View Full Version : Resolutions for the new year

12-30-2018, 11:28 PM
After reading the A+W thread I’ve come to the realization that I need to be a healthier person. Been letting myself go for the last couple years, but nothing crazy, I’ve gained I think 10-15lbs, but 10-15 very obvious lbs.....to the point where I’m constantly aware of it.
So I’m planning to eat better and do some light working out, as well as drinking lots of water (no more energy drinks), and drinking less coffee.

How bout you guys?

12-30-2018, 11:42 PM
yah man cut out the energy drinks fore shore^^^^ - I never really had a problem with weight was very athletic in my youth and very active physical job now, but after reading the "Fat Azz to Lean" thread and this recent one I know better and have been thinking I need to work out a bit more - not as strong as I use to be - and gravity is setting in - my diet is still very good but I do slip from time-to-time. One thing I've really focused on in the last few years was eating less and mostly drink only water....

12-31-2018, 12:00 AM
^Im scared to read that thread, I eat mostly garbage, although I am active and my job is very physical. Gonna start slow and go from there, but I have very little motivation other than it wanting to feel my body jiggle as I go down stairs, lol.

12-31-2018, 01:16 AM
Same resolutions I make every year and don't keep, actually drive the Mustang/buy a Porsche.

12-31-2018, 08:00 AM
Mine is an easy one, stay focused on what I've been doing the last three months. Combo of treatments on my back n leg plus eating better is paying off, don't want to slide backwards.

12-31-2018, 08:51 AM
^Im scared to read that thread, I eat mostly garbage, although I am active and my job is very physical. Gonna start slow and go from there, but I have very little motivation other than it wanting to feel my body jiggle as I go down stairs, lol.

lol yah the jiggle - best to start slow and not go full bore into a diet change especially something that's a complete turn around to what your accustom, just cut out all the process shit energy drinks including Gatorade aren't the best thing and try to convert snacking into more natural foods like fruit...yah the "F" word...lol

12-31-2018, 09:47 AM
would be nice but cant seem to find a way around diet restrictions I have already, I have the lovely combo of IBS, Oral Allergy Syndrome, mild lactose issues plus just a all out dislike fore onions, tomatoes and peppers.

I do my best eating and don't think I eat overly bad, maybe fast food once a month twice at the most., but over the years the weight has added up. bad knees and Back make working out at home difficult without injury (mostly cuz I don't know what the fuck im doing) but Drs have been useless and local gym made it clear they were not interested when I when in asking for a personal trainer/ diet coach

12-31-2018, 10:37 AM
would be nice but cant seem to find a way around diet restrictions I have already, I have the lovely combo of IBS, Oral Allergy Syndrome, mild lactose issues plus just a all out dislike fore onions, tomatoes and peppers.

I do my best eating and don't think I eat overly bad, maybe fast food once a month twice at the most., but over the years the weight has added up. bad knees and Back make working out at home difficult without injury (mostly cuz I don't know what the fuck im doing) but Drs have been useless and local gym made it clear they were not interested when I when in asking for a personal trainer/ diet coach

They turned down or don't have personal trainers onsite to sell you sessions?

I used to have a personal trainer come to the house a couple times a week which is great for getting on a regimen and setting up some programs (trick is staying on it if you don't continue with them after a while).

12-31-2018, 11:19 AM
For me, first thing is get more sleep - I don't like to sleep but from all the reading I've done I'm not doing myself any favours by not getting at least 7 hours each night and while I want to re-start my exercise program again, any weight loss is likely going to be hard without the additional sleep.

Don't have to change much in diet since I drink pop maybe 1X per month, don't eat much fast food (quality just isn't there so we usually opt for takeout at our local family-owned Italian or Mediterranean restaurant; Swiss Chalet we do occasionally in a bind since the dog loves the chicken, and A&W when the others listed are closed), minimize salt/refined sugar, minimize milk/meat/no mystery or cheap meat (antibiotics/growth hormones; use non-animal milk), only buy Canadian or US fruit/vegetables where possible (ie. minimize anything that's travelled a long way), buy groceries and cook from scratch for most of our meals.

Oh, and slow down and "smell the flowers" more (even had thoughts of "retiring" and going to work in tech for fun)...and drive the Mustang more than in the past two summers.

12-31-2018, 12:55 PM
They turned down or don't have personal trainers onsite to sell you sessions?

