View Full Version : Canada’s carbon price needs to climb higher in order to hit Paris target, report says

06-13-2019, 02:17 PM
It pains me to post something from the Toronto Red Star.

Since we know that it will never apply to all industries, it's probably safe to say that the tax on fuel will be closer to the $0.60 per liter that has been previously talked about. Anyone who has paid the least amount of attention to food prices, has already seen the effect the $0.045 per liter tax on fuel has had. A $0.60+ increase per liter would send food prices skyrocketing.
The best part of all this is, the government will still trot out PM Dressup and LIEberal sales pitch of "most families will receive more money back than they actually paid". Yeah, and budgets balance themselves too.

Canada’s carbon price needs to climb higher in order to hit Paris target, report says.

06-13-2019, 03:35 PM
Think about this. Suppose Trudeau gets voted out, do you think an incoming government is going to give up this revenue stream?According to the email I got from the Conservative party of Canada this afternoon yes They would scrap it.

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06-13-2019, 03:52 PM
no one considers the impact of food price. a buddy of mine and I were talking one day about the owners of the local independent. very nice people and they do pretty well, nice house and all that. he made a comment about do I let them know I shop there so when they need appliances they will come to me to return the support. I said not that it matters but I spend far more money at their store then they ever will at mine. he could not grasp it.

so I did the very simple math for him. average nice kitchen full of appliances 10-15k last you 10 years (hopfully lol)

average food bill, we spend about 200 per week x 52 weeks per year. that 10,400 per year, x 10 years $104000

06-13-2019, 04:26 PM
whether you believe in human caused climate change due to CO2 or not, nuclear is the answer. Energy demands will go up and the latest generation of nukes are safe. No carbon footprint aside from construction.

I'd argue the answer is simple, tried, tested and true and has been said by many for a very long time: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE but focus on the first two not the last. It's blatant consumerism that's causing more of the pollution. Shipping containers full of shit we don't need, flights around the world to places we don't need to go, etc...

Carbon tax would work in theory but not under this current government. Reduce the income tax burden and charge more for carbon producing products. It should be revenue neutral. All trudeau is doing is leverage an income source to distribute wealth further more... It's a sick ploy and if this was 50's America, trudeau would have been long dead by now.

Trudeau is actually a huge detriment to the climate change thing... because he's a hypocrite, how can you pay to pollute when the guy charging you spends 300 bucks a month on plastic water bottles for his house? lol

06-13-2019, 04:45 PM
I said years ago when Brita was showing piles of plastic water bottle as part an add campaign.

Plastic water bottles are recyclable. They are not the problem. Lack of people recycling are the issue. So is the answer replacing a recyclable product with a non recyclable one like brita filters because you will use less? No the answer is to recycle the damn bottles.

I get notices every year from our local recycling place with lists of things they cannot recycle. How about we work at expanding what we can recycle.

People need jobs how about we have people sort the damn garbage and then charge extra to people who don’t bother to do it on their own in the home.

06-13-2019, 05:10 PM
no one considers the impact of food price. a buddy of mine and I were talking one day about the owners of the local independent. very nice people and they do pretty well, nice house and all that. he made a comment about do I let them know I shop there so when they need appliances they will come to me to return the support. I said not that it matters but I spend far more money at their store then they ever will at mine. he could not grasp it.

so I did the very simple math for him. average nice kitchen full of appliances 10-15k last you 10 years (hopfully lol)

average food bill, we spend about 200 per week x 52 weeks per year. that 10,400 per year, x 10 years $104000

Isn't the net profit margin for grocery retailers (non-organic/non-gourmet stores) only 1-2% - that means they only make between $1,040 and $2,080 total over the 10 years on the $104,000 you'll spend there. I assume you're looking at bottom line and what you keep versus the total of what you keep plus pass through upstream in the supply chain (in the example net margin is all that matters, or EBITDA at a minimum).

What's your net margin on the appliances? Plus if you do any non-warranty repairs/parts sales......

06-13-2019, 05:14 PM
whether you believe in human caused climate change due to CO2 or not, nuclear is the answer. Energy demands will go up and the latest generation of nukes are safe. No carbon footprint aside from construction.

Chernobyl was pretty scary......

06-13-2019, 05:54 PM
Think about this. Suppose Trudeau gets voted out, do you think an incoming government is going to give up this revenue stream?

PPC will, CPC won't. I don't care how much the CPC says they will scrap it, but they won't

06-13-2019, 06:20 PM
Kind of like the moon landing and Sandy Hook?

