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View Full Version : Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown resigns over sexual allegations!

83 5.0
01-25-2018, 05:45 AM

Always wondered how the PC's were going to eff up this election given Tory and Hudaks blunders, hope they have a good plan B, or Kathleen Wynne is going to skate back to power.

Never was happy with how he got elected (I am a PC supporter) it should have been Christine Elliots (Jim Flaherty's wife) place to take on Wynne and the Liberals.
Glad retirement is only a few years out.
What a shite show.

01-25-2018, 06:18 AM
It looks so bad it’s as if the PCs are on the libs payroll

01-25-2018, 07:55 AM
I've got such a freakin hate on for politics and all the spin off bullshit that comes with it. Given the stakes of an election coming up, who actually did what or who put the wheels in motion, we have no idea whats real.

01-25-2018, 08:43 AM
I think its all bullshit smear campaign, however listening to him in his press conference he sounds like a wussy. Someone we want running province...? Dunno. JMO

01-25-2018, 08:44 AM
What I was thinking... Seems pretty convenient and in this liberal society the false accusers will just get a "thank you" from wynne. I doubt very much Brown is guilty, it's all a liberal scandal for sure... They are desperate to stay in power and they're evil enough to resort to this sort of thing.

Welp, here's another 20+ years of higher taxes, policies for the lazy, higher cost of life, the financial rape of anyone who makes more than $100,000 a year... F the liberals... (sad thing is, technically I'm left leaning but never voted liberal or NDP in my life)...

01-25-2018, 08:51 AM
Damn near broke my clock radio whe. It turned on to the news and that’s the story I woke up to

If real he should be prosecuted but one thing I’ve noticed in the last few months with the thousands of people being called out. Dosnt seem to be a lot of charges laid. But maybe that’s just not making the news

I’m hoping it’s just a smear to put him out
Think he made the right call stepping down. Regardless of it being true it will be true to all the liberals and be used against him regardless if the accusers end up being proven as Liers and charged themselves.

Hopefully this gives them time to right the ship before June.

01-25-2018, 08:55 AM
Let this be a lesson. If you own a business, don't hire women. And if you've already got women working for you, never talk to them alone and make sure your office is under 24 hour surveillance just so there's no he said - she said bullshit.

If you're just an employee, keep contact with women as brief as possible and never talk to them alone.

True Blue
01-25-2018, 09:03 AM
Guilty or not, I never liked him... He was the wrong choice as the PC leader. Hopefully the party can bounce back from this, otherwise we're fucked yet again.

01-25-2018, 09:06 AM
Let this be a lesson. If you own a business, don't hire women. And if you've already got women working for you, never talk to them alone and make sure your office is under 24 hour surveillance just so there's no he said - she said bullshit.

If you're just an employee, keep contact with women as brief as possible and never talk to them alone.

Sad to say isn't it... Not all people are like that thankfully but when it comes to the work place... be damn sure to be as PC as possible and for a guy like me it's F-ing hard as F... I honestly treat everyone as equals that includes stupid jokes, now though, I have to be a boring vanilla guilty of everything white straight male... might as well be hitler.

People just need a good smack on the head. Now, if you even scratch your crotch because of an itch, you can be on City Panic as a sex offender.

01-25-2018, 09:09 AM
Sad to say isn't it... Not all people are like that thankfully but when it comes to the work place... be damn sure to be as PC as possible and for a guy like me it's F-ing hard as F... I honestly treat everyone as equals that includes stupid jokes, now though, I have to be a boring vanilla guilty of everything white straight male... might as well be hitler.

People just need a good smack on the head. Now, if you even scratch your crotch because of an itch, you can be on City Panic as a sex offender.

I honest don't care. They can compare me to Hitler, it doesn't bother me. It won't shut me up, and nor should it shut anyone up.

01-25-2018, 09:25 AM
Not going to get dragged into the whole "don't hire women" "Oh it's so hard to not make sexual advances on co-workers" debate. :facepalm:

What I find disgusting is how quickly the entire PC party jumped over the rail into the freezing water. Makes me think they weren't entirely confident in Brown and this is an extremely convenient opportunity to pivot.

01-25-2018, 09:30 AM
When deciding who may or may not have done what............remember this.

http://ontarioconditions.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2018_01/7C0853CE-EF7F-4A39-A390-099E9D2830C9.jpeg.637a65bef13f5cb8767c1e33b79e7249 .jpeghttp://ontarioconditions.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2018_01/7C0853CE-EF7F-4A39-A390-099E9D2830C9.jpeg.637a65bef13f5cb8767c1e33b79e7249 .jpeghttp://ontarioconditions.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2018_01/7C0853CE-EF7F-4A39-A390-099E9D2830C9.jpeg.637a65bef13f5cb8767c1e33b79e7249 .jpeghttp://ontarioconditions.com/forums/uploads/monthly_2018_01/7C0853CE-EF7F-4A39-A390-099E9D2830C9.jpeg.637a65bef13f5cb8767c1e33b79e7249 .jpeg

01-25-2018, 09:34 AM
What needs to start happening, consequences, huge consequences for the accusers when it plays out they are liars. Just a little over a week ago we were lambasted with media reports of a hate crime against a lil girl, we all know how that played out.

01-25-2018, 09:53 AM
I find this whole situation troubling and so disappointing. I was so hoping for a change to more responsible government and this “situation” may now thwart that movement.

I don’t know the man personally but he appeared genuine in being shaken up and it makes me feel that there is no truth behind this claim. Sad what Canadian politics has become...

01-25-2018, 09:56 AM
Reason i call bullshit is why do all these women wait years or decades to come forward???

01-25-2018, 10:03 AM
The Liberals have been investigating this for months and basically led the campaign for these people to come forward. They don't care about these women, they just care that they are accusing Brown and it will help their agenda. I read a post where someone stated People in Barrie and Ottawa already knew about him being a bit of a creep, but who knows if that's true. I cannot take 4 more years of the Libs......

01-25-2018, 10:12 AM
Not going to get dragged into the whole "don't hire women" "Oh it's so hard to not make sexual advances on co-workers" debate. :facepalm:

What I find disgusting is how quickly the entire PC party jumped over the rail into the freezing water. Makes me think they weren't entirely confident in Brown and this is an extremely convenient opportunity to pivot.

Remember with the liberal controlled media and the way social media is used now a days anyone who would have either stood beside him until proven guilty or even just kept their head down and done their job. Would be accused of supporting a rapist and condemned right along side him. This has happened and will continue to happen

As Mike Rowe put it in a recent interview (paraphrasing)
We used to have to deal with blow back from the wrong answer. Now not giving an answer is worse.

01-25-2018, 10:16 AM
I thought Patrick Brown's future bombshell was when he would come outta the closet as gay

seriously...am I the only one who thought that?

the most serious of the allegations I've read are 10 fucking years old and involve a single 29 year old guy and a drunk 18 year old woman......and imo sound more like a single guy trying-to-get-lucky and shot-down rather than any sort of crazy criminal behavior

I fucking hate this current guilty-as-alleged bullshit when a woman calls out a guy and the guy's life is completely fuct without even stepping into court.....especially when we're talking about things that happened a decade ago?

anyway...the upside

PCs have be polling well but Brown wasn't in comparison

they need to put a qualified likeable Woman at the helm asap and they can still kick wynne's ass to the curb

01-25-2018, 10:32 AM
What needs to start happening, consequences, huge consequences for the accusers when it plays out they are liars. Just a little over a week ago we were lambasted with media reports of a hate crime against a lil girl, we all know how that played out.

