View Full Version : Food Truck Friday - with beer. Looks interesting

10-11-2018, 10:18 AM
Food Truck Friday - with beer. Looks interesting

I had a couple tacos from El Callejon del Taco last Friday at the regular FTF event on Bloor St/Resurrection Rd and they were pretty good.


10-11-2018, 11:34 AM
Just google mapped the location
a. that's not an easy place to get to from here
b. never knew there was a bunch of breweries in that area?

Rainhard Brewing
Shacklands Brewing
Junction Craft Brewing

LOL, I don't know if I'm brave enough to venture into that neighborhood

10-11-2018, 01:07 PM
I did not know about the 3 breweries either until I spoke with the event organizer last week. The Stockyards have really been re-developed in the past few years so there is a lot of shopping places in that area.

I'm not sure that is the exact spot in the link (maybe on the other side of the glass/steel building?) - he mentioned there will be an indoor type area with patio heaters to sit (sheltered courtyard area between a couple buildings) while the food trucks will be curbside.

10-11-2018, 01:10 PM
This was my brisket sandwich a few weeks back.


10-11-2018, 03:33 PM
Richard is that google link Don posted correct?
That’s the location?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-11-2018, 04:49 PM
Looks like it's in this building - I guess they will have the food trucks outside in the parking lot but since they're serving beer they will likely have to be inside to satisfy LLBO licencing. Looks pretty industrial though although the Stockyards shopping centre is a couple minutes away.

https://www.google.ca/maps/place/100+Symes+Rd,+Toronto,+ON+M6N+5C9/@43.6722965,-79.4782702,3a,75y,304.83h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZ4CbbjE4s86bXthn6KRxNw!2e0!6s% 2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DZ4CbbjE4s86bX thn6KRxNw%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_ sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26y aw%3D304.8318%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312 !8i6656!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x882b36a4808454b3:0x477595 8a409954df!2s100+Symes+Rd,+Toronto,+ON+M6N+5C9!3b1 !8m2!3d43.6725677!4d-79.4790013!3m4!1s0x882b36a4808454b3:0x4775958a4099 54df!8m2!3d43.6725677!4d-79.4790013?hl=en


10-12-2018, 07:52 PM
Seven food trucks outside one of the most breweries.


10-13-2018, 12:07 PM
How was the beers?

83 5.0
10-13-2018, 02:14 PM
Great lakes brewery has an awesome food truck at their site.
Recommend the Jerk Chicken, nice and spicy.

10-13-2018, 04:13 PM
^^^I’ve been there several times, never seen a food truck serving jerk. When does that occur?

83 5.0
10-13-2018, 04:32 PM
I think it is usually Thursday through Saturday, I was at an event their in September so tried it then, here is the menu

10-20-2018, 12:54 AM
How was the beers?

They were pretty good. I tried about 3 samples there and picked up a few to go/try at home. I had the Smarch Weather Marzen there to accompany my food.

Marzen (Seasonal Amber Lager)
Burnt orange in colour, and slightly malty. This Märzen was brewed for the fall season, and features a clean flavour profile. Brewed using Pilsner, vienna, and Munich Malt, this beer is perfect for a more flavourful lager option.

I plan to head back next Friday for the next event.