View Full Version : Take time to cherish what’s important this Christmas weekend.

12-22-2017, 09:56 PM
With all the crap this year has delt. I’m working hard or remember what really matters.

This morning I was talking to my wife on the phone, she was (hands free) driving our 7 year old to a dentist appointment. All of a sudden she said “oh shit” followed by a very loud crash.
My heart stopped and the next few seconds seemed to drag on forever. Untill she said. A chunk of ice blew off a transport and hit her windshield

She is fine. Son is fine.

Ice smashed the window but didn’t come threw.

Made me realize I spend too much time stressing about what’s not going right and what I’m not happy with.

I’m missing the good stuff.

I’m gonna try real hard to not let that happen any more.

Love those who love you. Forgive those who won’t

And most of all have a happy holidays no matter what one you celebrate.

12-22-2017, 10:05 PM
Amen brother.

12-23-2017, 01:23 AM
Glad to hear your family unharmed. Thank you for sharing and reminding everyone of what is truly important!! Merry Christmas

12-25-2017, 10:58 PM
Amen, just got in from having to run out to help my brother go tend to his fiance. She was on her way over to our family home for dinner when a driver lost control and slid in to her car. She's fine but both him and her shaken up. Engaged for 2 weeks and he gets a call saying shes been in an accident, puts it in perspective. Glad your family is safe and sound.

12-27-2017, 03:45 PM
Amen to this my friend. We all sometimes forget to think about what's truly important in life. Hug your loved ones and tell them "i love you" as often as you can. Glad your family is safe. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year All!