This is it - haven't had time to read the reports as yet but I think they said the accusers are in the shadows - this should not be allowed (at least initially maybe) if the allegations are to have any credibility. It should be in the open and investigated. It may end up being some form of harassment that is poor judgement or sleazy on the part of the man (I've seen both) but not a chargeable offence, and may have consequences but unless the complainant is a minor, the accused should be able to face their accuser and defend themselves. Unfortunately, I think in some cases the accused just quietly walks away because there may be some truth to it and can open a can of worms if pursued further (unless you're Trump then you double down).

This is unfortunate timing given the upcoming elections but I don't think the PC party had confidence in Brown so they not unhappy seeing a change in leadership.

01-25-2018, 10:54 AM
What are the allegations? Morning talk show (left leaning) is diescribing them has Horrable , distirbung, despicable, shocking, graphic. Ect. But not found anything that actually says what they are other than sexual misconduct.

01-25-2018, 10:57 AM
Never did like the decision to pick Brown as PC leader and I thought a woman would have been the best choice to go after Orval and her Libtards so now maybe we have a chance, this party needs a woman cuz no man is going to beat that popcorn grower. This might be a blessing in disguise.

01-25-2018, 10:59 AM
Just listening to am 640...a guy in Barrie says they knew about all of this crap.

01-25-2018, 11:17 AM
Yeah one guy said there were rumours of him assulting women for years. Other guy responded that that was bs. He was know as a “playboy” he liked to flirt and buy women drinks and favoured younger women (in their 20’s)

01-25-2018, 11:25 AM
I thought Patrick Brown's future bombshell was when he would come outta the closet as gay

seriously...am I the only one who thought that?

the most serious of the allegations I've read are 10 fucking years old and involve a single 29 year old guy and a drunk 18 year old woman......and imo sound more like a single guy trying-to-get-lucky and shot-down rather than any sort of crazy criminal behavior

I fucking hate this current guilty-as-alleged bullshit when a woman calls out a guy and the guy's life is completely fuct without even stepping into court.....especially when we're talking about things that happened a decade ago?

anyway...the upside

PCs have be polling well but Brown wasn't in comparison

they need to put a qualified likeable Woman at the helm asap and they can still kick wynne's ass to the curb

This exactly......alot of allegations against Patrick and other guys seem like guys trying to or getting lucky and the women regret it. Not saying that some of these men arent scum and some accusations warranted, but most men out there have an experience where they made a "move" and the girl wasn't having it. Women do that to men as well.

01-25-2018, 11:40 AM
Not going to get dragged into the whole "don't hire women" "Oh it's so hard to not make sexual advances on co-workers" debate. :facepalm:

What I find disgusting is how quickly the entire PC party jumped over the rail into the freezing water. Makes me think they weren't entirely confident in Brown and this is an extremely convenient opportunity to pivot.

Once again, you completely miss my point. My point is to avoid false accusations, it's better not to deal with women. If he did it, then he deserves what he gets. Simple as that.

01-25-2018, 11:51 AM
Whynn is doing a press conference. Brace yourselves.

01-25-2018, 12:32 PM
This exactly......alot of allegations against Patrick and other guys seem like guys trying to or getting lucky and the women regret it. Not saying that some of these men arent scum and some accusations warranted, but most men out there have an experience where they made a "move" and the girl wasn't having it. Women do that to men as well.

In a random bar with a stranger that is usually not an issue unless the guy gets aggressive or doesn't take "no" for an answer. In a workplace environment (including after work parties) it's a whole different issue and the duty of care has to be elevated, especially for those in any position of "power" or perceived position of power (ie. seniority or reporting structure).

I hope it's not true about him but the old sayings usually has some truth to it: "where there's smoke there's fire" and from a former boss of mine (founder and former CEO of a mid-cap TSX traded FI/lender): "if you find one cockroach there's always more" (the ironic thing is that last year he was forced out of the company after short sellers exposed "funny business" - which I suspected over 10 years ago when I worked for him - and he and other Directors were charged by the OSC, OSFI stepped in for a short-time to prevent a collapse, and Warren Buffett lent them a couple billion dollars to keep them going and got part ownership in the process).

I'd like the accusers man-up and face him, and be prepared to face the consequences if the accusations turn out to be false.

01-25-2018, 12:47 PM
Let this be a lesson. If you own a business, don't hire women. And if you've already got women working for you, never talk to them alone and make sure your office is under 24 hour surveillance just so there's no he said - she said bullshit.

If you're just an employee, keep contact with women as brief as possible and never talk to them alone.

Once again, you completely [read my comment literally]. My point is to avoid false accusations, it's better not to deal with women.

So your sage advice when/if you encounter a woman in the workplace...

01-25-2018, 01:00 PM
Whynn is doing a press conference. Brace yourselves.

She shouldn’t be worried. She’s so ugly no one or thing would sexually harass her. Didn’t her parents have to put dog food in her pockets so the dog would play with her?

01-25-2018, 01:03 PM
Dude, she has kids that means some guy got real drunk a couple times and took one for the team and boy did he.

She shouldn’t be worried. She’s so ugly no one or thing would sexually harass her. Didn’t her parents have to put dog food in her pockets so the dog would play with her?

01-25-2018, 01:26 PM
Not a good week for the PCs - was reading about this yesterday:

Nova Scotia's Progressive Conservative leader Jamie Baillie was asked to resign his post Wednesday morning after an investigator hired by the provincial PC Party to probe "allegations of inappropriate behaviour" found he had breached workplace harassment rules.

01-25-2018, 01:30 PM
In a random bar with a stranger that is usually not an issue unless the guy gets aggressive or doesn't take "no" for an answer. In a workplace environment (including after work parties) it's a whole different issue and the duty of care has to be elevated, especially for those in any position of "power" or perceived position of power (ie. seniority or reporting structure).

I hope it's not true about him but the old sayings usually has some truth to it: "where there's smoke there's fire" and from a former boss of mine (founder and former CEO of a mid-cap TSX traded FI/lender): "if you find one cockroach there's always more" (the ironic thing is that last year he was forced out of the company after short sellers exposed "funny business" - which I suspected over 10 years ago when I worked for him - and he and other Directors were charged by the OSC, OSFI stepped in for a short-time to prevent a collapse, and Warren Buffett lent them a couple billion dollars to keep them going and got part ownership in the process).

I'd like the accusers man-up and face him, and be prepared to face the consequences if the accusations turn out to be false.


01-25-2018, 01:38 PM
This is from the G&M in terms of the allegations. If there is any truth to it and he invited underage women to his home or made advances of a direct report, and/or there is alcohol involved then he surely displayed very poor judgement and opened himself up for accusations of impropriety unfortunately (even if the other parts of it did not occur):

The political shakeup was caused by an exclusive report by CTV News about Mr. Brown's interactions with two young girls several years ago. The news agency reported that one girl, a high-school student in Barrie at the time of the incident, alleges that she met Mr. Brown at a local bar with a mutual friend. The future PC Leader invited her to his home and provided them with alcohol, though they were underage. During a tour of his home, he stopped in his bedroom with her and then exposed himself and asked her to perform oral sex on him, CTV News reported. She did briefly and then left.

The other woman, a former employee of Mr. Brown, alleges that she was sexually assaulted in 2013 after a charity event in Barrie. After a night of heavy drinking, she told CTV News that Mr. Brown pushed her down on his bed and forcibly kissed her.

The woman said she met Mr. Brown on a flight in 2012. Mr. Brown later tracked her down via her Facebook profile and sent her his phone number and allegedly told her to contact him if she needed to get past lineups into bars – she was also not of legal drinking age at the time.

In March 2013, the woman said Mr. Brown hired her to work in his constituency office. She alleged to CTV that after a hockey charity event that she helped organize, she attended a party with Mr. Brown and his friends. She was intoxicated and went to Mr. Brown's home with some of his friends after the bar closed.

