View Full Version : Tarrifs

06-29-2018, 05:20 PM
Just saw the list of Tarrifs. Dosnt look good for us as it includes Stoves, Fridges, and Dishwashers.

Don’t see why our government needs to tank our economy. The US tarrifs are going to hit them hard. Just ride it out and let them learn the hard way.

06-29-2018, 06:25 PM
Trudeau put tarrifs in effect here too tho, Trump is just screwing himself.

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06-29-2018, 06:31 PM
Yeah that’s the ones I’m referring too.

10% on top of most things I sell. Problem is no appliances are build in Canada anymore. Our main supplier builds in the us and some of our biggest competition sells stuff built elsewhere so I don’t think they would be hit. Gonna price me out of the market pretty much over night.

06-29-2018, 07:39 PM
Trudeau put tarrifs in effect here too tho, Trump is just screwing himself.

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That's where I disagree. If anyone is screwing themselves, it's Trudeau. Just remember we need the States, they don't need us.

06-29-2018, 07:56 PM
That's where I disagree. If anyone is screwing themselves, it's Trudeau. Just remember we need the States, they don't need us.Mmmmm, i beg to differ. Im sure we could make do without the US. It would be a huge shock but i think it could be done

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06-29-2018, 08:03 PM
Only with lots of job losses and huge government input (which we can’t afford) kids like the billions being promised to the steel and aluminum industry’s

06-29-2018, 08:22 PM
Bottom line is that its not doing anyone any good

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06-29-2018, 08:51 PM
Bottom line is that its not doing anyone any good

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Nope gonna set both countrys back.

06-29-2018, 09:16 PM
Mmmmm, i beg to differ. Im sure we could make do without the US. It would be a huge shock but i think it could be done

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I don't know. But nuking our economy to get votes is a shitty way to go.

06-29-2018, 10:07 PM
Not really about votes - from a sovereignty perspective a country has to find a way to hit back or respond in some way. Normally in these cases it would be the WTO if one follows the rules already in place (that the US had a large part in putting in place to their own benefit for several decades) but Trump is bypassing the WTO with his actions so the direct response/remedy is also outside the WTO (partly). I guess we could wait it out and see if it's just a deflection for the news that Trump and each of his children are named as defendants in a fraud case filed just before this latest Canada tariff thing started, and his recent actions to separate babies/children from their parents, Trump child cages, with no plan for reunification. Maybe he'll back off when these cases settle down and he doesn't need the deflection any more because his tariff threat is idiotic - he's in bed with dictators but fighting with traditional allies.

I assume you want quid pro quo against the people who commited an unfavourable act against your family a few nights ago? I think you mentioned your version of a "tariff response" to that act was a baseball bat? Same difference but at a sovereign level.

Sorry to hear it potentially has a direct impact on your business. I suppose it would hit the members working in the auto industry as well if Trump goes forward with his threats.

06-29-2018, 10:35 PM
I understand why the governemt is doing it but sometimes retaliatory acts are not beneficial, like if I did know who stole my truck I wouldn't really go at them with a baseball bat because jail time would hurt me more than the feeling of matching a wrong would benefit.

on these tarrifs I agree with trump being in the wrong.

all the other crap is just bullshit pandering. the law suit is a joke slapped down by a hardcore democratic ag, pushing way stronger reprocessing than the dems ever faced when facing the same type of suits. and trumps "child cages" those pics were proven to actually be from Obama so stop smoking that pipe, the only change Trump made was to actually enforce the law, or do you think bank robbers and murderers should also be let free if they have children

06-29-2018, 10:42 PM
I understand why the governemt is doing it but sometimes retaliatory acts are not beneficial, like if I did know who stole my truck I wouldn't really go at them with a baseball bat because jail time would hurt me more than the feeling of matching a wrong would benefit.

on these tarrifs I agree with trump being in the wrong.

all the other crap is just bullshit pandering. the law suit is a joke slapped down by a hardcore democratic ag, pushing way stronger reprocessing than the dems ever faced when facing the same type of suits. and trumps "child cages" those pics were proven to actually be from Obama so stop smoking that pipe, the only change Trump made was to actually enforce the law, or do you think bank robbers and murderers should also be let free if they have children

Not referring to the picture you are referring to from 2014 - that was of a few unaccompanied minors being sent through Mexico to the US border on refugee claims after the US itself created unrest in Honduras back in 2009 (Obama/Hillary - not sure if it started with Bush). Yes there was a rule in place that both Republican and Democratic presidents refused to enforce for the most part - especially against a few thousand children including babies and children under 10 years of age. This latest fiasco is a massive fuck-up (although typical of the administration) because they had no foresight or pre-planning in doing it so in many cases they don't really know where the parents or children are now (some are in different countries).