I used to have a personal trainer come to the house a couple times a week which is great for getting on a regimen and setting up some programs (trick is staying on it if you don't continue with them after a while).

went in three times and was told three times that she didn't have the procing book and would have to call me. never heard back

12-31-2018, 01:02 PM
I don't think I eat bad, threw out the day, usually granola based cereal for breakfast, samich either ham or pb and j for lunch, supper is usually something easy due to work, but chicken, sausage, burger(local made not box). sometimes ham of roast from the crock pot. should probably drink more water, normal liquid consumption is a glass of juice in the am and two coffees and one or two cans of ginger ale, threw out the day, and either one glass of wine or a glass of cider after dinner,

biggest problem is snacking threw out the day and evening, but with my stomach issues I get hungry fast and if I don't eat something hunger turns to upset stomach fairly quickly, and then the indigestion gets rolling its usually carbs that slow it down, so I know that's where I need to improve just not easy when its sufferable and not just dealing with hunger

12-31-2018, 01:37 PM
I don't think I eat bad, threw out the day, usually granola based cereal for breakfast, samich either ham or pb and j for lunch, supper is usually something easy due to work, but chicken, sausage, burger(local made not box). sometimes ham of roast from the crock pot. should probably drink more water, normal liquid consumption is a glass of juice in the am and two coffees and one or two cans of ginger ale, threw out the day, and either one glass of wine or a glass of cider after dinner,

biggest problem is snacking threw out the day and evening, but with my stomach issues I get hungry fast and if I don't eat something hunger turns to upset stomach fairly quickly, and then the indigestion gets rolling its usually carbs that slow it down, so I know that's where I need to improve just not easy when its sufferable and not just dealing with hunger

With IBS you really should try to find a good doctor or research and find a good book to help out with your diet - there's lots of info online - I've had an ulcer in the past and it may still be with me and some movement issues. A strict diet is what it takes for me and I don't consider myself a real problem. Most of what you have listed may need to be changed especially the drinks, snacks, and grains.

12-31-2018, 04:25 PM
I have renewed love for sleep
Watch what I put in my body
Moderate physical activity
Stay positive and limit exposure to downers
Drive a Mustang more ... not really a resolution but would like a GT500 , country property & a m%#^+=s......

How much time to I have to edit post ?


12-31-2018, 04:52 PM
Mine is to drive and enjoy my Shelby more and try and to make it to more events!! In the 7 years I’ve owned it I have only 5000 kms lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-31-2018, 05:27 PM
I have renewed love for sleep
Watch what I put in my body
Moderate physical activity
Stay positive and limit exposure to downers
Drive a Mustang more ... not really a resolution but would like a GT500 , country property & a m%#^+=s......

How much time to I have to edit post ?


Don’t mean to not pick but Your resolution. To “limit exposure to downers” are you referring to people?

I just ask because I see this all the time anymore on social media where people say it’s best to walk away from those who “bring you down” or “have a negative outlook / aditude”
I try and make a ppp t to pass along the PSA that a lot of tones people struggling with depression, ptsd or other mental illness. Can slot of times manifest In frustrations anger and in general being a downer. I’m all for self care but walking away from a friend in need no matter the reason can be devistating.

For a population who jumps onto days like “bell’s let’s talk” but then promote self care over the needs if others I find disheartening.

Again not trying to pick or cause disputes. Commented the same on a post on FB only to have my comment removed by the poster as it “didn’t fit the narrative”

We all must do what’s best for ourselves. But also didn’t hurt to look out for one another.

So if anyone has someone in there life who is angry all the time or a downer. Just maybe they actually need you more than you can possibly know.

12-31-2018, 05:40 PM
^^idk where ur going with this but wrong guy ...not playing lol
So don’t Dr Phil me cuz u dont know my story

Have a good new year

12-31-2018, 05:45 PM
I don't think I eat bad, threw out the day, usually granola based cereal for breakfast, samich either ham or pb and j for lunch, supper is usually something easy due to work, but chicken, sausage, burger(local made not box). sometimes ham of roast from the crock pot. should probably drink more water, normal liquid consumption is a glass of juice in the am and two coffees and one or two cans of ginger ale, threw out the day, and either one glass of wine or a glass of cider after dinner,

biggest problem is snacking threw out the day and evening, but with my stomach issues I get hungry fast and if I don't eat something hunger turns to upset stomach fairly quickly, and then the indigestion gets rolling its usually carbs that slow it down, so I know that's where I need to improve just not easy when its sufferable and not just dealing with hunger

I think a can of ginger ale has 10-11 teaspoons of white sugar, so times two? I have a tall stainless steel bottle which I use for water and try to get through 1.5X every day. Coconut water is another good option too for a healthy electrolyte hit (not the canned stuff - better stuff is 100% coconut water only as ingredient - VitaCoco, Zico, One, etc). Processed granola cereal probably has white sugar as well if General Mills/Kelloggs/GP or one of their subsidiaries like Nature's Valley (Kashi used to be good but not sure what happened after they were taken over by General Mills), and depending on the PB you buy you may be consuming more glucose-fructose (corn syrup) as well (eg. regular Kraft PB). Ham is processed meat ham?