During the evening, she said she was invited to Mr. Brown's bedroom with a friend to look at pictures. When the friend left the room, Mr. Brown and the woman were sitting on his bed. She said that without invitation, he forced her back and kissed her. She says she was unresponsive to his kisses. He then climbed on her and continued to kiss her. She told him to stop and said she had a boyfriend. He then drove her to her parent's home.

"I felt it was sexual. I could feel his erection on my legs when he was on top of me so I felt that it would have gone to sexual intercourse if I had not done anything," the woman told the news agency. "I would characterize that as a sexual assault."

CTV did not identify the women. The Globe and Mail was unable to reach the women or verify their allegations.

01-25-2018, 02:06 PM
So your sage advice when/if you encounter a woman in the workplace...

Of course not. But then again you obviously haven't heard of a concept called nuance. Or even your mileage my vary.

But since you seem to revel in busting my balls, I can sum things up very simply. If you work with women, or have to deal with them choose your words wisely. Because some women are opportunistic, and will destroy you with little provocation.

01-25-2018, 02:20 PM
If you work with women, or have to deal with them choose your words wisely. Because some women are opportunistic, and will destroy you with little provocation.
There, was that so difficult? Had this been your original argument I would have agreed with you. You should always choose your words wisely when talking to anyone. And yes, some women are opportunistic.
I know what the word "nuance" means. "Let this be a lesson. If you own a business, don't hire women" is not it.

01-25-2018, 02:24 PM
Key word "some"... most I know just want to leave the office and go home... not bother with extra BS at work either.

I knew this one though, she looked for trouble everywhere. It was ok for her to say things like "men are all pigs" and such but dare not to bow in front of her presence. As Hank Hill once said "whhat a bitch"...

01-25-2018, 02:27 PM
Out of all the women I've worked with or led in 30 years I think there is only one who I had any issues with and would say wasn't/isn't a "nice" person. I've seen way more men in that category though.

01-25-2018, 02:33 PM
This is from the G&M in terms of the allegations. If there is any truth to it and he invited underage women to his home or made advances of a direct report, and/or there is alcohol involved then he surely displayed very poor judgement and opened himself up for accusations of impropriety unfortunately (even if the other parts of it did not occur):

The political shakeup was caused by an exclusive report by CTV News about Mr. Brown's interactions with two young girls several years ago. The news agency reported that one girl, a high-school student in Barrie at the time of the incident, alleges that she met Mr. Brown at a local bar with a mutual friend. The future PC Leader invited her to his home and provided them with alcohol, though they were underage. During a tour of his home, he stopped in his bedroom with her and then exposed himself and asked her to perform oral sex on him, CTV News reported. She did briefly and then left.

The other woman, a former employee of Mr. Brown, alleges that she was sexually assaulted in 2013 after a charity event in Barrie. After a night of heavy drinking, she told CTV News that Mr. Brown pushed her down on his bed and forcibly kissed her.

The woman said she met Mr. Brown on a flight in 2012. Mr. Brown later tracked her down via her Facebook profile and sent her his phone number and allegedly told her to contact him if she needed to get past lineups into bars – she was also not of legal drinking age at the time.

In March 2013, the woman said Mr. Brown hired her to work in his constituency office. She alleged to CTV that after a hockey charity event that she helped organize, she attended a party with Mr. Brown and his friends. She was intoxicated and went to Mr. Brown's home with some of his friends after the bar closed.

During the evening, she said she was invited to Mr. Brown's bedroom with a friend to look at pictures. When the friend left the room, Mr. Brown and the woman were sitting on his bed. She said that without invitation, he forced her back and kissed her. She says she was unresponsive to his kisses. He then climbed on her and continued to kiss her. She told him to stop and said she had a boyfriend. He then drove her to her parent's home.

"I felt it was sexual. I could feel his erection on my legs when he was on top of me so I felt that it would have gone to sexual intercourse if I had not done anything," the woman told the news agency. "I would characterize that as a sexual assault."

CTV did not identify the women. The Globe and Mail was unable to reach the women or verify their allegations.

So call me crazy but were isnthe problem?

First woman he met at a bar. She willingly accepted an invite home. Willingly accepted an invite into his bedroom and willingly gave him oral sex

Second women also accepted an invite home after the bar. Also accepted an invite into his room. Didn’t refuse a kiss and when his tried to go further she said stop. AND HE DID


If perusing sex and stopping when being told no is sexual misconduct the my poor wife experiences it daily. Lol

When are we going to stop accepting after thought regret as sexual assault.

01-25-2018, 02:39 PM
So call me crazy but were isnthe problem?

First woman he met at a bar. She willingly accepted an invite home. Willingly accepted an invite into his bedroom and willingly gave him oral sex

Second women also accepted an invite home after the bar. Also accepted an invite into his room. Didn’t refuse a kiss and when his tried to go further she said stop. AND HE DID


If perusing sex and stopping when being told no is sexual misconduct the my poor wife experienced it daily. Lol

When are we going to stop accepting after thought regret as sexual assault.

So let's assume the accusations are actually true - you don't see the potential for subsequent issues in either/both cases (based on the details presented above - again, assuming they are true)? Or poor judgement?

01-25-2018, 02:49 PM
I will admit that Mr.Brown does look like a perv.

01-25-2018, 02:57 PM
Now I can see a man hiring another man instead of a woman so he doesn't find himself out of a job and a reputation ruined cuz of accusations, be careful what you wish for ladies it just might back fire on ya all.

01-25-2018, 03:04 PM
So let's assume the accusations are actually true - you don't see the potential for subsequent issues in either/both cases (based on the details presented above - again, assuming they are true)? Or poor judgement?

In both cases the women accepted the invites.
I mean you don’t invite a girl home from the bar with the hopes of her knitting a sweater for you.

They are pushing the under age thing with the first girl but they met at a bar. How did the underage girl get into a bar and get service alcohol?
I’ve never know anyone who used a fake I’d to get into a bar to tell everyone there they were under age.

First girl sounds like a willing participant

Second girl sounds like she went along with it. HAd second thoughts and asked him to stop.
Key to that one is he stopped.

If you make a move and get asked to stop and don’t. That’s a problem. If you make a move and get asked to stop and you stop. That’s not rape or sexual misconduct.

01-25-2018, 03:39 PM
In both cases the women accepted the invites.
I mean you don’t invite a girl home from the bar with the hopes of her knitting a sweater for you.

They are pushing the under age thing with the first girl but they met at a bar. How did the underage girl get into a bar and get service alcohol?
I’ve never know anyone who used a fake I’d to get into a bar to tell everyone there they were under age.

First girl sounds like a willing participant

Second girl sounds like she went along with it. HAd second thoughts and asked him to stop.
Key to that one is he stopped.

If you make a move and get asked to stop and don’t. That’s a problem. If you make a move and get asked to stop and you stop. That’s not rape or sexual misconduct.

In the first case, it doesn't matter how she got into the bar - he asked a high school student/underage girl to his home and gave her alcohol (you cannot claim ignorance either).

Second case, the woman was his employee at the time - I think any leader/manager with a brain/common sense would understand this is a no-no with a direct report/employee (or indirect - part of your team but in your reporting structure). At least as far as the description provided and assuming it's true as stated.

01-25-2018, 04:07 PM
In the first case, it doesn't matter how she got into the bar - he asked an underage girl to his home and gave her alcohol (you cannot claim ignorance either).

Why can't you claim ignorance?

are we all supposed to be able to guess height, weight and age with scientific accuracy?

some 18 year old girl gets all dolled up to go man-hunting at a bar playing the part of someone 5+ years older....and goes home with a single 27 year old guy after an invite

and then she decides he did something wrong 10 fucking years later because she was pretending to be quite a bit older than she really was at the time?....and he's potentially on the verge of becoming a pretty powerful guy now?

sorry...the women can't have it 10 different ways simultaneously to claim victimhood

under the exact same circumstances, Patrick Brown could be engaged to his 28 year old lawyer girlfriend cause they hit it off 10 years ago

imo...the claims that just ruined his political life are behavior of a single guy looking for a single woman...nothing more

01-25-2018, 04:13 PM
Wynne sexually disgusts me....can I bring that up and have her thrown out?

