View Full Version : Trudeau........can he get anything right??

02-22-2018, 10:14 AM
NEW DELHI -- A man who was convicted of trying to assassinate an Indian cabinet minister in 1986 should not have been invited to receptions held in Delhi, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday.
His comment came after a senior official from Trudeau's office earlier said an invitation issued to Jaspal Atwal for a reception was a mistake and was rescinded as soon as it was discovered.
But the error wasn't caught until after Atwal had already attended a reception with Trudeau on Tuesday evening and posed for photos with both Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi.

Trudeau told reporters in New Delhi prior to a speech at the Canada-India Business Summit where several hundred Canadian and Indian business people were gathered that Atwal should never have been invited.
"This individual should never have been invited to any event on the program, and his invitation has been rescinded," a spokeswoman with the Prime Minister's Office said. "We are in the process of looking into how this occurred."
The spokeswoman said Atwal is not part of the PM's official delegation to India, nor was he invited by the Prime Minister's Office.
"As is the case with international trips, individuals sometimes travel on their own to the location of the visit." she said.
But as it turns out, Atwal was added to the guest list by British Columbia MP Randeep Sarai, one of the 14 MPs in India with Trudeau.
Sarai issued a statement taking full responsibility and said he should have used better judgement.
Officials in the Prime Minister's Official wouldn't comment on the vetting process that allowed the two invitations to slip through. A spokesperson said they do not comment on matters relating to the PM's security.
The news about Atwal came a day after Trudeau said he condemned violent extremism and tried to convince the chief minister of Punjab that his government was not sympathetic to the Sikh separatist cause.
The embarrassing setbacks raise questions about the adequacy of both security and diplomatic preparations for Trudeau's trip. Trudeau appeared grim Thursday morning during a visit to the Jama mosque, one of the biggest mosques in India. He did not respond to a question thrown at him at a mosque photo op, nor did he respond when the questions were repeatedly shouted to him at a cricket pitch in Delhi Thursday afternoon.
Media were kept more than 50 metres away from Trudeau at the cricket pitch where his three children, Xavier, Ella-Grace and Hadrien, each took turns with a cricket bat while Trudeau looked on.
Trudeau and his family also visited the Sacred Heart Catholic church in Delhi Thursday, where he and his family lit candles and prayed.
Atwal was a member of the International Sikh Youth Federation, a banned terrorist group in Canada and India, when he was convicted of the attempted murder of an Indian cabinet minister. He was one of four men who ambushed and shot Malkiat Singh Sidhu in a car on Vancouver Island in 1986. Sidhu was wounded.
Atwal was also convicted in an automobile fraud case and was charged, but not convicted, in connection with a 1985 attack on Ujjal Dosanjh, a staunch opponent of the Sikh separatist movement's push for an independent Sikh state of Khalistan. Dosanjh went on to become premier of British Columbia and a federal cabinet minister.
Wednesday afternoon Trudeau met with Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh who has repeatedly accused the Trudeau government and several of his cabinet ministers of being Khalistani sympathizers. Khalistan is the name of the independent Sikh state sought by some members of the Sikh community.
Trudeau told Singh Canada supports a united India and said he would look into concerns financing for Sikh separatist extremists was coming out of Canada, and Singh was happy with the meeting. Singh has not yet responded to the news Atwal was part of this trip.
Tensions between Canada and India have risen in recent years over Indian concerns about a rise in Sikh extremism coming from some of Canada's Sikh communities. Trudeau's appearances at some Sikh events where extremist supporters also showed up caused unhappiness in India.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has raised the issue with Trudeau several times and it likely will come up again when the two leaders meet Friday in Delhi.

02-22-2018, 10:25 AM

https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims3/GLOB/crop/3797x1902+0+197/resize/630x315!/format/jpg/quality/85/http%3A%2F%2Fo.aolcdn.com%2Fhss%2Fstorage%2Fmidas% 2F4bd50eaa9818b9b1f935d23f67cad424%2F206148919%2F1 8597587.jpg



... one of the 14 MPs in India with Trudeau.
...and a chef. An Indian chef. To cook Indian food ....for the Indians. :facepalm:

02-22-2018, 10:42 AM

True Blue
02-22-2018, 10:43 AM
I feel like throwing up...

02-22-2018, 10:48 AM
It's Singh
Chief Minister Amarinder Singh

02-22-2018, 11:06 AM
It's Singh
Chief Minister Amarinder Singh


02-22-2018, 11:57 AM
If being a joke is what he's trying to do, then he's goddamn successful.

