View Full Version : More promises we can't afford.

03-27-2018, 01:40 PM
Anything to get re elected, Lib's will stop at nothing, even if it bankrupts the province. Last time I checked, looking after your kids is your dept not the govts.

Ontario's Liberals plan to make full-day daycare free for children aged 2-and-a-half until they are eligible for kindergarten should they form government after the June election, Premier Kathleen Wynne said on Tuesday.
The program would begin in 2020 and come at a cost of $930 million to the province. The move is part of a larger, "historic" $2.2-billion investment to expand access to licensed childcare for families.

03-27-2018, 02:26 PM
This time around I strongly belive that even the liberal voters aren't buying what that catchers mitt face is saying, the healthcare workers are against her and from what I've heard here own people want her out. Doug Ford is the only guy that can get the job done imo because he isn't like other politicians.

The PC party is here to win so get out and vote and don't vote for the party in favour of the carbon tax cuz I don't want to hear you guys crying in here next year.

True Blue
03-27-2018, 02:31 PM
Keep on buying votes you horse's ass!!

03-27-2018, 02:42 PM
They were discussing this on the local talk show and they had one of the local liberal mpp’s interviewed.

She talked about how if the Ford wins “he will make cuts that would make Harris blush”. Hundreds if not thousands of front line workers are going to be out of jobs.
This is the teachers and nurses. Ect ect

Same old sctick. I just hope the voters aren’t dumb enough to buy it all a second time. But I won’t hold my breath

The best part was when she said look at our track record. It proves that we can handle the job.
I damn near chocked. She actually said it with a straight face.

03-27-2018, 02:45 PM
Another billion dollar boondoggle in the making (complete with unionized employees).

03-27-2018, 04:03 PM
I like how they use the word "FREE"...what a fuckin joke

03-27-2018, 04:09 PM
every fucking day she throws another borrowed billion dollar hail mary

these Ontario Libs are the most irresponsible lying fuckers I've ever seen in my life


$1,000,000,000.00 per month just paying interest on our $320,000,000,000.00 debt that these fuckers tripled in 15 years

and all these bullshit promises now that they had 15 years to implement and did nothing

I really hope people are paying attention

03-27-2018, 08:30 PM
My daughter will be 2.5 years old in 2020 and I'm a union worker. I'm the exact person she's trying to buy votes from. Not a chance in hell am I voting for these stealing fuck ups.

83 5.0
03-27-2018, 09:25 PM
If she really wanted to spend some taxpayers dough and help, why does it start at 2.5 years? Maternity leave ends at 1 year, and your most expensive, and challenging daycare is from 1 year to 2,5 years old. I'm an old fart and would love to help my son and his wife through this part of child care (grandson is 16 months old), but the Liberals are like the flower girls at a wedding laying down the rose petals of cash to save their hides.
If they can't balance a budget in supposed good times, we are effed come the next downturn.
Still not a huge fan of Doug, as he comes off as Jethro from the Beverley Hillbillies to me with his catch phrases (i cringe when he says Elites), but not squandering my vote on the NDP.

03-27-2018, 10:15 PM
Come time to vote, we need everyone to remember the Liberals' true agenda here.

03-28-2018, 04:46 AM
Let's make it the last budget they ever put forward.


03-28-2018, 04:47 AM
Poor horse.


03-28-2018, 05:30 AM
It’s going to work, Wynne will keep killing us earners and tax us until we are another useless welfare idiot so we too will vote liberal. Mark my words, olp will remain in power because this province is dumber than shit.

03-28-2018, 06:38 AM
^^ sure hope ur wrong

03-28-2018, 08:21 AM
Just received my Union letter reminding subtly reminding me who not to vote for. I still believe unions have a place, just not in politics.

03-28-2018, 08:53 AM
^ Who not?

03-28-2018, 11:30 AM
Conservatives, they reminded us about Harris and Hudak lol

03-28-2018, 11:50 AM
But no mention of Libs n whats been going on last few years..................... ;)

03-28-2018, 12:05 PM
Of course not, the Conservatives are the big bad wolf and the Libs/NDP will fill my life with sunshine and rainbows haha.

03-28-2018, 12:15 PM
^ Was there any doubt.

03-28-2018, 02:59 PM
I just wish they could have a party that was a mix of Liberals and PC's. While I agree with the need for some public money spending on programs and infrastructure and all of that stuff I just can't agree with how these Libs have gone about it and wasted our tax money.

03-28-2018, 05:01 PM
We can't afford this. How about we invest in health care.

83 5.0
03-28-2018, 07:03 PM

True Blue
03-28-2018, 07:27 PM
You guys noticed the last few months Orville got rid of the glasses.

03-28-2018, 09:03 PM
What a brutal budget. One of the National Post articles summed it up perfectly as far as I'm concerned, "Ontario Liberals table an NDP budget — so why not vote NDP instead?"

The Liberals have effectively become the NDP. Hopefully Liberal voters recognize this and vote for change.

03-28-2018, 09:53 PM
Amen brother.

03-29-2018, 12:41 PM
Only one option.

Ford Nation.

03-29-2018, 02:46 PM
this province is dumber than shit.
Couldnt have said it better myself. But its because 90% of voters are senior citizens. The youth of this province/country are being lied to so much that nobody knows wtf to do and schools arent helping either. If you asked anyone between the ages of 18 and 40 who they would vote for, they couldnt even give you a party let alone the individual running it. Canadians dont know shit about thier government. If they did, half the sad bullshit that goes on in this country would not happen.

03-29-2018, 07:04 PM
At this point, I'm not reading social media anymore, it's packed with liberal paid posters or something. I feel so targeted because I'm a white guy who makes more than average income. I'm not a millionaire, just some idiot who worked 18 hour days for a long time to make it to this point. Can I afford the tax hike? Yeah but that's not what got me so pissed off. It's the "tax the middle / upper middle class to death so we can give more services to those who don't want to work". I didn't produce 15 kids, I worked instead and because of that I'm not looking for handouts. Why should I pay forced charity thanks to the liberals. I got so pissed off this morning reading multiple "poor rich people will have to pay"... I don't think rich (actual rich) will pay a dime, it's those making more than average wages I guess which is not rich.

03-30-2018, 08:27 AM
I work in public transit, you should hear the shit the champions of society talk about while they're on the bus.

03-30-2018, 10:58 PM
2 women get on with 9 kids between them outside of the Durham CAS building. They proceed to start talking about how they need to have more kids so they can "make" more money from the government.

Another woman with a a stroller freaked out at a senior with a walker that was sitting in the priority seating to move. I tried to explain to her that she had to find a different seat and she told me to go fuck myself and called me a racist lol.

Wouldn't let a woman and her kid on with their dog that didn't have a muzzle and was growling and snarling at everyone at the bus stop. She told me I ruined Christmas because they would be late for the Santa Clause parade and told me I was such a fucking asshole that it should be my name. Her 7 year old son proceeded to call me a fucking fa*got.

There's so many more I need to write a book haha.

03-31-2018, 12:29 AM
2 women get on with 9 kids between them outside of the Durham CAS building. They proceed to start talking about how they need to have more kids so they can "make" more money from the government.

Another woman with a a stroller freaked out at a senior with a walker that was sitting in the priority seating to move. I tried to explain to her that she had to find a different seat and she told me to go fuck myself and called me a racist lol.

Wouldn't let a woman and her kid on with their dog that didn't have a muzzle and was growling and snarling at everyone at the bus stop. She told me I ruined Christmas because they would be late for the Santa Clause parade and told me I was such a fucking asshole that it should be my name. Her 7 year old son proceeded to call me a fucking fa*got.

There's so many more I need to write a book haha.

Prime example of why I don't ride public transit. Typically it's the worst of the worst who ride it.

03-31-2018, 10:50 AM
A lot of them talk about voting but are probably to busy fighting with one of their many baby daddies to remember to actually do it. There's a couple drivers that have been here long enough to see some of these girls grow up and become 45 year old great-grandparents ffs.

True Blue
04-01-2018, 10:30 AM
Nothing like bribing the Ontario sheep with their own tax money.

Ontario Liberal budget appears to work...


83 5.0
04-01-2018, 11:52 AM
Nothing like bribing the Ontario sheep with their own tax money.

Ontario Liberal budget appears to work...


I hope this is fake news...

04-01-2018, 12:10 PM
Nothing like bribing the Ontario sheep with their own tax money.

Ontario Liberal budget appears to work...


Wanted to punch my puter screen when I read it.
People, we need to kick the Liberals to the curb...........now!!!

04-02-2018, 12:00 AM
Wouldn't it be a great idea if governments were limited in how much they could give away/spend in order to buy votes in the year of an election? It all gets back to accountability....or the lack thereof. Or how about forcing governments to have a spending limit, based on fiscal performance?

Seems like Ontario has a serious deficit, but until it actually hurts the average person in some meaningful way, I doubt it will change.

04-02-2018, 09:33 AM
Or how about forcing governments to have a spending limit, based on fiscal performance?
You mean like some sort of a budget or something?

04-02-2018, 11:31 AM
You mean like some sort of a budget or something?

Nah, that's waaaaaaaaaaaay to sensible.

83 5.0
04-02-2018, 09:12 PM
"Seems like Ontario has a serious deficit, but until it actually hurts the average person in some meaningful way, I doubt it will change. "

Just like the Hydro increase, they kick it down the road, over 25+ years.

Liberal MP Bob Delaney is "Proud he tripled the deficit, that is what Ontarions wanted us to do"


Can't make this shite up.

This debt of over $325 billion is going to haunt Ontario for generations, if you can't balance the books in good times, no hope in hell when the next downturn happens.

04-03-2018, 07:27 AM
The only weapon we have to prevent becoming another Venezuela is our vote. Discussing the issues is the only way (I can think of) to educate people unfamiliar with issues and policies that will affect them either short or long term.

Discussing with out offending, boring or turning people off, well how to do that effectively is an open question.

Since simply stating one isn’t liberal is offensive and instantly gets your notables as evil there really is no way

I just point out everything they fuck up time and time and time again. Hoping the repetitiveness will drive it into them. So far not working much.

I’ve been sharing a lot of old Facebook posts I made years ago served along side a big fat helping of I told you so.

04-03-2018, 08:22 AM
..when the next downturn happens.

Starting. We do not have a government that cares to make it competitive for business. So say goodbye to investments and jobs. The focus is to gain acceptance in the SJW and terrorist crowds, not middle class or business or even trying to make a good relationship with the Trump administration. Unless justin/wynne kills themselves or get cancer, we are doomed and there's no chance we are that lucky. I'm betting on people voting these guys in federally AND provincially.

I get voting liberal (to a degree) but not with these baboons at the helm.

04-03-2018, 08:44 AM
Unless justin/wynne kills themselves or get cancer, we are doomed and there's no chance we are that lucky.

Ill do it myself if i get a pardon from doing any time. Get their replacements to write something up that says if i wipe out trudeau and wynne, i wont do any prison time, i want a million dollars for each and never pay taxes again....you do that and ill take care of the rest....problem solved! Lol