Juices are not bad but I only use the "not from concentrate" (with no added sugar) versions. Maybe try basic non-salted almonds, dry roasted peanuts/other nuts, sunflower/pepita seeds, etc (check portion size) for a healthier snack. You'll get good fats with those too.

12-31-2018, 06:33 PM
^^idk where ur going with this but wrong guy ...not playing lol
So don’t Dr Phil me cuz u dont know my story

Have a good new year

said it wasnt directed at you just your comment. see the same things over an over anymore. but take it how ever you want, not trying to Dr Phil anyone just tired of seeing people act like saints on the internet and treat ppl like garbage in real life.. again not directed at you cuz I don't know you. but the whole take care of yourself first and screw everyone else thing is, to me, just another example of why the world is so screwed.

01-01-2019, 09:14 AM
said it wasnt directed at you just your comment. see the same things over an over anymore. but take it how ever you want, not trying to Dr Phil anyone just tired of seeing people act like saints on the internet and treat ppl like garbage in real life.. again not directed at you cuz I don't know you. but the whole take care of yourself first and screw everyone else thing is, to me, just another example of why the world is so screwed.

I took it more in the context of - avoid people that always seem negative towards everything you do. People that simply can never be happy for others and judge constantly.

01-01-2019, 09:51 AM
I took it more in the context of - avoid people that always seem negative towards everything you do. People that simply can never be happy for others and judge constantly.

in that context it makes sense. just seems people always take things to the extreme. I only commented because I had posted something very similar elsewhere around the same time. and figured I comment instead of starting another thread,

01-01-2019, 09:59 AM
any way sorry for the derail.

I've never really been one for resolutions but find myself in a slump the last few years, I'm gonna try not to take things so personal this year, and stress less about things I have no control over.

01-01-2019, 10:01 AM
Like Jumpy over on GTAMC told me...............Like water off a ducks back Rick.

01-01-2019, 12:51 PM
JuMPy the wise.

01-01-2019, 01:36 PM
Continue to be grateful that I live in the greatest country

01-01-2019, 05:13 PM
My main resolution is to lose weight and just get back to better general health. The other is to try to continue to worry less about BS and material crap and just try to enjoy life as much as I can.

01-01-2019, 07:31 PM
I’m not one for resolutions but this year every chance I get I’ll be on the water fishing.. solo or not

01-01-2019, 08:28 PM
any way sorry for the derail.

I've never really been one for resolutions but find myself in a slump the last few years, I'm gonna try not to take things so personal this year, and stress less about things I have no control over.

I joined the TMC 6 months ago and noticed a consistant trend between you and your buddy from bolton with the yellow vette. Many times over the last six months you have jerked my chain the wrong way and I showed compasion towards you and your bull shit. After this bullshit post i started thinking about some of your other bullshit and quite frankly have had a bad day because of it - I DON'T LIKE WHEN SOME MOFO FUCKS UP MY TIME MENTALLY" - Like Rick said "water off a ducks back" but your messing with the wrong muther fuckin duck. Normally I handle these issues face-to-face but it's likely you will never crawl out fom behind the safety of your key board and come out to an event. And believe me it wont be hard to find a dumb fucker from Hensell who posts broken fox body parts for sale on Kijiji. Hopefully this little pep talk will help you out with your fuckin resolution - don't provoke me by responding to this post and if I've overstepped the boundries I will gracefully accept dismissal and if you have an issue with this post I'm easy to find.

01-01-2019, 08:31 PM

Old Fart
01-01-2019, 09:37 PM
Having a bad day??

01-01-2019, 09:40 PM
Let's take things down a notch please.

01-01-2019, 09:43 PM
“Quack, quack” everyone.

