View Full Version : I hate kijiji

12-01-2018, 12:05 PM
Little rant. I am selling some mustang parts. Have 4 separate people saying they are coming to pick up parts this morning, so I reschedule my day to make sure I am around. NOT EVEN ONE showed up. This is after me confirming with each of them last night that they were still coming. Kijiji seriously needs a trader rating system to provide at least some sort of accountability

12-01-2018, 12:10 PM
Its the people not kjiji. Had the same thing with Facebook. They say they will come and then nothing. I tell them to text or call me now, if they are coming on the scheduled day or time. That way I don't wait around for them and do what I have to do.

12-01-2018, 12:13 PM
Its the people not kjiji. Had the same thing with Facebook. They say they will come and then nothing. I tell them to text or call me now, if they are coming on the scheduled day or time. That way I don't wait around for them and do what I have to do.

You’re right, however the same people buy and sell in other marketplaces where there are rules and trader feedback, and they have a lot more integrity in those situations because they know that if their rating is low no one will do business with them. I suppose the real issue is that a man/women’s word means nothing anymore.

12-01-2018, 12:15 PM
I love kijjijij. It’s free, and I have sold/bought a ton of stuff.

12-01-2018, 12:27 PM
Little rant. I am selling some mustang parts. Have 4 separate people saying they are coming to pick up parts this morning, so I reschedule my day to make sure I am around. NOT EVEN ONE showed up. This is after me confirming with each of them last night that they were still coming. Kijiji seriously needs a trader rating system to provide at least some sort of accountability

Sorry things turned out shitty- just bad round of buyers this time around. I’ve always had success selling on kijiji from rims, camera lens , even billiard cues. I schedule a Tim Horton’s meet one I’ll be around that day wait 20-30 mins max if they are late- otherwise I’m gone. You are the seller - let them rearrange their day [emoji6]

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12-01-2018, 12:29 PM
they need a pay now option - then you know the buyer is serious...

Old Fart
12-01-2018, 12:30 PM
I love kijjijij. It’s free, and I have sold/bought a ton of stuff.

Same here. My system... I tell them what street I am on. I also tell the buyer's when I'll be home and to call or text before coming over so I can give them the street number.

12-01-2018, 01:01 PM
Oddly enough I’m having the same problem with buying a set of wheels.

I never change my sched for kijiji people.. learned my lesson a long time ago.

12-01-2018, 01:36 PM
I love buying on kijiji because there are deals to be had and most people are willing to keep their word if it means they are getting handed money. I find selling on kijiji is either dealing with a bunch of no shows, or receiving ridiculous trade offers. “I see your asking price is $1900, will you take a used unicycle with one flat tire and 4 bald snow tires on trade?” Lol

12-01-2018, 01:38 PM
I also like Kijiji because it's free but when I deal with a Kijiji buyer I either ask them to send me min. $20 e-transfer before we meet up or ask them to send a picture of the Canadian Tire near me where we will meet up and I won't leave the house till that picture is sent.

12-01-2018, 08:43 PM
…or receiving ridiculous trade offers. “I see your asking price is $1900, will you take a used unicycle with one flat tire and 4 bald snow tires on trade?” Lol
I don’t get upset or insulted, I just reply with a simple “no.”

12-01-2018, 09:49 PM
great luck when buying but selling has its up and downs

12-01-2018, 10:01 PM
Hit or miss Kijiji has turned into has me throwing a buncha stuff out vs selling.

12-01-2018, 11:43 PM
it's way better than craigs list...

12-01-2018, 11:52 PM
I don’t get upset or insulted, I just reply with a simple “no.”

Absolutely. I don’t get upset either. I simply can’t imagine a circus mast Bev where someone would accept the offers that are being given. The thing that irritates me is when someone’s says they are coming at a specific time and they don’t show up. I ended up having one guy come today but the original 4 never showed

12-02-2018, 10:48 AM
I especially love it when people argue with you when you turn down their low ball offer. Or give the sob story about how they are broke but their kid really wants something. If they had just offered a lower price I probably would have taken it, but add in a sob story and I'm not dropping the price at all because I really don't care about your problems.

I think that over the years I've had the worst time selling rims. Add in every single spec about the rims and people still ask "will this fit my car?" I started just answering yes and letting them deal with it once they get home. Not hard to look up the specs of your car and figure it out, and if you can't be bothered to do that it isn't my problem.

I think letgo is actually worse though. I've run into the way more argumentative people on there.

12-02-2018, 12:45 PM
Whether it's this forum, the other forum, FB or Kijiji they're all about the same. Lowballers and no-show ers are everywhere.

12-02-2018, 01:30 PM
Hit or miss Kijiji has turned into has me throwing a buncha stuff out vs selling.

This plus that story about that poor man from Ancaster killed trying to sell his truck has made me make this same stand. If I don't want to store it, and don't have a friend who would need it, it goes in the bin. Bigger ticket stuff stuff I will sell through Facebook groups but thats a case of list it then ship it out once I received payment.

12-02-2018, 01:41 PM
The best line is “but I can get it for $xxx from another seller on here”

Okay.. so why are you talking to me?

12-02-2018, 06:46 PM
F*****g trolls!!!!!

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12-03-2018, 08:27 AM
I sent a PM for the seat belts you have for sale, but never heard back...

12-03-2018, 08:53 AM
I sent a PM for the seat belts you have for sale, but never heard back...

I was ready to drop some hay too...no show...lol - I don't feel so alone.

12-03-2018, 09:57 AM
they need a pay now option - then you know the buyer is serious...

They have a pay now paypal option on the App so you can do this.