Men really don’t have a leg to stand on anymore.

01-25-2018, 04:28 PM
In the first case, it doesn't matter how she got into the bar - he asked an underage girl to his home and gave her alcohol (you cannot claim ignorance either).

Second case, the woman was his employee at the time - I think any leader/manager with a brain/common sense would understand this is a no-no with a direct report/employee (or indirect - part of your team but in your reporting structure). At least as far as the description provided and assuming it's true as stated.

I dissagree with claiming ignorance on the first one when I was younger I’ve seen girls and guys go home with people and not disclose their age. Are you 18? Is not normaly the first question you ask when you meet someone in a bar. If you invite them home and they say okay. Most people would not expect that ther person who is at the bar and drunk isn’t of age

01-25-2018, 04:29 PM
I dissagree with claiming ignorance on the first one when I was younger I’ve seen girls and guys go home with people and not disclose their age. Are you 18? Is not normaly the first question you ask when you meet someone in a bar. If you invite them home and they say okay. Most people would not expect that ther person who is at the bar and drunk isn’t of age

I guess the next part of that could be: "tell that to the judge"

01-25-2018, 04:36 PM
True and that’s the unfortunate part becasie it’s really nothing more than a he said she said.

He loses a career either way and she has nothing to lose if the case is thrown out

Scary part of this movement of accusing every e for every thing

Many many years ago I was at a party and was hanging with a girl. We chatted had some drinks made out for a bit never once did she say no, or stop.
After a little while (before things got clothes coming off serious) she stopped looked me right in the eye and said. I could tell everyone you raped me and there would be nothing you could do about it.
Sweet Jesus I could not get out of there fast enough. Learned a valuable lesson but in all honestly what would stop her from showing up one day out of the blue and claiming I had?
Would be my word against hers and everyhting I have worked for would be up in smoke.

The risk of that for everyone goes up tenfold when you become famous or hold a political position.

01-25-2018, 05:06 PM
Why can't you claim ignorance?

are we all supposed to be able to guess height, weight and age with scientific accuracy?

some 18 year old girl gets all dolled up to go man-hunting at a bar playing the part of someone 5+ years older....and goes home with a single 27 year old guy after an invite

and then she decides he did something wrong 10 fucking years later because she was pretending to be quite a bit older than she really was at the time?....and he's potentially on the verge of becoming a pretty powerful guy now?

sorry...the women can't have it 10 different ways simultaneously to claim victimhood

under the exact same circumstances, Patrick Brown could be engaged to his 28 year old lawyer girlfriend cause they hit it off 10 years ago

imo...the claims that just ruined his political life are behavior of a single guy looking for a single woman...nothing more

It's possible and the first girl in the bar may likely would have been 17 or 18 which is age of consent....but still pushing the limit is she is that close to age of consent, especially in his position as a conservative politician (not sure which office he held at the time of the first alleged incident ).

It looks like he part owns a bar in Barrie - I wonder if these incidents happened there?

I don't hang around high school students/girls but I suppose some can be made to look like they're 25 years of age.

01-25-2018, 05:19 PM
All that damn MSG

01-25-2018, 05:40 PM
All that damn MSG

Growth hormones in milk and meat.

01-25-2018, 06:05 PM
also getting 3 squares a day. Women (and men) develop more slowly in circumstances of scarcity.

- - - Updated - - -

According to previous posts, they consented. When is consent not consent.

Yes, they did consent - although alcohol appears to muddy the waters on the consent issue.

I would also hope he did not go around trying to sleep with his employees (consent or not) - that's just poor judgement.

At any point, these are allegations and it's unfortunate that in the current climate he doesn't have the opportunity for a proper investigation before facing consequences.

01-25-2018, 06:14 PM
try using the alcohol excuse next time you get pulled over for drunk driving.

from twitter

Safest countries for women, based on % of female pop. that have been a victim of serious crimes in past year

1 Australia
2 Malta
3 Iceland
4 New Zealand
5 Canada
6 Poland
7 Monaco
8 Israel (nowhere else in Mideast is close)
9 US
10 S Korea

(New World Wealth)

Haven't there been court cases and rulings regarding alcohol and the question of consent (although those were dealing with high levels of blood alcohol and the ability of the victim to know what they're consenting to)? This is what I was referring to.

On the other aspect - do you ask your employees for sex?

01-25-2018, 06:28 PM
Work relation ships happen all the time.
I met my wife on the job. I wasn’t her boss but sometime two grown ups van be grown ups and not throw rape allegations after the fact

But. Ethically is it right?

Probably not. Is it the worst then donenehicaly wrong by some on parlement? Doubtful.

01-25-2018, 07:08 PM
Let this be a lesson. If you own a business, don't hire women. And if you've already got women working for you, never talk to them alone and make sure your office is under 24 hour surveillance just so there's no he said - she said bullshit.

If you're just an employee, keep contact with women as brief as possible and never talk to them alone.

Honestly, that's a disgusting attitude. I hire people based on their indiovidual worth. I have had several female carpenters and sales people.
On the other hand, I read an article in a magazine today at the doctor's office, wherein a woman in an executive position is suing her company for sexual discrimination and harassment: why? because her male supervisor refused to close his office door when he met with her, and always made sure a third person was there. Since she could not get a private meeting with him she felt she was being discriminated against because she was a female, and she was being harassed because he was afraid to be alone with her in case she accused him of sexual assault. Seems us poor men can't win either way.

01-25-2018, 07:18 PM
We will never know what really happened with Patrick Brown, but in reading the women's descriptions of what went on, I don't honestly think that there was anything untoward. One girl, after being embraced on the bed asked him to stop and drive her home. He did exactly that.
HE apparently asked another for oral sex, and she complied, then thought better of it and stopped. IF it was so horrible, why even start?

I'm sorry.. Neither of these episodes seems to be anything other than ordinary dating behaviour exercised by young men and women for hundreds of years.
I'm now waiting for the every girl I ever made out with or felt up 50 years ago to come forward and complain because " she felt uncomfortable," Believe me, I was a nerd in my youth (still am) and the idea of forcing my affections on someone would have been unthinkable.

Based on Wynne's and Trudeau's spoken reactions today, defending "those brave girls", Brown is most definitely guilty until proven innocent. Given that all this happened in private, without witnesses, more than 10 years ago, it's a perfect "he said she said" case and no one will ever believe Brown's protestations of innocence. Naturally Wynne will exploit the situation to its fullest.

01-25-2018, 07:43 PM
Another one gone:

Liberals’ Kent Hehr resigns from cabinet over harassment allegations

01-25-2018, 08:30 PM
WTF?? More today - this was actually investigated by military police though versus allegations made in the other cases:

Canada’s chief military judge faces three charges


01-25-2018, 09:40 PM
There was another lady calling foul because she file a complaint with the liberal party regarding an MP and no one ever responded.

And this is a perfect example of my issue with all this. IF someone did something sexually wrong to you

Why the hell is you first calls to the media or to the governing party and not to the police?

Hate to say but IMO if you go to the police. They question your story and assume innocent untill guilt is proven

Where as if you go to the media it’s made public and no one really cares if your telling the truth, compleatly making it up or streatching events a little bit. You get instant action to the person your accusing and everyone feels sorry for you

Very scary precedent to start.

The media all day has just been ruthless to Brown with no actual evidence to support the claims just a statement that is thinly veiled at best. To the point even of criticizing his news conference last night.

