View Full Version : New York City businesses struggle after minimum wage increase

08-06-2019, 02:23 PM
Say it ain't so...

More than six months after the $15 minimum wage went into effect in New York City, business leaders and owners say the increased labor costs have forced them to cut staff, eliminate work shifts and raise prices. Many business owners said these changes were unintended consequences of the new minimum wage, which took effect at the beginning of the year.


08-06-2019, 04:39 PM
Hell Bernie Sanders got called out for not paying his staff a 15 per hour wage. So he cut their hours to make it equal 15.

Now people who won the fight for 15 are saying it’s not enough and the want 17 to 20

08-07-2019, 12:16 AM
Where have I heard this before.....

08-07-2019, 08:36 AM
Hell Bernie Sanders got called out for not paying his staff a 15 per hour wage. So he cut their hours to make it equal 15.

Now people who won the fight for 15 are saying it’s not enough and the want 17 to 20

Yes and those that were making $15 - $20 already will want raises as well.

08-09-2019, 07:58 PM
What do you expect when housing is overpriced? As usual the ceo gets cheap and fucks everyone over while swimming in a tub of gold.

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08-09-2019, 08:14 PM
What ceo is this?

The law hurts small business people already getting the shaft and working for scraps in some cases.

If your talking the big box ceos then sure
Multimillion dollar business but they did t get that way by spending wildly. It’s all about the bottom line.

But if you don’t like that mentality then don’t support them. Support small mom and pop shops. Buy local

All these multimillion dollar owners of big business that everyone hates are some of the biggest donors and members of the liberal parties.

I sure as hell don’t have A tub of gold. plain truth is the government makes far more in tax off my business than I do. Then I’m the bad guy when THEY force wages up.

08-10-2019, 12:31 AM
Your business tax rate is higher than 50%?

Black Sheep
08-10-2019, 07:43 AM
Your business tax rate is higher than 50%?
The statement was " the government makes far more in tax off my business than I do"

I totally believe this. If you take, corporate tax, HST, employee tax deductions, health care tax, property tax, auto tax( renewal /sticker) and add them up....measure against what the company shows as a profit. And one would just cry.

08-10-2019, 08:12 AM
The statement was " the government makes far more in tax off my business than I do"

I totally believe this. If you take, corporate tax, HST, employee tax deductions, health care tax, property tax, auto tax( renewal /sticker) and add them up....measure against what the company shows as a profit. And one would just cry.

Exactly we run around 15% markup depending on sale price

Out of that 15% I have to pay all the overhead, wages. Utility’s, insurance etc etc etc

The government makes 13% off everything I sell. Then takes tax if I make money and then takes tax off my wage.

We don’t get EI or mat leave.

If I pour everything into my business then hope to sell it to retire. I get taxed again.

But the government. Plays this hate game like all business owners are tax cheats.

And people with no clue continue to bash all business owners and then keep supporting the likes of Walmart etc.

Drives me crazy.

08-10-2019, 10:18 PM
Exactly we run around 15% markup depending on sale price

Out of that 15% I have to pay all the overhead, wages. Utility’s, insurance etc etc etc

The government makes 13% off everything I sell. Then takes tax if I make money and then takes tax off my wage.

We don’t get EI or mat leave.

If I pour everything into my business then hope to sell it to retire. I get taxed again.

But the government. Plays this hate game like all business owners are tax cheats.

And people with no clue continue to bash all business owners and then keep supporting the likes of Walmart etc.

Drives me crazy.Just to clarify im targetting multimillion dollar businesses not mom and pop ones. And unfortunately, the large corporations / businesses fuck over the little workers. The ceo always has a giant goodbuy golden parachute when he leaves. Employees get some garbage little package...if at all.

Wages had to increase after 40+ years of stagnation. Also, businesses could mark up a bit to make up for losses. They had time to prepare for the hike. You cant expect minimum to stay at 8 dollars when houses are costing several millions and rent costs more than a regular mortgage.

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08-10-2019, 10:27 PM
But it targets the small mom and pop more than it does the big ones. There was NO time to prep
Increase is fine but that much that fast hurts.

I for one before the raise didn’t pay minimum. The forced increase cost us to downsize. I’m not taking a loss

It’s my money. My future my house on the line.

Personally I used to be of the same idea Untill I ran a business.