12-03-2018, 12:43 PM
We recently sold our 2013 Ford F-450 through Kijiji. Guy drove 400 miles to take the truck, then emailed us thanking us for a fair deal.
3 years ago we bought a 207 F-350 dually, then blew the engine. Guy in Ohio bought it through Kijiji, caame up with a trailer and took it. Through the magic of US vs Canadian $$$, we hardly lost anything and he got a bargain. Even sent us a picture after he rebuilt the motor.

KIJIJI has been good to us.

12-19-2018, 04:12 PM
Have a small toolbox in good shape on kijiji at the moment, received a million emails about it. One guy calls me today and says he'll take it.. meet him at the gas station where I always meet people. He stares at it for a while.. "wow it's really small".. well yeah I stated the dimensions in the ad.

Oh well I don't want it.. turns around and leaves.


12-19-2018, 04:28 PM
A lot of trolls on Kijiji... I hate selling stuff. I had a guy once agree to meet in Bowmanville.... I’m in Pickering and he was in Peterborough.... he no showed.... never again!!

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12-19-2018, 04:36 PM
As Rick says it's hit or miss.
The forums aren't much different.
If I had a dollar for every unanswered PM I've sent over the last 18 years I wouldn't need to sell my shit :D

12-19-2018, 04:51 PM
I'd expect that answer and reaction from a woman. No comment on how I reached that conclusion.


12-19-2018, 11:13 PM
Looking for a used sled on Kijiji, out of about a dozen or so I've inquired about, at least 4 or 5 never replied in spite of being a fresh ad. Like WTF peeps. Even odder when you see it reposted a few days later.

12-20-2018, 12:52 PM
I like Kijiji and have bought and sold stuff on there. You need to be patient and be aware of the idiots out there. Just keep your cool and hold to your best price...

12-20-2018, 09:42 PM
I never leave my number - email only - really eliminates bs

12-20-2018, 10:01 PM
I never leave my number - email only - really eliminates bs

Does it though? I feel like you get a bunch of emails asking if it's still available. I rarely leave my number but when I do and actually get a phone call, it's usually a for sure sale.

12-20-2018, 10:19 PM
Does it though? I feel like you get a bunch of emails asking if it's still available. I rarely leave my number but when I do and actually get a phone call, it's usually a for sure sale.

always for me - the only time I got of bs mails was when I tried to unload a civic...go figure...

12-21-2018, 12:18 AM
I feel like you get a bunch of emails asking if it's still available.
I see that as a simple hello. I simply reply with 3 letters. Takes all of 2 seconds. “Yes”.

12-21-2018, 01:24 AM
I see that as a simple hello. I simply reply with 3 letters. Takes all of 2 seconds. “Yes”.

I hear ya.. but I state "if ad is up it's available"

so just say hello dammit.

12-21-2018, 10:36 AM
I put that in my ads also, but people only look at the pictures.

The way I see it: people respond with "is it still available?" instead of "I'm interested" as a negotiation starter. "Still available?" gives up no leverage, whereas "i'm interested" might be perceived as losing bargaining power. It's all just Jedi mind tricks.

12-21-2018, 10:47 AM
I put that in my ads also, but people only look at the pictures.

The way I see it: people respond with "is it still available?" instead of "I'm interested" as a negotiation starter. "Still available?" gives up no leverage, whereas "i'm interested" might be perceived as losing bargaining power. It's all just Jedi mind tricks.

it's weird - I sold an '89 Camaro in August - not one response - four days before the ad expires a guy makes me a offer and I'm thinking ok you haven't even seen the car - so for fun I accept his offer. Four days later the add expires and I don't repost (that was my plan anyway). I send the guy an email saying if you don't see the ad anymore the car is still here - here's my info. He calls me and says he's coming on such and such date. He shows up, nice guy, we spent a few hours together. He leaves a 500 $ deposit and says he will be back in two weeks to pick it up. (long haul truck driver). The car is still sitting in my driveway and the High Commander is giving me grief 'cause between my son and I, it looks like a used car lot out there....lol can't argue with that. If he doesn't show soon I have a 5.3 I'm thinking of dropping in and keeping it....lol

83 5.0
12-22-2018, 06:27 PM
I have always had good luck with Kijijji, and as of yesterday sold a set of mint rubber mats for my wifes old POS VW EOS.
Never spoke with the buyer, never met him and only communicated by text. I left them on the front porch Friday for him to pick up (he said he was OPP out of Cambridge working shifts and they were a Xmas gift for his wife) he left the payment in the mail box.
My wife was giving me the stink eye about this, but i figured if he needs a set of mats that bad, have at er.

12-25-2018, 08:57 PM
I have had mixed experiences with Kijiji as well. The funniest one was when I was selling my silver performance pack wheels and this kid (I can only imagine it was a kid as to the lack of maturity in his comments) barking at me as I didn’t want to lower my price for my near new perfect condition rims and tires because he would have to get them stripped and repainted black to match his red car better!?!

I tried to explain to him that he should just buy another set of black ones from someone else and he just got angrier...lol

The other thing I find funny is when they ask you to hold something for them without a deposit...yeah I will hold it until it sells to the first person with cash. Lol

12-29-2018, 02:37 PM
Just sold my old PS3 on Kijiji and a door prize Bluetooth speaker with Alexa on letgo. Both gone within a day of listing with minimal frustration. I'm learning to just ignore the negotiators. Offer $20 less sure, I'll probably take it. Start going into long stories about other people's pricing and I just ignore you.

12-30-2018, 04:28 PM
After a million emails, finally sold the old toolbox.

Now to sell this trolling motor.. upgrade time!

05-20-2019, 05:24 PM
Kijiji came through selling the Corvette, first guy who shows up buys the car!

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