Any one would have been broke like he was last night. His life as he knows it is over. No chance at premier and most likely he is done in politics regardless of the out come.

Bunch of vultures in the damn media

01-25-2018, 11:22 PM
At the end of the day it was his own party who exposed him first and then the libtards finished it off cuz the story was going to come out one day any ways so they made sure to clean the mess before it happened. Now at least they can choose a leader we will like and actually have a chance in winning cuz let's face it who thought Brown was really going to win against Redenbacher.

Bring in Caroline Mulroney since she's got the name recognition it worked for that idiot in Ottawa or have Andrea crosses the floor and become a PC she would finally get her win beacsue she will never get it working for the NDP just ask Bob why.

01-25-2018, 11:52 PM
has he been charged?

- - - Updated - - -

whats the age of consent?

Age of consent would have been ok - I think 17 but as an older politician probably not the smartest thing to do (although not sure how long ago this alleged incident was).

01-25-2018, 11:55 PM
Really, do I ask my employees for sex. Yes that's how I roll, call a meeting, take attendance and then do a poll around the room for which employee will give me sex. For those who may now be shocked, this is sarcasm.

Isn't this what the second allegation was? I've seen workplace romance/affairs but never personally seen boss/subordinate ones (considered bad due to the power differential) although there are enough bad stories about these out there.

01-26-2018, 08:02 AM
Even if the new leader is a revolting dumb ass, at election time, remember who and what we've been saddled with Liberals in power and vote accordingly. We don't work for these people, they work for us, long overdue we remind them who's really in charge. Making the next election a crushing defeat will do exactly that.


01-26-2018, 09:06 AM
Age of consent used to be 14 here. Now it is 16.

01-26-2018, 09:24 AM
I agree Trudeau had no business commenting on Brown until things became more clear, and or actual charges were laid, that was BS.

If you buy a stolen car and you didn't know it was stolen......it don't matter, you're not keeping the car and you are in possession of stolen property. Buyer beware.

If you meet up and bang a 17 year old girl, but you didn't know she was 17.....it's still illegal under the law, so beware because you'll still be accountable for it. I think this the most reason why he's done.

Also, as a people manager you can't do the things he was doing with his female employees, not in this day and age.

Brown was sure quivering during his statement, his world has come crashing down.

Old Fart
01-26-2018, 11:26 AM
Here is an interesting article that sums up this situation... http://nationalpost.com/opinion/christie-blatchford-what-happened-to-brown-is-fundamentally-wrong-every-man-in-the-world-is-now-vulnerable

We are doomed!!

01-26-2018, 11:36 AM
Always enjoy and respect Christie's editorials, and usually tune into her 'Round Table' debates on 1010.

Let it be perfectly clear.
The point is not what Brown allegedly did.
The point is not even Brown, though spare a minute for him, that poor, lonely castoff.
That his senior staff deserted him immediately is no reflection on the strength, or lack of it, of the allegations made against him. Political staff are the human equivalents of blowflies; they’re the first to recognize a corpse

01-26-2018, 11:47 AM
I agree Trudeau had no business commenting on Brown until things became more clear, and or actual charges were laid, that was BS.

If you buy a stolen car and you didn't know it was stolen......it don't matter, you're not keeping the car and you are in possession of stolen property. Buyer beware.

If you meet up and bang a 17 year old girl, but you didn't know she was 17.....it's still illegal under the law, so beware because you'll still be accountable for it. I think this the most reason why he's done.

Also, as a people manager you can't do the things he was doing with his female employees, not in this day and age.

Brown was sure quivering during his statement, his world has come crashing down.

Age of consent is 16 here. Was 14.

01-26-2018, 12:27 PM
Age of consent is 16 here. Was 14.

In his line of business, if you're walking this close to the line (whether it's 16,17, etc) it's playing with fire.

Accusers are still anonymous?

True Blue
01-26-2018, 12:55 PM
As this plays out, my thought of this shit show could have been orchestrated by the Conservatives themselves. Brown didn't have the popularity and was still fairly unknown, certainly not the right choice as the leader of the party. Brown is booted... Create all this drama, media attention... Get a new leader, most liking female, all eyes are watching. Hopefully this will gain the PC more voters as the result of this fiasco.

True Blue
01-26-2018, 01:33 PM
Vic Fedeli has been named interim leader of the PC's.

83 5.0
01-27-2018, 10:53 PM
Sad thing is Brown didn't break any laws, but given the current moral climate, he crossed a line. Christ, I couldn't run for politics with all the ethnic jokes, and the teenage girls I sort of had some physical interactions with 40+ years ago...

Clutt gt
01-28-2018, 12:55 AM
Bottom line is make dam sure she's interested.
Be dam sure you don't work with her.
Be dam sure your careers have now way of ever crossing paths.
Be dam sure she is sober
Be dam sure she's old enough and no more tha 5 years from your age
Be dam sure she's not married or in a relationship
The after all checks an balances have been made handcuff your self to the bed and let her have her way with you.
Also make sure you have her sign something agreeing to have the entire altercation on digital camera saved to the cloud.

It may turn out to be a few dry years for some of you guys but stay safe out there boys.

This is mostly a joke but in Ontario there are two things you have to be very careful when doing.
Driving 50km over the speed limit
And having sex

Lucky for me
I'm married and own a Harley Davidson I'm not doing either of these things.

01-28-2018, 01:32 PM
This is mostly a joke but...
But is it really? Is that list so unreasonable that it’s absurd?

LOL at the HD comment

Clutt gt
01-28-2018, 06:12 PM
Actually Don the joke part is me setting rules for dating.
I've been with the same woman since she was 17.
And she's the office manager of my business
And I'm pretty sure she took advantage of me while I was drunk last weekend.
And yes the HD is slooow that's no joke.

01-28-2018, 08:15 PM
Just saw something on the internet. Not yet sure if it's true.
One of the women who accused Brown has been identified and is apparently a very close friend of the CTV reporter who broke the story. The woman in question has been fired from at least a couple of journalism jobs prior to this.
Oh. And both women are gay.
It is remotely possible that this whole story is.... (heaven forfend)...fake? If so, I hope Patrick Brown goes after them legally, with a vengeance.

Clutt gt
01-28-2018, 09:32 PM
Well now we have to add to the list.
Be dam sure she's straight.

01-29-2018, 07:05 PM
Four more years of Tory is better then 4 more years of the battle ax.

Go Doug Ford

01-29-2018, 07:14 PM
I lurk a blog site of a connected Liberal who was predicting that the whole #metoo thing was gonna create a shitshow in Canadian politics....seems he knew a while back that Brown "had a zipper problem"....apparently a well known rumour

but here's his latest

This writer has been saying for weeks that #MeToo was going to hit Canadian politics. It has struck with a fury in Hollywood, the media, Washington and the cultural elite. It was only a matter of time before it took down the creeps and criminals slithering through the Canadian corridors of power, too.

There are other men who are about to be exposed. Count on it. The media have been on their trail for many weeks. Once it gets through the editors – once it is okayed by the lawyers – other men will be going down. It is overdue. It is needed.

One of these men is very, very powerful. The stories have been known about him for three years. They are in affidavits, plural.

His name will shock you.

so I read his comment section from others that are connected...in the know etc.....and I read this

If it’s the same person who I’ve been told has multiple sworn affidavits against him, you can’t get bigger in Canada. I know one of the people who’s signature is on one of the affidavits.

This person has told me the contents of the affidavits. Explosive doesn’t even begin to describe it. I will not repeat what I was told here because haven’t personally seen them, and even if I had, I don’t want to make legal trouble.

