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View Full Version : Lawsuit against corrections canada

03-12-2018, 11:47 AM
sounds like a pretty hostile workplace:


03-12-2018, 01:45 PM
If it's true, brutal.

03-12-2018, 01:53 PM
Damning allegations but unfortunately if true really not outside the scope of belief for certain male dominated environments, especially those which have an authoritarian aspect to them.

03-12-2018, 02:13 PM
I know a guard here in Ontario that meets the criteria of the superficial man, who has not had problems I’ve a fairly lengthy career. Not saying the allegations aren’t true but simply that is’s not systemic.

Really makes you wonder if men and women can indeed work together. Jordan Peterson has some good comments on it (with no conclusion either way)

Not sure the meaning of the term superficial man, you saying he is or is unlike the men in the article? Also regardless a systemic problem is not disproved by having individuals unlike those in the article (in fact I'd wager the majority of CO's are good people) but moreso that the behavior of the minority is not discouraged, disciplined, or acknowledged when reported upon.

03-12-2018, 02:37 PM
Really makes you wonder if men and women can indeed work together.
It's not that difficult, really, it's not. It just takes a little bit of professionalism.
20 years working in an office of men and women: zero sexual harassment claims.

03-12-2018, 02:43 PM
She’s an attractive woman CO

Ah, now I understand your post more, thanks. Glad she had a successful career without the issues in the article.

03-12-2018, 03:38 PM
So far.....

As per Peterson; why do women wear make up and heels in the workplace, both are designed to enhance sexual attractiveness. Does this belong in the workplace where liaisons are discouraged?

Because some women take value in their appearance as do some men? Because insecurity is not a gender specific quality? Because of stereotypes imposed by both sexes? Surely you can't believe that the only reason people take care of their appearance is that they want to fuck everything that moves?

03-12-2018, 03:52 PM
#3 according to Maslow

Love/Belonging, which is related also to the aforementioned expectations and stereotypes with respect to feeling accepted. Also negates the prospect of people having fulfilling relationships outside of work.

03-12-2018, 03:53 PM
It’s mearly a question to prevoke thoughtfull discussion.
Look at the oscars two weeks ago

In a time when me too and it’s time is the main focus.

When women can dress in away that accentuated beauty without showing 3/4 of their tits
That majority choose to show off most of their tits? The question is why

Redding of lips. Cheeks blushing skin tightening are all naturally occurring in remains when sexually arroused.

This translates to subconscious undertones that males naturally pick up.

It’s simple biology.

So if red lipstick high heels push-up bras and low cut shirts all accentuate natural biological sexual signals
Do they belong in a work place?

03-12-2018, 03:54 PM
Sorry forgot to quote Laffs post

03-12-2018, 03:57 PM
This is actually hurting my brain. Part of the movement in question is that women should be able to dress however they feel comfortable and empowered, without being subject to stereotypes or feeling as though the point is for men to sexualize them or view their attire as an invitation to.

Also, office dress codes still exist.

Sorry forgot to quote Laffs post

Assumed as much anyway lol.

03-12-2018, 04:30 PM
What is the over riding thing teenagers want to do?

When you walk down the street and a couple is approaching, do you look at the man or woman first?

Deny you primal basic hardwiring if you like.

You need not act on it, but its there

Using me as your example will not help you prove your point.

03-12-2018, 04:32 PM
This is actually hurting my brain. Part of the movement in question is that women should be able to dress however they feel comfortable and empowered, without being subject to stereotypes or feeling as though the point is for men to sexualize them or view their attire as an invitation to.

Also, office dress codes still exist.

Assumed as much anyway lol.

True but if men as a whole are going to be accused of inherent privilege

There have also been accusations of subconscious sexism (and racism’s for that matter)
Would it not behuve us to have a conversation about subconsciously playing to the subconscious thoughts people are being accused of?

No one is saying women can’t dress how they like but we need to be responsible for our decisions including how we dress.
Wearing a shit that shows off you tits. The. Saying how dare you look at my tits is a laughable thing.

Not that that plays into the incident in question with the corrections officer. But I feel it’s a valid conversation and one that should be had.

I remember the man show getting constant flack for the way women were commented about and stuff but have you ever watched the view? Or other woman oriented day time shows?

Talk about sexist. I was in a customers house and she had one on. Some young actor was there and they made him take off his shirt to the chants catcalls and screams of the women in the audience.

That wouldn’t fly the other way around

03-12-2018, 04:36 PM
I'm as much opposed to "the view" as anyone and most people I know find it to be trashy day time TV nonsense. But to say men don't have TV shows that objectify women is equal nonsense.

03-12-2018, 04:45 PM
I'm as much opposed to "the view" as anyone and most people I know find it to be trashy day time TV nonsense. But to say men don't have TV shows that objectify women is equal nonsense.

I didn’t say they don’t. Happens all the tome. I’m just saying it happens from both sides. So why is it that it’s only bad on one side (in the eyes of a lot but defiantly not all)

03-12-2018, 05:27 PM
This is also in Edmonton........maybe not, but some more rural places/people may not feel as empowered to whistle blow in a government agency where the chance of being placed elsewhere is thin. I feel like in Toronto they would call the person out way faster.

many large companies need to have "fear of reprisal" policies because people that control/abuse often keep doing it or do it even worse once they are called out on it.

But I mean..........dude must have issues running around chasing co-workers with his unit in his hands. jeezus.

03-12-2018, 05:32 PM
Yeah. Just to be clear. 100% not okay.

And the rural area thing is bang on. Not all companies are bad but there are some that people that know there is what’s legally allowed and there is what happens in the real world. You complain and even if your compleatly in the right most times at some point your looking for a new job anyway.

Let small things slip and you allow big things to Happen.

But then again if people aren’t speaking up. You can’t stop what you don’t know is happening.

Perhaps we need to look at laws to hold people accountable who may have know this was happening and didn't say anything.

With all the outrage going on there is still an alarming number of people who just choose to ignore things because “it’s none of their business”

03-12-2018, 07:47 PM
This is also in Edmonton........maybe not, but some more rural places/people may not feel as empowered to whistle blow in a government agency where the chance of being placed elsewhere is thin. I feel like in Toronto they would call the person out way faster.

many large companies need to have "fear of reprisal" policies because people that controIf l/abuse often keep doing it or do it even worse once they are called out on it.

But I mean..........dude must have issues running around chasing co-workers with his unit in his hands. jeezus.

I'm shocked male co workers didnt complain, a guy running around johnson in hand is the last thing I want to see before coffee on a Monday.

03-12-2018, 08:28 PM
I'm shocked male co workers didnt complain, a guy running around johnson in hand is the last thing I want to see before coffee on a Monday.

Old buddy of mine used to work 8n a factory (half the guys here were drunk or stoned) he used to always go on about this hilarious game they played where you would flash the other guys your junk.

I was like what the fuck are you talking about?
He said what they don’t do that were you work?

I said your kidding right? That’s not fucking normal. What would a bunch of dudes wanna run around and flash their junk at each other.

“Because it’s funny”

Some people are just fucked in the head.