View Full Version : Why was the thread moved?

01-27-2019, 10:28 AM
Did you guys buy the GTAMC moderation model?

I don’t see any real reason for that...

01-27-2019, 10:47 AM
Which thread are you talking about?

01-27-2019, 11:09 AM
Most things politically charged go to the Black Flag Forum.

01-27-2019, 11:17 AM
I think this is the shortest rant of yours I've ever seen :)

01-27-2019, 11:39 AM
I moved it. A preemptive strike before the inevitable shit hits the fan. As far as the gtamc comment, did you make the same post over there?

01-27-2019, 11:47 AM
Lol short rants lol

I mean I guess time/place. Just proves a point that discussions of any sort, even if not hateful, can be suppressed in fear of pushback from the vocal SJW crowd no matter how small they may be. People are so entitled these days that anything they may not agree with gets hushed. It’s deranged and scary this is happening in a car culture. Keep in mind, auto enthusiasts are oppressors in this new world.

I can mini rant straying from politics lol

01-27-2019, 11:52 AM
Lol short rants lol

I mean I guess time/place. Just proves a point that discussions of any sort, even if not hateful, can be suppressed in fear of pushback from the vocal SJW crowd no matter how small they may be. People are so entitled these days that anything they may not agree with gets hushed. It’s deranged and scary this is happening in a car culture. Keep in mind, auto enthusiasts are oppressors in this new world.

I can mini rant straying from politics lol
What's deranged and scary is that a post like this is even posted in a car culture forum. Also, you believe that us auto enthusiasts are "oppressors"? Who are we oppressing?

01-27-2019, 11:57 AM
Getting sick of these types of posts. We aren't "hushing" anything.
We moved a post to an area where like minded people can see it and discuss it. People that come here to discuss car/vehicles don't have to see it. Win win.
What other car sights would accommodate as much as we do?
Alternatively, go to a political forum and post there.

01-27-2019, 12:01 PM
What's deranged and scary is that a post like this is even posted in a car culture forum. Also, you believe that us auto enthusiasts are "oppressors"? Who are we oppressing?

Anyone who can't afford a nice car or more accurately anyone who is affected by climate change. This is literally a website that encourages the removal of smog equipment and adding power to already powerful and expensive cars which is expanding on the problem.

01-27-2019, 12:03 PM
Getting sick of these types of posts. We aren't "hushing" anything.
We moved a post to an area where like minded people can see it and discuss it. People that come here to discuss car/vehicles don't have to see it. Win win.
What other car sights would accommodate as much as we do?
Alternatively, go to a political forum and post there.

Ah I see... just a suggestion but if this is the process, maybe implement communication as part of it. Perhaps an auto generated private message that provides that insight as well as a user/pass to enter? I'm sure it would reduce "sick of these types of posts".

LOL It's my job to work on process engineering for corporations, glad to help with that free piece of info.

01-27-2019, 12:16 PM
There is a stuck post in this forum. If you'd read it you'd know the process as well as how to get the password - you're welcome for the free info.

01-27-2019, 12:21 PM
Anyone who can't afford a nice car or more accurately anyone who is affected by climate change. This is literally a website that encourages the removal of smog equipment and adding power to already powerful and expensive cars which is expanding on the problem.

This site, its owners, directors and moderators in no way, shape or form encourage the removal of smog equipment. What does having a nice car have to do with climate change? Yes, a nice modern Mustang more powerful than most all of the earlier generations, it is also more fuel efficient.

01-27-2019, 12:41 PM
This site, its owners, directors and moderators in no way, shape or form encourage the removal of smog equipment. What does having a nice car have to do with climate change? Yes, a nice modern Mustang more powerful than most all of the earlier generations, it is also more fuel efficient.

Just FYI I don’t side with the mindset but in my research I’ve fell into discussions that talk about causing harm to those driving lifted trucks and muscle cars. I guess the “icing” thing didn’t help. But it’s one of those things. Personally I think we can do a lot before blaming the minority of muscle or sports car drivers out there. The other aspect is rather complex and not a topic to have outside the flagged forums.

As far as smog I do recall getting lashed at by suggesting that removing smog is stupid and those who do this on street cars really should sell their tools and pay a pro to build their rides lol

01-27-2019, 12:44 PM
There is a stuck post in this forum. If you'd read it you'd know the process as well as how to get the password - you're welcome for the free info.

Nah dude, that’s not how it works in reality. You have to understand elements of cognitive physiology to get UX. It’s like asking to read the fine print. But arguing is moot, not my site. It’s your rules and responsibilities. And I apologize for providing unsolicited feedback.

01-27-2019, 12:58 PM
You took a self imposed vacation from this forum and now you come back and now this? Really.

01-27-2019, 01:00 PM
You know, dealing with shit like this takes all the fun out of this site. Have a nice day.