02-22-2018, 12:05 PM
Should a visiting dignitary from India dress up like Bob and/or Doug
Look at those two hosers!

02-22-2018, 01:56 PM
Our kids aren’t alowed to dress up for Halloween in native garb.

Though come to think of it. I would love the entertainment of watching people’s heads explode in anger if Trump came over dressed up in native garb.

02-22-2018, 03:09 PM
Saw this on another site.

I am waiting to see if PMS Jihustin Sunny Ways will be changing the name of one of our provinces to Peopletoba.

02-22-2018, 03:31 PM

02-22-2018, 06:49 PM
he is an international embarrassment

and finally...the international media are clueing in and calling him out

him and his virtue signalling, gender this, diversity that, Mr Fucking Dress Up show and apology tour is making our country look like the biggest fucking Cuck on the planet

he literally went on a trip to India and made our relationship with that country worse

he is a fucking disaster

02-22-2018, 07:06 PM
Saw this on Facebook.

This is what India columnist Ajit Datta had to say about Trudeau:

"Justin Trudeau is a mascot of everything that is wrong with the world today. From being at the forefront of encouraging every degeneracy to welcoming radicalism into his homeland, from cheap gimmicks of tokenism to attempts at creating a culture of politically correct absurdities, the stink of his leftist hypocrisy wafts far and wide. As citizen of India, I could not care less if the elected leader of Canada seeks to drive his nation to the dumps. But where it has an adverse effect on my country is where I choose to draw the line."

02-22-2018, 07:09 PM
https://scontent.fxds1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/28167721_2055634144714685_665126182609325590_n.jpg ?oh=662da522663374ef75804db3afbf88f3&oe=5B16C9D3

02-22-2018, 07:49 PM
Time for him to go. He’s in it to be Mr popular, not Mr Prime Minister.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-22-2018, 07:58 PM
and even the shithole Toronto Star calls him out

you know you've made it as a Leftist Waste of Space when this happens


02-22-2018, 08:46 PM
nice hair tho...

That guy is such a snowflake pussy. I'd pay good money to get in a ring with him where I could beat the shit out of him without jail time.

02-23-2018, 11:06 AM
and even the shithole Toronto Star calls him out

you know you've made it as a Leftist Waste of Space when this happens


What a complete embarrassment for CANADA.
Nothing but a paid vacation for him and his family. I wonder if I can vacation to the Bahamas with my family and expense it as a sales trip...not likely...may be time to run for office.

02-23-2018, 11:28 AM
...may be time to run for office.
If you have not seen it, you should watch...

02-23-2018, 06:30 PM

True Blue
02-23-2018, 07:10 PM
National Lampoon's Winter Vacation in India

https://dam-img.rfdcontent.com/camo/2d1c0f0ca9f32b6ca7fd8bd31c4339ab39e9b3b9/687474703a2f2f7777772e6d696a61616a2e636f6d2f636f6e 74656e742f75706c6f6164732f323031382f30322f38393632 36333531316438353733346634363933656337303234383461 32353137653738376333632e6a7067

02-23-2018, 07:24 PM
Peeps there must be thinking, is this guy for fucking real?
To me, his behavior = insulting to his hosts.

02-23-2018, 07:52 PM

look at this shit

he's an empty suit

he's a fucking actor.....him and his wife

they think they're fucking Canadian Royalty

this piece of shit told a Canadian Veteran without a leg a few weeks ago "Why are we still fighting certain veterans groups in court? Because they're asking for more than we are able to give right now,"

that was 3 fucking weeks ago

how much did this Mr Dress Up trip cost?

it's gonna be hundreds of thousands....if not into the millions

this fucking asshole seriously needs his head examined

his mother was a complete nutter.....so it's in the DNA

seriously....can we not get this fucker's head examined?

1) he gives 10.5 million to a convicted terrorist and says it's to avoid court
2) he tells our own veterans to pound salt and takes them to court
3) he has a weird habit of being chummy with folks who align with terrorists
4) he just invited a guy to a Cdn event in India who tried to kill an Indian MP in Canada
5) he stacks his cabinet based on Gender and Race "because its 20XX" merit be damned
6) he made comments on Castro's death sounding like Castro was Mother fucking Theresa

do I need to keep going?

