elementary Teachers' Federation."

been sucking the taxpayers' tit her entire life

12-10-2017, 10:42 AM
I hate everyone in politics.

12-10-2017, 10:48 AM
....led by azzholes who have never been in the trenches & have no idea what it takes to get shiat done ....let them give a go of it & see how they fall

83 5.0
12-10-2017, 06:28 PM
Some day ( I hope) the chickens will come home to roost on this government.
Unfortunately I fear they will win over the core Toronto voters and continue on this charade is a good possibility. 4 more years to early retirement, hope it can be a reality.

12-11-2017, 10:50 AM
This is shit.
Last week I was working on a comercail job in Ajax for a regular client of mine. He was giving me a good pat on the back for being reliable and trustworthy and good at my job. Also included in the conversation was the property owner. Property owner states its hard to find good trades to work on his many commercial properties.
So long story short he asked me to quote a small drywall repair in the back room of this unit he is going to rent out.
I take a look and there is mold covered drywall requiring removal about 20x4' so five sheets worth.
Technically yes a hygienist should almost be called in to wright a protocol.
So willing to bend the rules depending on the situation I can look after this for him.
Put on paper suits and respirators and any other ppe.
Bag up the drywall, clean the area
Install new board
Tape it out.
Sand prime and paint.
I quote between $750 and $800
He informs me that he has a guy that will do it for $400
Only way I could do this is to operate as a one man show for cash.
No ins, no wsib, no employees, no book keeping,
I can't send an employee to this job for $400
How can anyone run a legit business in Ontario and work for people like this.
And it's only going to get harder.

Small business in Ontario is being destroyed.

As many of you know I am a contractor as well, specializing in decks and fences. A couple of weeks ago, I had a potential client who wanted a custom built gazebo/shed. He showed me pictures of what he wanted and we discussed all the details.
I did a plan,put together a price and sent him a two page proposal(I like to get all the details right so there is no argument later). My price was $22,000.00. Plus HST. Out of that, my material was over $9000.00. Labour, overhead, wsib, insurance, and profit made up the rest.
HE comes back to me with a price of $16,000.00, all cash, no tax. "It's a reputable company" he says, but won't tell me who, although he send me the quote with the price and name blacked out. This quote is 5 lines long. Who ever it is, assuming the structure is similar, is doing the labour, prep, and profit, for less than I am paying my men alone!.
How can you compete when they are willing to work off book and for peanuts?

55 HD
12-11-2017, 01:41 PM
"HE comes back to me with a price of $16,000.00, all cash, no tax".

Now this is nothing new guys. The said contractor will hide all labour & materials in another project of the company. He will shift all employees hours to other jobs he has done and pay the WSIB on the proper hrs worked by each employee. Now he puts the cash in his pocket. (no big deal at all). Just must show his company is making money at some point so he can borrow from a Bank if needed.

BUT TRUE.........this is how you loose some projects. Happened to me as a contractor and also helped me win some when I was in the business. Whip the tears away, and stay focused on your business and play the cards that best you can.

There isn't ONE person on the forum who hasn't paid or collected tax to save money. Move ahead.

12-11-2017, 04:03 PM
"HE comes back to me with a price of $16,000.00, all cash, no tax".

Now this is nothing new guys. The said contractor will hide all labour & materials in another project of the company. He will shift all employees hours to other jobs he has done and pay the WSIB on the proper hrs worked by each employee. Now he puts the cash in his pocket. (no big deal at all). Just must show his company is making money at some point so he can borrow from a Bank if needed.

BUT TRUE.........this is how you loose some projects. Happened to me as a contractor and also helped me win some when I was in the business. Whip the tears away, and stay focused on your business and play the cards that best you can.

There isn't ONE person on the forum who hasn't paid or collected tax to save money. Move ahead.

OK. This I don't follow. Shifting hours and materials to other jobs? Put the money in your pocket? I wouldn't or coul;dn't do that, and what's the point. I'm not taking on any job if I can't make a profit.

Anyway, we're getting away from the subject of the thread. These liberals live in LaLa land. Imagine a minister telling small business people: well, you can't afford to pay the minimum wage we demand, and you can't afford the exorbitant electrical rates we have, and you can'f afford to pay outrageous taxes on literally everything, so maybe you shouldn't be in business?!!
The Wynne government, as well as her liberal predecessor, has ruined Ontario's economy. How the hell are we supposed to survive?

12-11-2017, 07:45 PM
And yet they have a chance at winning again. Ontario is bonkers.

12-11-2017, 09:47 PM
^^^^^. That and to many pigs at the trough that keep voting them in to keep the gravy train rolling.

Saw she filed the next set of papers today for her defamation suit against Brown.

Think maybe she should sue herself since she has done more to ruin her own character than Brown ever will

12-12-2017, 10:28 PM

Sounds like a great movement for small business in Ontario to get on board with.

Start banning liberal party members from small business. Untill they realize the value we bring.