Living it changes perception

08-11-2019, 07:37 AM
employees have free choice, the free choice to leave


Not so cut and dry

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08-12-2019, 12:12 PM
But it targets the small mom and pop more than it does the big ones. There was NO time to prep
Increase is fine but that much that fast hurts.

I for one before the raise didn’t pay minimum. The forced increase cost us to downsize. I’m not taking a loss

It’s my money. My future my house on the line.

Personally I used to be of the same idea Untill I ran a business.

Living it changes perception

Yes. Signing the front of the cheque vs. the back.

08-12-2019, 01:58 PM
Just to clarify im targetting multimillion dollar businesses not mom and pop ones. And unfortunately, the large corporations / businesses fuck over the little workers. The ceo always has a giant goodbuy golden parachute when he leaves. Employees get some garbage little package...if at all.

Wages had to increase after 40+ years of stagnation. Also, businesses could mark up a bit to make up for losses. They had time to prepare for the hike. You cant expect minimum to stay at 8 dollars when houses are costing several millions and rent costs more than a regular mortgage.

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Got to disagree with some of your points. I don't think all large corporations fuck over their workers, and not every CEO is out there slashing and hacking to pad their fund. Most employees get to work their 9-5 then come home and turn it off. Upper tier management is essentially on the clock 24/7 365. How much is having a life outside work worth it to you? Would you swap pay scales if it meant missing your kids birthdays? Having to go in for emergencies on Christmas day? Having your name spread across the media whenever there's a problem or issue with the company and having to answer for actions or decisions of 100's of people many of whom you don't have direct control of?

I'm frankly fucking sick of the blame the CEO mentality. Not saying this is your case at all or saying that maybe where you're at isn't dysfunctional but I hear more pissing and moaning about CEO wages from people who barely have completed a high school education or got a post secondary degree in underwater basket weaving and then expect a company to reward there skills in missing 25 days a years of work and fucking the dog when they do grace them with their presence. Again not saying this is your case but I see it an overwhelming amount. If you are a hard worker then I assure you there are jobs/companies out there that reward that still, if your employer isn't one you should invest time in to marketing yourself and get the hell out of there as toxic work relationships kill you in ways you don't know.

Secondly the minimum wage isn't enough to live on argument sickens me. Minimum wage is designed to allow low skills workers in to low skilled positions to allow them to either build a skill set within the workforce and grow, or realize holy fuck I don't like busting my ass for this shit pay and seek out higher education in a field that has a chance to provide more return.

Just my 0.02, I know its a wildly unpopular opinion but it's mine and ill stand behind it.

08-12-2019, 02:45 PM
Interesting article about what happened in the 60's (for those of us too young to remember)

When the provincial government introduced hourly minimum-wage legislation in 1963, opponents of the move predicted doomsday scenarios. Diners going under. Staffing reductions. Costs passed on to consumers. Implementation of minimum tabs. And, worst of all, the demise of the 10-cent cup of coffee, a staple since the Second World War.

Feels like nothing has changed in over 50 year :facepalm:

Dalton Waller, president of the Canadian Restaurant Association, observed in an interview with the Toronto Daily Star, “this is an industry that takes in many unskilled people, folks who don’t speak the Queen’s English or any English.” Waller also warned: “You start paying it to the fellow who does menial tasks and pretty soon everyone above him feels they ought to get more too.”

08-12-2019, 06:33 PM
Interesting article about what happened in the 60's (for those of us too young to remember)


Feels like nothing has changed in over 50 year :facepalm:

But people that were paid more did demand more when the wage went up.
One of my guys looked right at me and said “you better not expect me to do what I’m doing now when minimum goes up, I’m not Doing this for a dollar more than minimum wage.”

The biggest issue is there is no stop. There is no end game.

Already in Ontario there are those fighting now for 17-20 per hour as a minimum wage.

Same in the states where they wine the fight for 15. Now they are fighting for 20.

What constitutes enough?

08-13-2019, 07:46 AM
Government should have thought about this before letting foreigners annihilate our housing market. I dont care if this is an unpopular opinion but its impossible to deny the housing market caused everything else to skyrocket in price. And I hear "Move further away" as a solution or "Find a another job." Its not that simple.

It is not fair that Canadians that grew up in Ontario (as an example) were displaced by rich foreigners that have no citizenship and have no intention of even staying in canada. Now everyone else is forced to move further away into the middle of nowhere to buy or even rent. The commute itself can add to the loss of income.