Mellow Yellow
06-30-2018, 12:10 AM

How many migrant children are detained in Canada?

According to the most recent statistics available from the CBSA, 155 minors have been kept in detention facilities in the 2017-2018 year already — that includes foreign nationals, permanent residents and Canadians citizens. Five of those children were unaccompanied.

That’s already more than the 151 children taken into detention in the previous year, despite the federal government’s directive to reduce the number.

Small amount, but 1 is too many!

06-30-2018, 07:24 AM
Not referring to the picture you are referring to from 2014 - that was of a few unaccompanied minors being sent through Mexico to the US border on refugee claims after the US itself created unrest in Honduras back in 2009 (Obama/Hillary - not sure if it started with Bush). Yes there was a rule in place that both Republican and Democratic presidents refused to enforce for the most part - especially against a few thousand children including babies and children under 10 years of age. This latest fiasco is a massive fuck-up (although typical of the administration) because they had no foresight or pre-planning in doing it so in many cases they don't really know where the parents or children are now (some are in different countries).

blaming it on this administration is asinine and ill informed. for the most part Obama had a catch and release policy, and that is what has caused the problem we are seeing. every county on the planet should be enforcing its borders other wise why have any?

if you need to seek asylum, you only need to stop at any port of entry and say that, the problem is the majority of these people are not actual asylum seekers and know they will be sent home, they want a better life and cant blame them for that but you need to go about it correctly and not break the law. PERIOD. there is no valid argument to this.

i want a better life for my kids that dosnt mean i can go rob a bank.

word got out that obama was letting people stay and the number of illigals increased, thats pretty straight forward and makes sence, but when the law gets enforced its not the fault of the people enforcing the law.

as for the children being sent alone, alot of them have parents and relitives already in the country because the know based on the law set out by the 9th court of appeals shildren are not detained, they are checked for well beaing and sent on to relitivs if there are any. this will now change because of the pressure by the idiots that is wrong to split up familys when the parents break the law. now kids will be locked up with the people htey crossed with, and thos esame idots are starting to cry that its wrong to lock up kids, because they want catch and release,

so what would happen if i packed my 6 year old up and sent him along into the states with nothing but some food, water and phone number?

I WOULD BE ARRESTED POSSABLE JAILED for failing to take care of my kid, then there is a good chance CAS would step in and take my kid away because i was putting them in danger.

why should illigals get special treatment? why should they not have to abide by the same laws you and I do?

06-30-2018, 09:08 AM
I don't think it is correct to say that the children that are being imprisoned are the children of those robbing banks - many are asylum seekers (arriving at the borders are being separated) and yes, some have crossed illegally and enforcement might be necessary but taking children and babies away from parents with no real plans for tracking and reunification is what is asinine and idiotic....except that they said Jesus said this is what they should do....lol. Again, this is another policy taken from 70 years ago in Europe. Even Bush with some of his foolish moves did the same thing Obama did and not separate children from their parents in this way (unaccompanied minors were detained but not accompanied minors including those under 1 year of age).

06-30-2018, 09:43 AM
Re read what I said.

Never said those coming accross are robbing banks. But crossing the border anywhere but at a port of entry is illegal. Even for an American citizen.

The penalty for that is jail time.

You don’t get exempt from the penalty’s of a crime committed just becasie you have children. Otherwise I would expect you to been calling fowl for every adult in jail that has children.

06-30-2018, 09:53 AM
And again. The Obama’s admin was sued in the 9th court for detaining kids along side tbere parents. This passed into law that kids could not be detained along side parents.

The statement that there is. I plan for reunification is just false. The kids go to a youth place to make sure they are okay. Get health care and care untill parents or relitives are found.

Too much fake news going on right now. Flat out lies by the media. Condemning trump for the same stuff that happened under obama and the same crap happens here in Canada too

06-30-2018, 11:48 AM
we could do without electricity if we had to as well. Canada is a small part of the US economy, the US is a large part of ours.

Trudeau is riding the anti Trump derangement syndrome with his voter base. Being seen to stand up to Trump makes JT look good to his base, but at the cost of the Canadian economy.It doesnt need to be that way. Canada has the resources to make it on its own. We have more trees and more oil than the us we just dont make use of it because of the free trade policies....as well as the huge cost but in theory we could cut our ties with Amurica, deal exclusively with european and asian companies and probably be AHEAD of where we are now. We would loose our military support from the US but with NATO in place im sure theres no real need for concern there.

We as a country rely entirely too much on the US.

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06-30-2018, 11:50 AM
I dont dissagree with you. But look at the fight and cost gone into just a pipeline. Too many doogoders think it’s wrong to use natural resources.

06-30-2018, 12:16 PM
I dont dissagree with you. But look at the fight and cost gone into just a pipeline. Too many doogoders think it’s wrong to use natural resources.Youre absolutely right, the cost is phenominal. But i somewhat agree with the dogooders....we should be trying to save natural resources and putting alot more effort into alternative fuels. Oil companies can diversify just like any other company....shift focus from oil to something more sustainable.

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07-04-2018, 07:38 AM
as predicted got to work yesterday to emails from all the suppliers, if we direct ship from the us tariffs will be added to brokerage. if we order threw supplier and supplier ships, then they will add the tariff to shipping totals,

there have been no manufacturing of appliances in Canada for years, ive bee proud to sell product that was at least made in north america, now over night if i choose to eat the cost, my profit margines are instatly cut in half which we cannot susstain,
if i pass it on to the customer im no longer compettitive with the big box stores selling the off shore garbage.

i called my local mp, and got lectured on how bad Trump is, FUCK THAT. let trump burn their own damn economy. its stupid to burn ours along side them

07-04-2018, 08:57 AM
let the free market come up with a competitive alternative to bitumen. Stuffing a carbon tax down our throats will stifle the economy and make it even more cost prohibitive to come up with a plan B

Renewable energy has been increasing in ROI by staggering amounts, at least in the past few years. I think Canada STILL subsidizes the oil industry (about 3.3 billion) which true-turd promised to put an end to but I think they secured another 10 years plus the whole pipeline buying thing they bought. Usual liberal hypocrisy but he had the "right idea" to end that and put the money towards green R&D... It would be cool if a country like Canada became the "silicon valley" of green tech.

I'm not 100% against the idea of a carbon tax IF (ONLY IF) it's an honest-to-god revenue neutral plan. Meaning, cut our income taxes and increases taxes on pollution. That gives us extra income to actually afford to "greenify" our lives. Maybe we could have been world leaders in renewable technology there is an evolving economy but world governments don't know how to handle it so they still subsidize the carbon producing industry. Just like trump and his coal...

My next car will be a hybrid or all-electric SUV. Because I don't feel like I should be burning gas for my daily commute.

07-04-2018, 09:46 AM
Renewable energy has been increasing in ROI by staggering amounts, at least in the past few years. I think Canada STILL subsidizes the oil industry (about 3.3 billion) which true-turd promised to put an end to but I think they secured another 10 years plus the whole pipeline buying thing they bought. Usual liberal hypocrisy but he had the "right idea" to end that and put the money towards green R&D... It would be cool if a country like Canada became the "silicon valley" of green tech.

I'm not 100% against the idea of a carbon tax IF (ONLY IF) it's an honest-to-god revenue neutral plan. Meaning, cut our income taxes and increases taxes on pollution. That gives us extra income to actually afford to "greenify" our lives. Maybe we could have been world leaders in renewable technology there is an evolving economy but world governments don't know how to handle it so they still subsidize the carbon producing industry. Just like trump and his coal...

My next car will be a hybrid or all-electric SUV. Because I don't feel like I should be burning gas for my daily commute.

Yup, fossil fuel isn't as "free market" as we think - I read a number on the weekend of US $100 billion in subsidies to the industry annually (Canada's subsidies are a part of that) so maybe these should stop and let the price move up in a "free market" environment so it's comparable on trading and investment. Of course there is still the oil cartels that manage the pricing like they are doing last week and this week.