What I will say…… if they do get out, they will destroy this persons very carefully crafted public image and reputation.

so commentors push this guy on the name and he drops this

He likes themed socks

now that would sure as fuck heat up Canadian Politics now wouldn't it

does our hypocrite, bullshit artist of a Prime Minister have multiple sworn affidavits against him for inappropriate sexual behavior?

01-29-2018, 07:31 PM
I am a victim of wynne... for years now, my wallet has been abused by the OLP... #metoo

Also the liberals "knew" about this thing with Brown, they tried to keep it hush hush until the last minute so the PC couldn't get a new leader for the election... LOL Crazy how that c----t got into and is still in power.

01-29-2018, 07:37 PM

Also the liberals "knew" about this thing with Brown, they tried to keep it hush hush until the last minute so the PC couldn't get a new leader for the election...[/QUOTE]

correct.....the reason they dealt the Brown card early was because that Livingston dude was found guilty on the gasplant emails and they wanted it out of the headlines

heard anyone in the media mention his name lately?

01-29-2018, 07:45 PM
if true minimal media coverage

not a chance....it will be huge

but...imo....the lefty media will then change the narrative.....it will be much like we've said here.....how the fuck can unproven allegations sink a guy etc

problem with sock boy is he keeps saying everyone should believe the accusers

this could get seriously fun

01-29-2018, 08:03 PM
I'd like to see it as well. How do you figure taxpayer funded CBC will cover it, how about left leaning apologist CTV. Social media will get filtered. As satisfying as it would be if this story had legs, it'd be a good exercise if a false accusation especially depending on the target.

my tin foil hat is saying that those in the know have done this in a deliberate fashion and order

because all this shit is apparently known to those in the know.....so let the shit fly in order to dilute for Trudeau

1) sink Brown with outrage
2) sink the guy out in Atlantic Canada too
3) let the angry Federal Lib in the wheelchair get taken out as collateral damage
4) sink a few more connected PC swine
5) let the sock boy allegations out there

by the time the sworn affidavits come out against sock boy the hope would be that this whole metoo shitshow is getting tired

I'm just hoping like hell that the sworn affidavits include the words "then he pulled out his penis"

01-29-2018, 08:25 PM
correct.....the reason they dealt the Brown card early was because that Livingston dude was found guilty on the gasplant emails and they wanted it out of the headlines

heard anyone in the media mention his name lately?

If the PCs knew that the Liberals knew about the rumours/allegations about Brown, would the PCs want to get in front of this by getting it out sooner rather than later (alleged or not)? I see more incentive for them to act quickly with a pre-emptive strike than the Liberals if they knew this was a possibility - had this come out a few weeks before the election later this year they would be burnt toast. For now they're lightly toasted but have a chance to salvage it because this will be gone in the fast news cycle.

01-29-2018, 08:33 PM
If the PCs knew that the Liberals knew about the rumours/allegations about Brown, would the PCs want to get in front of this by getting it out sooner rather than later (alleged or not)? I see more incentive for them to act quickly with a pre-emptive strike than the Liberals if they knew this was a possibility - had this come out a few weeks before the election later this year they would be burnt toast. For now they're lightly toasted but have a chance to salvage it because this will be gone in the fast news cycle.

been told by those in the know that the Libs played the Brown card because Livingston was found guilty and they needed to change the channel

01-29-2018, 08:53 PM
been told by those in the know that the Libs played the Brown card because Livingston was found guilty and they needed to change the channel

I could see that because there coverage on the guilty verdict is non-existent but it sounds like the PCs were well aware of Brown's behaviour and it's possible rumours of leaks/releases could be imminent around Queen's Park. Was listening to something on Newstalk 1010 and they played back a comment/clip from a former PC senior person (previous head?) that if there was any evidence/truth to it meant it was just a matter of time for it to come out once the election machine and spotlights cranked up later this year. Sounds like PCs might have been between the proverbial "rock and a hard place"....unless it was totally fabricated by the Liberals (but then some PCs wouldn't be saying the type of behaviour described was known to those around him).

83 5.0
01-31-2018, 08:06 AM
Fedeli is going to investigate the unorthodox signing up of Conservative members under Brown.
One take away from this is the bank account got a bump from these Phantom members.
Drain the swamp lol.

01-31-2018, 08:31 AM
correct.....the reason they dealt the Brown card early was because that Livingston dude was found guilty on the gasplant emails and they wanted it out of the headlines

heard anyone in the media mention his name lately?

Nope... it pays to own the media when you're a political party. En mass we are just sheep, nothing more and it's proven time and time again. People are smart as individuals but put us in herds and we become dumber than cattle.

83 5.0
02-01-2018, 08:48 PM
Christine Elliot to run for Conservative leader. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/mulroney-elliott-ontario-pc-leadership-1.4515394
If the Conservatives are smart, this is who they need to put us out of our Wynne misery. Just hope they don't eff this up again.

02-10-2018, 06:41 PM
First interview with Brown since he stepped down,

02-11-2018, 11:29 PM
No words, hope it's true though.

02-12-2018, 08:49 AM

Unfortunately in today's world it does not matter if he's innocent. He is already finished. His professional life is over no matter what the outcome.

02-12-2018, 10:59 AM
If the false accusations can be corroborated (as false), anyone involved should be charged with mischief at a minimum. Not sure if the news sources involved can be sued for libel or some similar transgression.

02-12-2018, 01:23 PM
You mean like Jian Gomeshi. Where is he now? Doesn't matter that he was acquitted.

02-12-2018, 07:05 PM
Ya this shit wrong. If you falsely accuse someone you should be charged.

02-12-2018, 09:35 PM
Saw this posted on Facebook. Supposedly by Patrick Brown.

Earlier this week, I said the truth will come out. I have been investigating the anonymous allegations against me and can prove they are false. I will clear my name.

The first accuser told a story about an incident that she claimed took place in my second floor, upstairs bedroom with the door closed. At the time of the alleged incident, I lived in a ground floor, open concept apartment and there was no second floor bedroom nor a door to any bedroom. THIS STORY IS FALSE. Interestingly, I understand from the first accuser's Facebook and from people we both know that she was housemates with a CTV reporter.

The second accuser's story is also absurdly false. It was she who tried to kiss me, while the woman I was seeing was in another room. I stopped her immediately and offered to drive her home, which I did. There are at least three witnesses, one of whom even spoke to CTV, that refute the details of her allegations. CTV left that out of the story.

Since the alleged incident, the accuser regularly presented herself as being my supporter and friend, including attending my events (she sat at a supporter table at my speech at the Economic Club of Canada in November 2016), requesting I connect her with my colleagues to help her write certain articles as recently as last year, liking a significant number of my Facebook posts long after she left my office, and, in fact, she even helped out on my leadership campaign. It is now known that this accuser and one of the reporters had a prior relationship. They both worked and socialized together. At no time did she ever act as someone who was anything but a friend and supporter. THIS STORY IS FALSE.

The #metoo movement is important. I support it. I embrace it. My drive to public service includes creating a safer and more respectful world for women. The #metoo movement is too important to allow outrageous allegations like these to derail it.

These past weeks have been hard. The hardest of my life. The night of January 24 was like being hit by a truck! No words can describe the hurt and pain suffered by me and my family. Yet, I find myself overwhelmed by the support for me across this beautiful province of ours. Thank you for believing me and believing in me. Thank you for your outrage at what happened to me.

I am a fighter. For my family, for my constituents, and for the citizens of Ontario. I will now fight for my name and reputation.

02-13-2018, 09:30 AM
first accuser, second accuser, CTV reporter ....why are there no names in this rebuttal?

02-13-2018, 09:36 AM
first accuser, second accuser, CTV reporter ....why are there no names in this rebuttal?

Is the case in the courts with any form of publication ban?