And this brings us back to the fact that even with mininum wage increasing its too minimum even to live and grow with. Its still not enough to open the gate for higher paying jobs. Most people are stuck at these jobs barely scraping by and not having enough to invest into education.

Ive been through this and even though I found a good job a couple of years back, it set me back substantially having to bust my ass for jobs that demand more work than my pay grade.

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08-13-2019, 09:17 AM
All valid points I just don't believe the answer forcing wages up

I will say I have NEVER held a job that didn’t demand more work than the pay and that only got worse starting my own business. Lol

My employees have all gotten a raise almost every year and bonuses at Christmas

It’s been 8 years since I’ve gotten a raise as I’m currently making 10 to 15 and hour less than I could go to London and make working for someone else.
If you talk to business owners I think you’ll find this common. At least among other business people I know

08-13-2019, 05:37 PM
if they come in threw the proper channels and work to gain a skill and contribute to society then come on in.

if they want to come in and gain a government paycheck then send them back and give their spot to someone willing to work and contribute.

08-13-2019, 09:07 PM
Canada doesn't need low skill workers

Just saw this?

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08-13-2019, 09:22 PM
Canada doesn't need low skill workers

Disagree sort of

There are many local business that can’t find people willing to work. No skill required all training provided wages ranging from 15-18 an hour to start and they can’t find people who want to work

They are looking to migrant workers to fill the need

Even at our store we always have a hard time finding delivery guys. Need to be able to lift. Punctual and courteous to customers.

Most of the no skill Canadians that apply demand 25-30 an hour. It’s insane

So if someone is low skilled but willing to work and learn and gain skills. Then By all means go threw the proper channels and I welcome with open arms

08-14-2019, 08:34 AM
Note that I said “threw the proper channels”

That doesn’t include just walking across the boarder. That means threw proper immigration protocols

08-14-2019, 09:04 AM

English is stupid... threw (throwing), through is "thru" like drive-thru... I don't get why the language is more art than science.

08-14-2019, 09:50 AM
^^^you sir are off topic!

...but since you brought it up, it only gets worse.
Words spelled differently but pronounced the same is one thing. But words spelled the same pronounced differently...

08-14-2019, 11:02 AM
now how the hell do we manage with strangers.

I typically avoid them LOL

08-14-2019, 02:57 PM
I've given up caring about Grammar lol. more important things going on. I now look at it as not my issue but a failure on the part of the technical devices I use. we can make a rocket land itself but we cant make a phone pick the correct word for a sentence.

08-14-2019, 03:16 PM
I've given up caring about Grammar lol. more important things going on. I now look at it as not my issue but a failure on the part of the technical devices I use. we can make a rocket land itself but we cant make a phone pick the correct word for a sentence.
Given up caring about grammar, yet we expect immigrants to master the language.
Technology blaming.
"We cant make a phone pick the correct word for a sentence" ....taken out of context sounds absurd. A phone picking your words?

(disclaimer: the above is not meant to be anything more than a satirical observation of the above post)

08-14-2019, 03:21 PM
I never said anything about immigrants mastering the language. that's a tall order as posted above English Is stupid

I'm a shit at spelling always have been, ill be the first to admit it. but autocorrect can be pretty useless with its suggestions. I keep hearing about this Gramerly (?) program that is suppose to be much better but have not tried it yet.

08-14-2019, 03:36 PM
I never said anything about immigrants mastering the language. that's a tall order as posted above English Is stupid

Not if the leader of a fringe political party cannot even master it.

08-14-2019, 04:07 PM
are you claiming you can't understand english with a french canadian accent?

why not go after his appearance too. Certainly don't debate merit.

Apparently some (other thread) cannot understand him given his difficulty with english.

08-14-2019, 04:26 PM
why not go after his appearance too.
he does kinda look like Donald Moffat


08-15-2019, 11:09 AM
are you claiming you can't understand english with a french canadian accent?

why not go after his appearance too. Certainly don't debate merit.

Would you say the same about a liberal politician with a very heavy Indian accent that can barely speak English? Or do you change your rules and ideals based on political ideology?

08-15-2019, 12:36 PM
Im an immigrant and I strongly believe immigrants should master english to a reasonable degree. Ive seen immigrants that were in their 40s and 50s who had horrendous english. They have been in canada for over 15 years and can barely speak it. I find that unacceptable. My parents learned english very quickly so that can find decent jobs and communicate correctly.

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