06-13-2019, 06:50 PM
Isn't the net profit margin for grocery retailers (non-organic/non-gourmet stores) only 1-2% - that means they only make between $1,040 and $2,080 total over the 10 years on the $104,000 you'll spend there. I assume you're looking at bottom line and what you keep versus the total of what you keep plus pass through upstream in the supply chain (in the example net margin is all that matters, or EBITDA at a minimum).

What's your net margin on the appliances? Plus if you do any non-warranty repairs/parts sales......

Not sure what the margins at for food. But would expect it to be higher than 1-2% ther wise the atm reader fees would take all the profit alone. But don’t know so can’t speak to that. Was more a conversation of total cost spent by a consumer vs profit had by the store

06-13-2019, 08:01 PM
Not sure what the margins at for food. But would expect it to be higher than 1-2% ther wise the atm reader fees would take all the profit alone. But don’t know so can’t speak to that. Was more a conversation of total cost spent by a consumer vs profit had by the store

Net profit is 1-3% for groceries, its volume. They sell more individual products than an appliance store would in many lifetimes

83 5.0
06-13-2019, 09:54 PM
Just as the recent embarrassment of our ""Recyclables"" ending up as garbage in Manila, and Malaysia, they are being returned to be incinerated. Why aren't we using this for waste to energy conversion? Kind of the dirty little secret the feds, and Provincial governments don't want to acknowledge. The waste to energy plant run in Courtice never seems to have aplume of smoke, meaning to me it is running efficiently.
As for Nuclear, my neighbour works for SNC (formerly AECL) doing the refit of Darlington, and after conversations with her
Canadian reactors are no Chernobyl. Yes we do everything probably the most expensive(but safest)way.
China and India are relying on 1st world guilt to allow them to get a pass on carbon emissions.

06-13-2019, 10:17 PM
Not sure what the margins at for food. But would expect it to be higher than 1-2% ther wise the atm reader fees would take all the profit alone. But don’t know so can’t speak to that. Was more a conversation of total cost spent by a consumer vs profit had by the store

In terms of supporting local business I would think what the local business keeps is most relevant if you're trying to compare apples to apples as upstream supply chains would be very different and not directly comparable, and yes, net margin for grocery is between 1-2 or 3%. Is appliance between 5-8%?

06-13-2019, 10:18 PM
do you know the difference between documentary and drama?

Are you referring to the recent show (drama)? I meant when it actually happened (my elder Polish neighbour's hometown was affected and they weren't even close). Fukushima was another but not sure if that was a Canada style reactor.

06-13-2019, 10:27 PM
Yes, older model but Fukushima was a newer reactor I believe.

83 5.0
06-13-2019, 10:40 PM
Some info here on incineration, we deal with a Danish company and this comes up in after hour drinks.

What is worse, burning it or letting it clog the oceans or landfills? There are always emissions, just deciding which is worse?
The recent stumble by our PM on his public personna of having the perfect crafted answer on his consumption on everything from water to toilet paper(okay I added toilet paper) brings out the cynic in me.

I am going back to "What are you drinking", less stressful...

06-14-2019, 07:42 AM
According to the email I got from the Conservative party of Canada this afternoon yes They would scrap it.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

lol....and politicians always keep promises...lol

06-14-2019, 07:57 AM
I agree they're all crooks who couldn't make it in the real-world which to me makes it even worse... left or right, I hate them all!

With that said... some are worse than others and trudeau is a LOT worse than Scheer.

06-14-2019, 08:38 AM
I am going back to "What are you drinking", less stressful...
Where beverages come in recyclable aluminum cans.

With all the controversy, why haven't bottled water companies switched to aluminum cans? Is there a reason they can't can water? (insert Coors Light joke here).
They do it during emergencies.

06-14-2019, 08:52 AM
LOL That reminds me, I need to rent a cube van to do my returns...

It costs more to run with cans not just material but they'd probably have to change their entire production line. But I wonder if an environmentalist would pay the extra 20 cents or so to buy water from a can and have a deposit structure. Technically an environmentalist should have a reusable bottle they fill at home anyway.

True Blue
06-14-2019, 09:20 AM
Trudeau has to go, but Scheer pretty much has the same positions as JT. Different party colors, same scams.

Scheer is Trudeau 2.0

06-16-2019, 01:20 PM
Scheer is Trudeau 2.0

He could be but I won't be voting for PM Dressup or Jagoff Singh and the NDPeeing myself.