7) he's inspired by the dictators from China
8) "we don't like to say mankind....we say peoplekind"
9) "we'll grow the economy from the heart outwards"
10) "in all of us command"

this is the leader of your Country

if we go back to the days of the draft....would you suit up and put your life on the line for your fellow citizens who voted for a leader spewing this absolute tripe?

grow a fucking spine Canada

02-24-2018, 12:02 AM
look at this shit

he's an empty suit

he's a fucking actor.....him and his wife

they think they're fucking Canadian Royalty

this piece of shit told a Canadian Veteran without a leg a few weeks ago "Why are we still fighting certain veterans groups in court? Because they're asking for more than we are able to give right now,"

that was 3 fucking weeks ago

how much did this Mr Dress Up trip cost?

it's gonna be hundreds of thousands....if not into the millions

this fucking asshole seriously needs his head examined

his mother was a complete nutter.....so it's in the DNA

seriously....can we not get this fucker's head examined?

1) he gives 10.5 million to a convicted terrorist and says it's to avoid court
2) he tells our own veterans to pound salt and takes them to court
3) he has a weird habit of being chummy with folks who align with terrorists
4) he just invited a guy to a Cdn event in India who tried to kill an Indian MP in Canada
5) he stacks his cabinet based on Gender and Race "because its 20XX" merit be damned
6) he made comments on Castro's death sounding like Castro was Mother fucking Theresa

do I need to keep going?

7) he's inspired by the dictators from China
8) "we don't like to say mankind....we say peoplekind"
9) "we'll grow the economy from the heart outwards"
10) "in all of us command"

this is the leader of your Country

if we go back to the days of the draft....would you suit up and put your life on the line for your fellow citizens who voted for a leader spewing this absolute tripe?

grow a fucking spine Canada


83 5.0
02-24-2018, 04:26 PM
nice hair tho...

That guy is such a snowflake pussy. I'd pay good money to get in a ring with him where I could beat the shit out of him without jail time.

Brazeau had a chance, and he was a feather weight also. Sunny ways...

My current Favourite


02-24-2018, 04:28 PM
I totally agree with what has been said but I will never vote PC again after the fucking Steven Harper and Tony Clement gave to the autoworker. The conservatives have screwed themselves as far as this former autoworker is concerned.

So is the plan to vote for Trudeau or Singh to spite/punish Harper and Clement?

02-24-2018, 04:33 PM
Very briefly, during the financial crisis we were in contract negotiations. Each time we had a tentative agreement with GM, the conservative government said we had to give up more or else they wouldn't bail out the auto industry. This happened three times. They made the working man pay the price for the big screw up that the so called educated financial people caused. The U.S. and Canada were the only governments that I am aware of that did this to the auto workers. Management took some meagre cuts and then 6 months later they were all restored. Rick Wagoneer received $7.5 million to quit. The hourly worker to this day has not regained what was lost. For these reasons I do not trust nor will I ever support any conservative government again. Before anyone asks, I don't trust the other parties either but they have not directly stuck there hand in my pocket like the conservatives have. To sum it up, FUCK THEM ALL!!!!

I don't get it - the issue is that the government at the time set austerity rules/stipulations for private company recipients before they handed out taxpayer dollars (corporate welfare) to save a specific private company (many companies failed after the crash because they never received the same taxpayer-funded corporate welfare) after the second biggest financial crash in modern history?

02-24-2018, 05:03 PM

02-24-2018, 05:04 PM
I’m sorry did you just say that the liberals have never reached in your pocket?????

02-24-2018, 05:33 PM
Read it again. They made the people who never caused this problem pay for it while letting management and the bankers off the hook. If you can prove to me that the conservatives never screwed me over I will vote for them.

OK, then would you agree to avoid "screwing" the workers that they never provided any corporate welfare using taxpayer dollars and let the company work it out themselves like in the US - like the US did with Lehman Brothers? The latter is how it should work - this is the free market.

Ideally they should not have given away ANY taxpayer dollars to a private company - that is what Trudeau and Wynne do very well. If management and bankers screwed up then they should have let them fix it or file for bankruptcy - that is how the real world works. Instead, the Conservatives technically "screwed" Canadians by giving their tax dollars as corporate welfare to the auto companies/workers - is that ok? The money that was given to the auto industry did not come from the government technically - it came from me, my neighbour, my family, other TMC members, etc.

As a taxpayer, while I am not happy they gave taxpayer corporate welfare to a private company and their employees I am at least comforted they tried to impose some welfare rules before paying welfare dollars. Isn't that what we complain about with Dalton, McGuinty, Kathleen Wynne, and Justin Trudeau? That they just give away taxpayer corporate welfare without any conditions or return on investment?

I'm not sure what you are referring to about the bankers? The taxpayers in Canada did not bail out the banks as far as I know.