02-13-2018, 10:32 AM
I am sure there will be further information coming from Patrick Brown to try and clear his name. Not saying he's innocent, not saying he's guilty, but id love to see these allegations proved false soley to show how corrupt the Liberals are and the extent of what they'll do to try and win knowing how far down in the polls Wynne is.

02-13-2018, 11:16 AM
Is the case in the courts with any form of publication ban?
Not as far as I know. I don't understand why everybody (including Brown) are tippy-toeing around the anonymity of these people.

I have been investigating the anonymous allegations against me and can prove they are false. I will clear my name.
The first step I would take to clear my name would be to shed light on the "anonymous" accusers. At the very very least I would name the CTV reporter link.

Naming names seems to be taboo.

The [PC] party fired a firm [Zuber and Company] whose lawyer [Joseph Villeneuve] publicly named and criticized one of former leader Patrick Brown’s sexual-misconduct accusers.
“If (she) wished to have anonymity, and was deemed deserving of it, she should have brought her claims to court (seeking a publication ban) rather than trying to insulate herself from fair scrutiny by media ambush,” Villeneuve said in an email interview.

02-13-2018, 06:00 PM
"One of these men is very, very powerful. The stories have been known about him for three years. They are in affidavits, plural.

His name will shock you.
He likes themed socks"

This is the slowest breaking story EVER. When does the bomb drop?

02-13-2018, 06:45 PM
This is the slowest breaking story EVER. When does the bomb drop?

not sure

the guy in-the-know I talk too says the woman from 1 affidavit still refuses to take it to the media

claim I was told was 4 years ago...at an event...took place in the coatroom

gotta think the stress on the woman/women to go to the media and potentially take down a sitting PM is pretty fucking huge.....as is the money I would assume being thrown at them to STFU

funny thing though....since this potentially breaking story hit the internet......the PM's wife has been totally MIA

all his recent globe-trotting he's been solo....wife nowhere to be seen

makes you go hmmmmmm

02-13-2018, 06:54 PM
first accuser, second accuser, CTV reporter ....why are there no names in this rebuttal?

Maybe he has some class. Likely doesn't want to open himself to libel though. Just in case.

True Blue
02-13-2018, 07:44 PM
not sure

the guy in-the-know I talk too says the woman from 1 affidavit still refuses to take it to the media

claim I was told was 4 years ago...at an event...took place in the coatroom

gotta think the stress on the woman/women to go to the media and potentially take down a sitting PM is pretty fucking huge.....as is the money I would assume being thrown at them to STFU

funny thing though....since this potentially breaking story hit the internet......the PM's wife has been totally MIA

all his recent globe-trotting he's been solo....wife nowhere to be seen

makes you go hmmmmmm

Pretty boy must of done shit even in his partying days. I hope if/when the ball drops, there's an avalanche effect where many more women come out.
BUT, seeing how this cockroach operates, nothing will get rid of him! I hope I'm wrong...

02-13-2018, 07:54 PM
Maybe he has some class. Likely doesn't want to open himself to libel though. Just in case.

you don't have to dig too deep on the net to find out the name of Brown's intern accuser

and there you will find her in many pics with her CTV reporter friend all buddy/buddy in pics....seems they both worked at the Hill Times......and the pics make you wonder if they're both lesbians in a relationship with each other

and as luck would have it.....apparently one of the guys from CTV involved in this story used to work for Frank Magazine another lifetime ago....and was party to a contest where Frank Mag was encouraging guys to "deflower" the Prime Minister's daughter....one Caroline Mulroney

glass houses and all that shit eh?

02-13-2018, 08:12 PM
Pretty boy must of done shit even in his partying days. I hope if/when the ball drops, there's an avalanche effect where many more people come out.

fixed that for ya

he's waaaayyyy to fucking poofter with the cry on command shit and the lisp to leave the claims just to the ladies

his Mom was a bipolar shitshow, chain-smoking joints, fucking the Rolling Stones and spreading her legs at Studio 54....while his father was begging Barbara Streisand and Kim Cattrall for blow jobs....all by the time he was what?.....6 years old?

oh yeah......he's fucking stable

02-14-2018, 11:12 AM
CTV now reports that accuser of Patrick Brown recounts key piece: she was not underage in bar and not in high school but she "stands by her core story" and CTV stands by their original story.

I assume Mr. Brown is lawyering up big time

02-14-2018, 11:19 AM
CTV now reports that accuser of Patrick Brown recounts key piece: she was not underage in bar and not in high school but she "stands by her core story" and CTV stands by their original story.

I assume Mr. Brown is lawyering up big time

Good for him....I hope this blows up in the Liberals faces.

02-14-2018, 11:27 AM
I assume that should be "recants"? If CTV misrepresented this (which it sounds like they did - conflict of interest with reporter) then they should be made to pay up.

02-14-2018, 11:33 AM
CTV now reports that accuser of Patrick Brown recounts key piece: she was not underage in bar and not in high school but she "stands by her core story"
The allegations were sleazy, not illegal, except for the "underage" part of the story. It's a pretty fucking core part of the story. Without that, he's just a sleaze ball, not a pedophile, and perfectly qualified to be a political leader.

02-14-2018, 11:56 AM
The allegations were sleazy, not illegal, except for the "underage" part of the story. It's a pretty fucking core part of the story. Without that, he's just a sleaze ball, not a pedophile, and perfectly qualified to be a political leader.

but then...is he even a sleaze ball though?

at the time...a single guy in his late 20s yakking it up with a nice looking lady who was probably dolled up and you couldn't guess if she was 22 or 32?

I haven't been single for almost 30 years now.....but I'm assuming if I was single in my late 20s and yakking it up with a pretty lady at a bar....I'd be hoping that the end game involved a good healthy romp....does that make me a sleazeball?

Mellow Yellow
02-14-2018, 01:21 PM
but then...is he even a sleaze ball though?

at the time...a single guy in his late 20s yakking it up with a nice looking lady who was probably dolled up and you couldn't guess if she was 22 or 32?

I haven't been single for almost 30 years now.....but I'm assuming if I was single in my late 20s and yakking it up with a pretty lady at a bar....I'd be hoping that the end game involved a good healthy romp....does that make me a sleazeball?

But WTF these allegations are getting out of hand.

You've got Shawn White. the snowboarder, being chopped up in the media, after he won the gold not before, for an incident that happened over a year ago and he settled out of court. Was he guilty or innocent, don't know...likely settled the civil suit (not criminal)because he wanted to train.

Then you've got Ashley Judd going off on Facebook live, because some TSA agent said she had a pretty dress on? He may have done other things but apparently this first comment sent her off.

I'm glad I'm not 30 years younger. Based on what I did in the past I'd be crucified! And being in your 30s in todays climate, I wouldn't know how to approach a woman properly.

02-14-2018, 01:54 PM
But WTF these allegations are getting out of hand.

they sure are

apparently one woman's ass-grab is another woman's rape

the Weinstein stuff seemed pretty legit to get your back up over.....but what's evolved over the weeks since is just bandwagon humping

imo....it's the victimhood industry's most significant push to ensure that "white men need not apply"

I saw a ToStar headline last week that said in part "do we really want men in the workforce?"

that's the end game here

and go have a gander at the type of stuff Jordan Peterson has been exposing about our education system and the level of snowflake that the system spews out into the real world now

have a look at these countless new Gov't bureaucracies for diversity, black-this black-that, islam-this islam-that....and have a look at the hiring practices....white man need not apply

I mean fuck....I'm even in total agreement that the PCs need a female leader in this climate first and foremost for a chance to fucking win

this shit went from ass-grab to power grab....and white man need not apply

02-14-2018, 03:32 PM
CTV admits to getting the story wrong, underage accuser wasn’t underage. What else did they get wrong?

It's ridiculous that they are still anonymous at this point.