01-27-2019, 01:15 PM
Well there is a solution. It’s easy to delete my account and all posts. I’m pretty certain you don’t have either the technical proficiency or guts to DELETE * FROM stangstevers. I won’t be offended but impressed if you can manage to do a full on wipe of my BS posts. I bet all you can do is ban the account or ignore it.

All I can promis is I won’t create new accounts.

01-27-2019, 01:20 PM
... also started eating more and more vegan meals.
The evidence in this thread suggests maybe you should start eating meat again.

I’ve enjoyed following many of your threads, and shared a few laughs over beers. But this thread is out of left field.

01-27-2019, 01:23 PM
Well there is a solution. It’s easy to delete my account and all posts. I’m pretty certain you don’t have either the technical proficiency or guts to DELETE * FROM stangstevers. I won’t be offended but impressed if you can manage to do a full on wipe of my BS posts. I bet all you can do is ban the account or ignore it.

All I can promis is I won’t create new accounts.

Ban by moderator, I won't give you the satisfaction.

01-27-2019, 01:24 PM
Ban by moderator, I won't give you the satisfaction.

But you just did... thanks for proving me right

01-27-2019, 01:35 PM
But you just did... thanks for proving me right

If you want out, do it yourself.

01-27-2019, 03:31 PM
The funny part is I am technically left leaning. I’d be a liberal card carrying member if they were actually Liberals instead of the marxists that they are. Anyway the original post is more of a warning that the country is heading towards disaster under trudeau.

>> i don’t see a legal means to delete the account and all posts related.

01-27-2019, 04:09 PM
I saw the original post and broke my new years resolution of "not to venture into posts, not related to cars." I was curious because it was a stangstevers post...lol. I left a gentle comment and wasn't going to revisit the thread again, mainly because it had big potential to go in the wrong direction. This thread is kind of a contradiction to the approach you laid out to getting your point across in the original... maybe politics is your calling and something to pursue, keep in mind winning is about diplomacy and stick to the gentle approach...for the record I'm not going to visit this thread again...lol - Best of luck if you do decide to campaign.

01-27-2019, 04:40 PM
The answer may be: 1) AdminCP->Threads and Posts->Prune 2) ban user :)

But anyway... politics, I guess, always was polarizing but today it just seems worse. No one wants dialog on the matter, left or right. No one stands in the middle anymore, or they're more than likely just not vocal about it. Bring up a discussion and it gets censored "before it gets ugly". All I see are kids having literal screaming fits because he/she see's a "MAGA" hat and calling anyone not in a specific narrative a nazi. This is where we're at with politics, Trumps, Fords and Trudeaus... nothing really impressive. I'm only into it at the moment because of the marxist movement that's coming our way. Maybe my 18 hours of work a day (getting my MBA) is finally getting to me and I'm finally off my rocker but all this effort is to ensure an exit strategy to get my family out of this country once the transition to 3rd world comes. We should be working to make this country a great place, a place where people want to move to and have opportunities to thrive.

Yes capitalism isn't perfect but what can really replace it? Remember trudeau is NOT for equal opportunity. he's for equal outcome. That means he would want you to give your Mustang away to someone who doesn't want to work, versus making sure that person has the same opportunities you have to be successful. <- it's a stupid oversimplification but the point is, things are rather alarming. Not doing anything is literally supporting trudeau's plan to turn the country into a globalist nightmare.

Diversity is not a real strength, it's people looking at other people with racist lenses.

01-27-2019, 09:55 PM
Stangsteves, Buddy you need to chill out. If you really don’t like things here than don’t come! It’s that easy. Quit the bullshit with asking Stephen to ban you. What you where saying isn’t cool and he’s a super nice guy. I don’t like the shit that is going on with that idiot Trudope but I really don’t want to read about here. I see enough of it everywhere else. You have been getting more and more negative for a while now. Who knows what is going on but relax.

01-27-2019, 10:13 PM
So I must have missed what happened, and I clearly don’t lean left, so I woulda liked to see it. But if it was moved to Black Flag then I won’t see it, I’ve resisted joining because I get pretty riled when people only see one side and have a closed mind to what’s actually going on. Regardless, I do agree with the above, if you want out, walk away, starting fights with mods is stupid, when the rules are well-known. I’ve often thought my posts in the Trump thread would be removed or I’d have a warning and I was ready for that, although I don’t go back and check, so for all I know they were removed lol.

01-27-2019, 10:38 PM
Late to this party as well. Not sure why you feel it's ok to act like that. You've been treated with nothing but respect and we've gone the extra mile to accommodate you promoting your own Fox body site here. Really need to take a breath n reflect a lil bud.

01-28-2019, 11:59 AM
When did Guycar return?

01-29-2019, 01:16 PM
Time to take a deep breath and have a look in the mirror about why you are posting nonsense like you do.
I don't care about your political agenda nor do I want to read about it on a car site