02-24-2018, 05:39 PM
I find your statement confusing. Is there a question, point or is this and observation? Just trying to understand.

Not sure why it would be confusing - it's re-positioning the original perspective from a different perspective (that of those who are providing the dollars to keep those jobs). Since my (and other) taxpayer dollars were given to GM and it's employees I would want to see welfare rules apply to any welfare dollars given to the company and its employees, the same way we ask that individual welfare recipients work for their welfare dollars (or other rules apply). Perhaps if the Liberals at the Ontario and Federal level did more of this we would not have personal tax rates above 50% today.

83 5.0
02-24-2018, 06:05 PM
It wouldn't have been such a fiasco if Mr. Dress up had maybe deplaned in costume, shook some hands, then headed to meetings, then did the Griswold family India vacation. He almost reminded me of Clark Griswolds brotherin law hanging around to just to see if someone notices him and invites him to dinner.

Funny for having a reported 1.4 million South Asian population in Canada and doing only about $8 billion in trade, where we have done about $22 Billion with Germany alone in trade. The $1 Billion touted seems like a rather ambitious number, given the break down.

02-24-2018, 07:49 PM
Not like the conservatives did.

Have you payed any attention to anything they have done?

02-24-2018, 07:51 PM
Not like the conservatives did.

how many years ago was this?

the Ontario Liberals have literally torched the automotive manufacturing sector in this province with their Green Energy Fuck

02-24-2018, 08:01 PM
Ok, before we go any further in this discussion, let's define what caused the financial meltdown and what role the autoworker played in it.

got it

you got shit on but you didn't cause it

and they got away with it

got it

blame the conservative Gov't

totally understandable

hope we don't have to see this fucking puppet at the helm have to make calls under comparable circumstances

you would probably get the heave-hoe based on gender and race

83 5.0
02-24-2018, 08:18 PM
Geez, we are so wrapped up in what Trudeau is wearing and we missed the real news:

Airplane fart fight proves it's tough to raise a stink in a smelly world


02-24-2018, 08:27 PM
Ok, before we go any further in this discussion, let's define what caused the financial meltdown and what role the autoworker played in it.

I'm not sure how the two are linked directly but there are various reasons for each market crash/financial downturn (they happen approx. every 7-8 years since the beginning of the 20th century with the 2 biggest being the 1929 crash which was made was by the ensuing depression, and the recent 2008 crash which did not have the depression like after 1929 because of the debt the governments around the world took on and the related QE activity to spend our way out of it instead of a longer term depression).

Also, the reasons for the meltdown fall at the feet of deregulation, consumers and borrowers (including homeowners), banks responding to the consumers and borrowers, investors who bought stuff they did not understand - all willingly and all benefitting from the boom (including auto workers) on the way up. Everyone also felt the pain on the way down including auto workers - many businesses failed and millions of people lost their jobs (outside of the banking sector) because government did not come in and give them taxpayer dollars to save their companies (with strings attached) while other companies (like auto companies) received those taxpayer bailouts to save their jobs (albeit with strings attached - would you prefer have a job with strings attached or no job?). Some of the jobs lost in banking and other industries never came back in the recovery after the financial meltdown while many/most autoworkers still have a job in the same industry at least.

You could also probably argue that part of the reason we have marginal personal income tax rates above 50% at the Federal and Provincial (eg. Ontario) level today - is because of the taxpayer money that was given to some companies like GM (and others). The Conservatives did not have that money to bail out GM and others at the time so Harper borrowed the money (which is part of the reason Canada's debt increased after the meltdown) to bailout the autoworkers and now taxes have to be increased (even above 50%; top marginal tax rate in Ontario now is 53.53%) in order to pay back the money that was borrowed back then to bail out the economy and other spending (including the stupid stuff). Turdeau, Dalton and Wynne are making it worse because they have been giving away money without any conditions so there is no return on investment on it, just squandered. At least the past government put conditions on it to ensure some of it comes back to the taxpayers....which includes autoworkers and their families.

OK, all that said - would you share your perspective on the financial meltdown, what caused it, and how it affected people in various sectors, including autoworkers?

02-24-2018, 08:31 PM
Lol! Haha! I totally agree. Having said that, I pretty much hate any politician. They're all full of shit. Steven Harper and Tony Clement just seemed to arrogant to me. I know they have pissed off a lot of working people and that's probably why they didn't get re-elected

only Politician in my lifetime (so far) that I liked was Rob Ford

and that dude let me down too......big time

02-24-2018, 08:32 PM
Yes I have and it pisses me off. The difference is the conservatives took money directly from me by dictating how I was to be paid along with other benefits even tho we already had a contract with GM.