01-01-2019, 11:07 PM
I joined the TMC 6 months ago and noticed a consistant trend between you and your buddy from bolton with the yellow vette. Many times over the last six months you have jerked my chain the wrong way and I showed compasion towards you and your bull shit. After this bullshit post i started thinking about some of your other bullshit and quite frankly have had a bad day because of it - I DON'T LIKE WHEN SOME MOFO FUCKS UP MY TIME MENTALLY" - Like Rick said "water off a ducks back" but your messing with the wrong muther fuckin duck. Normally I handle these issues face-to-face but it's likely you will never crawl out fom behind the safety of your key board and come out to an event. And believe me it wont be hard to find a dumb fucker from Hensell who posts broken fox body parts for sale on Kijiji. Hopefully this little pep talk will help you out with your fuckin resolution - don't provoke me by responding to this post and if I've overstepped the boundries I will gracefully accept dismissal and if you have an issue with this post I'm easy to find.

Have me confused with someone else? Never owned a fox so don’t recall ever trying to sell broken fox parts. And don’t have a buddy on Bolton. Care to elaborate on how I pissed in your cornflakes so bad?

01-01-2019, 11:09 PM
Guys, please take to pm to help keep the thread on track.
Not the way I'd have hoped a thread about resolutions would have played out but is what it is.

01-01-2019, 11:11 PM
I don’t even know why he is mad.

01-02-2019, 06:35 AM
So best of time for you to reach out.

Ghost Rider
01-02-2019, 10:32 AM
Let's take things down a notch please.

wait...was that a Foxbody joke right there??

55 HD
01-02-2019, 05:26 PM
wait...was that a Foxbody joke right there??

That was a fast back Dave. Good one, made me laugh.

01-02-2019, 07:18 PM

01-02-2019, 07:21 PM
FYI to anyone who just plain can not stand posts from a certain person or persons, your solution, under settings (top right corner above) click on the ignore feature and enter his or her user name..........done!!!
Only person I don't have on ignore is myself, keeps me calm, real calm. LOL

01-02-2019, 09:00 PM
^^^it works

01-03-2019, 03:43 AM
I joined the TMC 6 months ago and noticed a consistant trend between you and your buddy from bolton with the yellow vette. Many times over the last six months you have jerked my chain the wrong way and I showed compasion towards you and your bull shit. After this bullshit post i started thinking about some of your other bullshit and quite frankly have had a bad day because of it - I DON'T LIKE WHEN SOME MOFO FUCKS UP MY TIME MENTALLY" - Like Rick said "water off a ducks back" but your messing with the wrong muther fuckin duck. Normally I handle these issues face-to-face but it's likely you will never crawl out fom behind the safety of your key board and come out to an event. And believe me it wont be hard to find a dumb fucker from Hensell who posts broken fox body parts for sale on Kijiji. Hopefully this little pep talk will help you out with your fuckin resolution - don't provoke me by responding to this post and if I've overstepped the boundries I will gracefully accept dismissal and if you have an issue with this post I'm easy to find.

Best post of the year..lol

01-03-2019, 10:24 AM
Best post of the year..lol

Yes threats against people you disagree with are always the best way to go.

01-03-2019, 10:49 AM
Pay more attention to overall health and eating habits (maybe not as many rules as Richard with diet lol)
I never really paid too much attention before and got away with it but not sleeping or feeling well for the longest time it’s something I should be doing.
I guess I’m old.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ghost Rider
01-03-2019, 11:34 AM
Best post of the year..lol

It's only January 3rd...I'm sure we can do better!!

01-03-2019, 04:47 PM
^ Gonna be on time this year Dave?

Ghost Rider
01-03-2019, 05:06 PM
^ Gonna be on time this year Dave?

lol, seems unlikely :D

01-03-2019, 05:06 PM


01-03-2019, 05:09 PM
Go faster. Realistically the only goal I will keep hahaha

01-03-2019, 06:05 PM
My resolution is to be Liberal free by the end of 2019. If I'm not then I can blame all of you.

01-03-2019, 06:08 PM
^ I like your style

01-05-2019, 07:36 AM
Make more money, buy a motor bike, drive more than 300kms in the cobra which I haven't done In two summers now.

01-05-2019, 10:01 AM
Make more money, buy a motor bike, drive more than 300kms in the cobra which I haven't done In two summers now.

300 km ....you need to store it at my place , I can help with that

01-05-2019, 10:03 AM
The only one I'm really going to try and keep is too stay above the sod, the rest is just water under the bridge, live, love, & PARTY ON DUDE !

01-05-2019, 10:09 AM
The only one I'm really going to try and keep is too stay above the sod, the rest is just water under the bridge, live, love, & PARTY ON DUDE !

You’re a champ buddy , hope you’re 2019 gives you lots of seat time whether it’s in a car or in a plane :thumbsup: