View Full Version : Tesla "Smart Summon" feature.

10-02-2019, 08:58 AM
Since Tesla began rolling out its Smart Summon feature last week as part of its V10 software update, some videos posted to social media show the company's vehicles involved in accidents or near misses while using the feature.
Using Smart Summon, a Tesla owner can direct a vehicle to drive itself to the owner's location based on a smartphone's GPS or to another location.
One owner's Model 3 was struck (https://twitter.com/DavidFe83802184/status/1177761095332896774)by a car backing out of a parking spot and sustained front bumper damage. The owner shared video (https://twitter.com/DavidFe83802184/status/1177761173271392256) on Twitter of the incident, one clip was from the dashboard of the Model 3 and one from his phone.

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· Sep 27, 2019 (https://twitter.com/DavidFe83802184/status/1177761095332896774)


Soday 1 with V10 Smart Summon was working beautifully. But someone didn’t notice my M3 and made a front bumper damage. We will claim our insurances but who’s fault do you guys think it’ll be ? Should I present this videos ? @teslaownersSV (https://twitter.com/teslaownersSV) @Model3Owners (https://twitter.com/Model3Owners) @LikeTeslaKim (https://twitter.com/LikeTeslaKim) @TesLatino (https://twitter.com/TesLatino)
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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/839880953661005824/EyZ2RrXl_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/DavidFe83802184)David F Guajardo@DavidFe83802184

Other party thinks that I was actually driving because I ran to my car before he got out. Please give me some advise. @LikeTeslaKim (https://twitter.com/LikeTeslaKim) @TesLatino (https://twitter.com/TesLatino) @Model3Owners (https://twitter.com/Model3Owners) @teslaownersSV (https://twitter.com/teslaownersSV) @teslamodel3fan (https://twitter.com/teslamodel3fan)
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Smart Summon is included in Tesla's Full Self-Driving Capability or Enhanced Autopilot systems, the company said in a press release about the software update.
Smart Summon drew criticism from an influential traffic safety advocate.
"Tesla's continued use of the intentionally misleading and factually inaccurate term 'full self-driving' speaks to the company's only concern: keeping their brand in the news and staying ahead of their next quarterly earnings report," Jason Levine, executive director of the Center for Auto Safety, said in an emailed statement to Automotive News.

"The summon feature -- when it works -- is a nifty bit of technology, but doesn't come close to the type of autonomy that we all hope will dramatically reduce car crashes and fatalities," Levine said. "If anything, by doubling down on terms like 'enhanced autopilot' Tesla is only increasing the chances of misuse leading to injury and more deaths."

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https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1006245312485363712/sD2W2Rk1_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/eiddor)Roddie Hasan - راضي@eiddor


So, @elonmusk (https://twitter.com/elonmusk) - My first test of Smart Summon didn't go so well. @Tesla (https://twitter.com/Tesla) #Tesla (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Tesla?src=hash) #Model3 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Model3?src=hash)
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Tesla included a warning about Smart Summon in notes about the software update, saying owners are still responsible for their vehicles when using the feature.
"You are still responsible for your car and must monitor it and its surroundings at all times within your line of sight because it may not detect all obstacles," Tesla said in the notes. "Be especially careful around quick-moving people, bicycles, and cars."
Another owner's video (https://twitter.com/eiddor/status/1177749574976462848) showed a near collision when a Model 3 nearly pulled across a lane of traffic, prompting an oncoming driver to slam on the brakes.
A photo (https://twitter.com/abgoswami/status/1177773811497721856) showing damage to a Model 3 appeared in a tweet by an owner who wrote that the feature "isn't safe or production ready."
"Tried in my empty driveway," the owner tweeted. "Car went forward and ran into the side of garage. Love the car but saddened."
Tesla did not respond to multiple requests for comment by Automotive News.

10-02-2019, 08:59 AM
So when your "smart" car hits an object or someone else while in this mode, is it you that had the accident or "the car"?

10-02-2019, 09:04 AM
Either way it’s your insurance

The first video. Of the parking lot imo a driver in the Tesla would have/ should have seen the other car moving and honked the horn. But it’s an accident in a parking lot so I think that means no fault insurance so claim goes on your insurance which we all no cost you money in the end.

10-02-2019, 09:08 AM
My point, obviously technology is not advanced / refined enough to have the car moving without a driver. Nice it's been a couple of scrapes n dents so far but will it take loss of a life or lives before powers to be force them to take it off the same parking lots n streets the rest of us use?

10-02-2019, 09:10 AM
So quickly we forget the Tesla that did not recognize a tractor trailer blocking the road and drove under it killing the driver then continuing through yards n fences until it became totally disabled / unable to move any further.

10-02-2019, 09:12 AM
So it's happened again.


10-02-2019, 09:13 AM
A Tesla Model 3 had Autopilot active in the seconds before it crashed into a semi truck (https://arstechnica.com/cars/2019/03/feds-investigating-deadly-friday-tesla-crash-in-florida/) in March, killing the driver, the National Transportation Safety Board reported on Thursday (https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Pages/HWY19FH008-preliminary-report.aspx).
Jeremy Banner was driving his Model 3 on a divided four-lane highway in Palm Beach County, Florida. As the car approached a driveway, a semi truck pulled out in front of the car, making a left-hand turn from the driveway to the opposite travel lanes.
The Tesla was moving at 68mph (110km/h) and slid under the truck's trailer. The trailer sheared off the top of the car, killing Banner. The vehicle continued down the road for another 1,600 feet (500m) before coming to a rest in the median.
<figure class="image shortcode-img center large" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 20px auto; clear: both; max-width: 100%; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: opensans; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(240, 241, 242); width: 640px;">https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Screen-Shot-2019-03-02-at-10.46.35-AM-640x585.png (https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Screen-Shot-2019-03-02-at-10.46.35-AM.png)<figcaption class="caption" style="box-sizing: inherit; position: relative; margin-top: -6px;">Enlarge (https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Screen-Shot-2019-03-02-at-10.46.35-AM.png)

Google Maps
</figcaption></figure>"Preliminary data show that the Tesla's Autopilot system... was active at the time of the crash," the NTSB reports. "The driver engaged the Autopilot about 10 seconds before the collision. From less than 8 seconds before the crash to the time of impact, the vehicle did not detect the driver's hands on the steering wheel."

The NTSB says that preliminary data suggests that neither the driver nor the Autopilot system made evasive maneuvers.

10-02-2019, 09:15 AM
Same co that plans of having fleets of autonomous vehicles on the road by 2020?

10-02-2019, 09:30 AM
Culpability is my number one concern related to vehicle autonomy. There will have to be pages upon pages of legal framework set in place to asses and define blame and responsibility related to accidents involving autonomous vehicles. What troubling is the amount of technology being touted as "autonomous" today which is really semi-autonomous or merely driver assists. People are using these features without understanding them fully, and taking the necessary preventative steps. What started as a neat party trick is now becoming deadly.

I honestly feel at this point special training/licensing should be required for some of these vehicles so people understand that Tesla Cruise Control while portrayed by the media as "autonomous self driving" is really just a driver assist and doesn't mean you can read or nap behind the wheel. This failure of smart summon should really be a wake up to people 100% trusting new tech when dealing with 4000lbs + of rolling metal.

fast Ed
10-02-2019, 10:58 AM
Elon needs to stop telling people that this tech is ready for prime time as it clearly isn't yet ...

Ghost Rider
10-02-2019, 02:43 PM
Trailer-load of Teslas burns in Nevada

Cause is yet undetermined, but Tesla says its cars weren't responsible


10-02-2019, 03:28 PM
That's like when John Wayne would whistle for his horse as he jumped out the hotel window - the horse must of had gps cause it was always there for the catch...hahaha - I hate my automatic high beams and refuse to upgrade my cheap Chinese spy phone - I may not be able to drive in the future if I stick to my $25.00 per month cell phone plan with freedom - everyone buys all this shit but nobody has the balls to be responsible for the crap the gobble up....

10-02-2019, 08:46 PM
Elon needs to stop telling people that this tech is ready for prime time as it clearly isn't yet ...

Elon needs to perfect his space technology and blast off to Mars and leave us alone.

Trailer-load of Teslas burns in Nevada

Cause is yet undetermined, but Tesla says its cars weren't responsible


Burn Motherfuckers Burn!

10-02-2019, 10:34 PM
I don't trust electronics.
They can fail anytime.

10-03-2019, 07:22 AM

10-03-2019, 12:23 PM
Man this is some scary stuff. Surprised if there are already law suits in the works against Tesla.

10-03-2019, 02:22 PM
Its the random human element that's the problem. If all vehicles are self driven, and eventually networked collisions will be near zero.

At some point a human operated car on public roads will probably be illegal.

I hope I'm dead and gone, because I'm going to be in jail for destroying as many of these fucking "tech wonders" as I can.

10-03-2019, 03:40 PM
I hope I'm dead and gone, because I'm going to be in jail for destroying as many of these fucking "tech wonders" as I can.

Well, just as long as you stay positive about things.

10-03-2019, 03:52 PM
I hope I'm dead and gone, because I'm going to be in jail...
Win win :shrug:

10-03-2019, 10:16 PM
I don't see much difference in hitting someone while driving a car an controlling it with a cell phone and clocking an old girl in the head with a remote control drone or aeroplane... it seems to me it would fail under careless control of a vehicle

10-04-2019, 06:18 AM
are you one of the folks on the ground who yells jump?

Everyone could use a cheerleader, even jumpers. How else would they complete their task?

10-06-2019, 07:35 AM
I drive a bus in Durham. They are talking about testing out ‘autonomous’ buses. They will still require a driver as the tech isn’t there for the bus to maneuver around parked vehicles or accidents on its designated route. They also only hold 12 people and top speed is 15 km/h. Telling everyone their car can drive by itself without you in it is definitely not the case yet.