However, had the government not given taxpayer money to GM (they had no obligation to) and let GM and the market work it out (keep in mind credit markets dried up after 2008 so GM would not have been able to borrow money if it needed to pay wages and bills) - GM would have filed for CCAA and you may not have had a paycheque at all (like millions of other workers - some of whom never got back to earning what they were pre-2008). From this perspective, the Conservatives actually kept money in your pocket or maybe even put more money in your pocket that you would have had if there was a CCAA filing since the union contract would have dissolved.

02-24-2018, 09:38 PM
Yes I have and it pisses me off. The difference is the conservatives took money directly from me by dictating how I was to be paid along with other benefits even tho we already had a contract with GM.

I understand that. But. Provincial liberals trash the province driving out all manufacturing.
Gm on its way out pretty much saying fuck you and good bye

Federal cons try tray and save some manufacturing
Part of that affects your deal. Which sucks. But wouldn’t it make sense to be pissed at the government driving Gm out not the one scrambling to get it to stay?

02-24-2018, 11:43 PM
Thank you for that well written piece on economics. Everything that you have written, I've heard before. Your first line sums up the point I'm trying to make, the two are not related. I know how the meltdown was caused but I don't understand how the conservative government linked the cause of it to the autoworker. Now as far as blaming the high tax rate on the auto loans, I doubt it, as those loans have been repaid. That is a different topic anyway. The point that I'm making and I'm not sure that you are getting, is that the conservative government took money from me because of GM needing a loan to keep operating and I don't feel it was necessary. Therefore I will never vote for another conservative government. You can dress it up however you want but I got fucked by them and cannot in good judgement support them.

- - - Updated - - -

I can see how you may feel that way since it affected you personally but I don't think that the Conservative government linked the cause of the meltdown to the autoworker. Bottomline is that GM needed a bank loan, no bank was lending money during that period because they themselves could not borrow as inter-bank lending dried up for a period of time while there was uncertainty as to which ones were going to survive - there were bank failures in the US, Iceland, even in the UK there was concern about possible bank failures (and they all got hammered in the markets).

GM would have likely had to file for CCAA protection if the government did not step in and act as a "bank" in this case (I don't recall how badly off they were; I only remember that Ford had done a market financing before the meltdown so they were sitting on a pile of cash from that when the meltdown occurred and did not need a distress loan) - that would have meant massive layoffs - a bigger hit to (ex)workers pockets.

So in the end, the Conservatives probably saved your and other auto workers' jobs although "collateral" had to be given for the "bank" loan so to speak.

As a bank making a loan you would put rules/covenants in place as security and protections for the loan to ensure re-payment. I understand one can say that has nothing to do with me at the micro level, but bigger picture, this is how it works - you're only going to lend money unless you have a reasonable assurance of re-payment. This is simplistic as there are layers to it like when you get into sub-prime (even more rules or higher interest rates) and high yield debt. I think they actually learned from the US who stupidly gave bailout money without the requirements on how it could be used and the bailout money was misused.

02-25-2018, 12:42 AM
canadian, I know exactly how you feel, and I don’t blame you. My mother will never vote Conservative either, because of Mike Harris and what he did to the teachers. It may not seem rational to others, but it’s her opinion. Decades later she still holds that grudge. She felt targeted and singled out just like you do.

02-25-2018, 07:09 AM

02-25-2018, 09:52 AM
The conservatives here in Canada used it as an opportunity to claw back gains from the workers. There is no doubt in my mind that GM certainly encouraged it.
I don’t know if they encouraged it, but they certainly went along with. Kinda like the Patrick Brown situation. Shitty deal all around, no good for anyone, ....but if we happen to get rid of Brown...

Old Fart
02-25-2018, 11:34 AM
https://s26.postimg.org/m7n0l1brd/28277132_10155023356386205_2366407235288085640_n.j pg

83 5.0
03-01-2018, 10:17 PM
I guess Boy Blunder isn't going to get to play Mr. Dress up anytime soon with the blow back from India, what an AZZ making the accusation after he pinned it on a rookie MP.

The question no one seems to bring up is how a convicted attempted murderer gets out of the country with this conviction? Hell I have an uncle with a DUI who can't even go to the states, has to apply for a pardon at 10 years (I believe).

India calls accusations it set up the Atwal affair 'baseless and unacceptable'


Looks like he was going in to plant one on Modi's lips in this picture, he may have to do a reach around to make up for this.