02-14-2018, 05:18 PM
they sure are

apparently one woman's ass-grab is another woman's rape

the Weinstein stuff seemed pretty legit to get your back up over.....but what's evolved over the weeks since is just bandwagon humping

imo....it's the victimhood industry's most significant push to ensure that "white men need not apply"

I saw a ToStar headline last week that said in part "do we really want men in the workforce?"

that's the end game here

and go have a gander at the type of stuff Jordan Peterson has been exposing about our education system and the level of snowflake that the system spews out into the real world now

have a look at these countless new Gov't bureaucracies for diversity, black-this black-that, islam-this islam-that....and have a look at the hiring practices....white man need not apply

I mean fuck....I'm even in total agreement that the PCs need a female leader in this climate first and foremost for a chance to fucking win

this shit went from ass-grab to power grab....and white man need not apply

SJWs and other liberal loons should be drawn and quartered. Honestly, it's the anti-white attitude that made me say fuck it. If they're against whites, then I'll play up to everything these pieces of garbage say about us. Give them something to bitch and complain about.

Oops there I go again being hateful... Oh well.

02-15-2018, 06:04 AM
SJWs and other liberal loons should be drawn and quartered. Honestly, it's the anti-white attitude that made me say fuck it. If they're against whites, then I'll play up to everything these pieces of garbage say about us. Give them something to bitch and complain about.

Oops there I go again being hateful... Oh well.


The world is a racist place and as the white “race” continues to drop in numbers things will get worse not to mention the white snowflake idiots who are anti-white... people who can only judge skin deep are dumber than shit and this goes both ways.

Something is going to break at some point. But it’s almost too late, we need a sort of Trump 2.0 over here to cut the throats of SJWs and give power to common sense not sensitive sissies out there to destroy the western civilization. We are handing it over to the islamists who’s only goal is to spread their dumber than shit allah bullshit. Stop the infighting and grow the fuck up Canada...

02-15-2018, 11:37 PM

The world is a racist place and as the white “race” continues to drop in numbers things will get worse not to mention the white snowflake idiots who are anti-white... people who can only judge skin deep are dumber than shit and this goes both ways.

Something is going to break at some point. But it’s almost too late, we need a sort of Trump 2.0 over here to cut the throats of SJWs and give power to common sense not sensitive sissies out there to destroy the western civilization. We are handing it over to the islamists who’s only goal is to spread their dumber than shit allah bullshit. Stop the infighting and grow the fuck up Canada...

Canadians need to stop ignoring what's going on instead of paying so much attention to the latest celebrity bullshit, or reality show.

As far as racism goes, when you boil it down we're all one race. It's the cultures that are incompatible. I'm much happier dealing with people who I know have basically the same values I do, and don't exactly trust those who don't.

02-16-2018, 12:19 AM
No, meritocracy is.

02-16-2018, 09:20 AM
No, meritocracy is.

Unfortunately we don't have that here. If we did, the idiot in Ottawa wouldn't be our Prime Minister.

02-16-2018, 11:12 AM
The problem is with the hiring managers in the case of politics - the voters.

02-16-2018, 05:18 PM
680 news is reporting:

Patrick Brown registers to run for leadership of Ontario PC party: sources

Patrick Brown has registered to reclaim the leadership of the Ontario PC Party, sources tell CityNews.

The move comes just weeks after he abruptly stepped down as leader amid sexual misconduct allegations and on the same day interim leader Vic Fidelli announced Brown would no longer be welcome in caucus.

02-16-2018, 05:42 PM
I heard they booted him out and told him if he wants to run it will have to be as an Independent?

02-16-2018, 06:24 PM
I don't think the PC's want Brown since nobody knew who he was before all this crap began and now everyone knows Brown for all the wrong reasons, they are backing Mulroney and she will take down Redenbacher.

02-16-2018, 06:28 PM
what a shitshow

that CP24 coverage looked like Rob Ford came back from the dead and threw his hat in the ring

I feel for Patrick Brown....anonymous allegations backed by a major TV network.....who after 3 weeks look like they're ripe for a huge legal settlement for shoddy reporting.....should not sink a career

I was hoping (after reading the holes shot through the allegations) that he'd just run as an independent for his Barrie seat and win in a landslide....which would send a message to all these fucking virtue-signalling-toxic-waste-politicians, that due process is what your preach...instead of this "we always believe the survivors" bullshit....and it would stop that shit dead in it's tracks

but....this is entertaining to say the least

and I still think Wynne and the libs are fucking toast regardless

02-16-2018, 07:39 PM
anyone remember when the Bob Rae NDP won out of protest votes?

oh yeah...I was trying to carve my way up the ladder while that fucking disaster took place...it was far from pleasant

2 cents on Patrick Brown's chances here of PC leadership

1) the People's Guarantee (his platform) was a good deck.....had the rubber-stamp from non-partisan pros that it is doable...very hard to debate against from the opposition
2) carbon tax - SockBoy in Ottawa is gonna implement some sort of carbon tax on every province whether they like it or not.....so as a province we can't say NO....but we can say HOW (revenue neutral vs right into the gov't purse)
3) every PC leader candidate besides Brown has said they'll axe the carbon tax...but they can't
4) the funding for all these spending bells and whistles in the People's Guarantee come from the carbon tax
5) all PC candidates besides Brown will say you get all the bells and whistles without it.....and they're blowing smoke
5) the only one of the candidates telling the truth on policy is Patrick Brown
6) the only policy that the Libs can't blow holes through in a debate is Patrick Brown's

a bit of a mess eh?

good news is the masses don't either have a clue or give a shit

02-20-2018, 08:05 PM
PC party needs to turf Brown's application for Leader of the Party now.....with this financing shitshow

they can not accept his application and should

tell him to run for his seat as an independent and leave it at that

been watching a bunch of twitter-laundry get thrown around over the weekend and the lot of them are a bunch of fucktards

and I'm not talking specifically about the Ont PCs.......I'm talking ALLLLL of these bullshitters and their handlers

we simple peons who pay massive taxes on our income are being taken to the cleaners by thousands of incompetent and dysfunctional fucks who pretend to run this province and country

all of them

02-20-2018, 10:49 PM
PC party needs to turf Brown's application for Leader of the Party now.....with this financing shitshow

they can not accept his application and should

tell him to run for his seat as an independent and leave it at that

been watching a bunch of twitter-laundry get thrown around over the weekend and the lot of them are a bunch of fucktards

and I'm not talking specifically about the Ont PCs.......I'm talking ALLLLL of these bullshitters and their handlers

we simple peons who pay massive taxes on our income are being taken to the cleaners by thousands of incompetent and dysfunctional fucks who pretend to run this province and country

all of them

This is bad press and needs to go away - this reeks of Liberal vote buying. Less and less likely to turf Wynne and her cronies now because these guys look like a bunch of idiots now (some crooked and some incompetent).

02-26-2018, 06:20 PM
Brown dropped out

although still going to run for his Barrie seat

claims his family is being harassed

he'll tell his supporters to vote for Elliot imo.....and if she wins and he wins his seat....payback in a cabinet position

02-26-2018, 06:27 PM
In out in out!!!
Make up your mind.
TBH he wouldn't win and why he thought he would now is beyond me.
The trust is gone.

02-26-2018, 06:33 PM
The craziness continues.

02-26-2018, 06:36 PM
Best move.

02-27-2018, 08:25 PM
Brown dropped out

although still going to run for his Barrie seat

claims his family is being harassed

he'll tell his supporters to vote for Elliot imo.....and if she wins and he wins his seat....payback in a cabinet position

Now he can move on to suing the living shit out of CTV. I hope he gets bags of money.

02-28-2018, 06:30 AM
Overall this may be a good thing for Ontario, wynnebag still had a good chance at winning against Brown. Now to see if that cow will step down to give its party a chance at winning.