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View Full Version : Everybody lost in Monday’s election.

10-25-2019, 10:31 PM
Read this in The Sun today.............

Everybody lost in Monday’s election.
The Liberals lost 27 seats in the House of Commons, compared to their results in 2015, and their majority government.
The Conservatives gained 22 seats, but lost an election many supporters felt they should have won.
The NDP lost almost half its seats.
The Greens grew to three seats, but should have grown much more — this was their chance.

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It may not come again.
Only the separatist Bloc could be pleased with the day. They regained official party status and more than tripled their seat count in Quebec.
Not that this helps anyone.

A minority government can govern -- with some help (https://torontosun.com/news/national/election-2019/a-minority-government-can-govern-with-some-help)
LILLEY: Trudeau win means a divided Canada (https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-a-trudeau-win-means-a-divided-canada)
Canada gives Trudeau back his job - with conditions (https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/canada-gives-trudeau-back-his-job-with-conditions)

Everyday Canadians were the biggest losers of all, though.
Affordability was the top concern of Canadians, according to all three major parties.
But this minority government will have to cobble together votes to get anything done. By “cobble” I mean “buy” support from other parties.
With your money. It won’t come cheap.
Everything Trudeau wants will cost you more.
Whatever he offers up, to get what he wants, will cost even more. Life in Canada is about to get a lot less affordable. Canadians lose.
Some may argue the regional divisions that produced this hung parliament reflect an electorate that doesn’t know what it wants.
I disagree. I think the message was clear Monday night.
For decades, Canadians have elected governments led by the political class for the benefit of the political class. Whether Red, Blue, Orange or other, those governments have let Canadians down.
Life keeps getting harder, not easier, for the hardworking “middle class” so often fawned-over by political leaders. Canadians are sick of it.
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Canadians spoke clearly in 2010 when they elected Rob Ford as mayor of Toronto. They spoke clearly in 2015 when they elected Rachel Notley as Premier of Alberta, and again when they elected Justin Trudeau.
Britons spoke clearly in 2016 when they voted for Brexit. Americans spoke clearly when they voted for Donald Trump. Ontario spoke clearly when they elected Doug Ford last year.
Nobody in power heard any of them.
If they listened, they would have heard frustrated, exhausted citizens asking government to make their lives just a little bit easier. They don’t want freebies or handouts and they don’t mind working hard to get ahead.
But, no matter how hard they work, they haven’t been able to get ahead for decades now. Quite the opposite. Life keeps getting harder.
Whether voters elect Liberals or Conservatives, Republicans or Democrats, life just keeps getting more expensive and less enjoyable.
A succession of mayors, premiers, prime ministers and presidents who look good and speak well have failed to make anyone’s life easier. Voters are fed up with the lot of them.
On Monday, Canadians spoke clearly once again. “Try harder,” they said. “Do better. Break the mold!”
If breaking the mold means breaking the government, it’s worth the risk. Government hasn’t been working for them anyway. Heck, it can always be fixed.
During this Canadian election, there were no “break the mold” parties on offer. All of them offered the same old promises they’ve made and broken dozens of times before.
Canada is tired of the same-old, same-old.
Rob and Doug Ford, Rachel Notley, Donald Trump. Brexit. All elected to be mold-breakers. Some delivered. Others, not. Now, Canadians want one in Ottawa.
Is there a political party in Canada with the guts to offer one in the next election?
I hope so.

10-25-2019, 10:33 PM
I'm 110% disgusted with our system.

10-25-2019, 11:29 PM
It's always been my belief they don't give a fuck and why I haven't voted in forty years - I fail to see the point - I did vote this year cause I know that most people are disgusted in that choice not too - it's likely I will never vote again. I know I can't complain if I don't vote and don't really. I personally consider myself independent and will always think and do outside the box. Social media has brought the cream to the top when you pan thru social and read peoples comments, anger and just plain stupidity. Reading those comments really underlies that fact that most people need some sort of leadership and unfortunately the rest of us are all just hearded in to do what's best for the masses. Being a politician is an ideal situation to obtain wealth and lay ground work for the future. It appears to me it leans more to the wealth with that greed extending beyond the boarders and the white envelope payouts only trickle down so far...Like you Rick I am disgusted and have been for some time. I take light in the fact that I'm glad I'm disgusted in this country and my roots are deep and extend beyond being Canadian - sometimes I don't consider myself a Canadian because my beliefs handed down to me from ancestors over the past 400 years of being in the country seem to not coincide like many of the so called new Canadians who want to be Canadian but don't want to be Canadian...with the government constantly in our faces in every little daily bit of our lives - it's clear we are just their cash cows...

10-26-2019, 06:59 AM
I'm 110% disgusted with our system.

It's not the system, it's us citizens that's broken. We either ignore the problem, accept it as unchangeable or just not capable of critical thinking...

What have we done beyond complaining on a mustang message board today?

We are just part of the machine, we're the new slaves but lethargy and materialism are our chains. It's frustratingly obvious especially with that mentality ill teen that's spreading the new climate religion which will cause major inflation in the name of saving a poor little rock speeding around in space.

We. Are. Fucked.

But whatever I dont care anymore.

10-26-2019, 09:31 AM
I looked up on Wiki "Canadian" very interesting reading....It would appear and wiki says that my era of immigration is considered "Old Stock Canadian" hahaha...I feel much better now. It also explains many of my natural tendencies and thoughts of gravitating back to the woods and a time of simple tax free life. My heritage was big on independence and entrepreneurs and like to hunt beaver, hahaha - I've also just recently discovered that I'm a natural at axe throwing and stick it like a boss...lol - When I have more time I will revisit wiki and learn more and encourage all Canadians to read this....

10-26-2019, 04:30 PM
Our system is still better than the states. How you can win 28 seats to 27 seats in Cali and end up with the full 55 is the dumbest thing ever.

83 5.0
10-26-2019, 05:14 PM
I am still trying to explain to my 25 year old daughter that the " Investments" the Liberals have made are like the credit card purchases I could make and then leave to her and my son when I have passed. Someday some one will want their money back.

10-26-2019, 06:30 PM
I am still trying to explain to my 25 year old daughter that the " Investments" the Liberals have made are like the credit card purchases I could make and then leave to her and my son when I have passed. Someday some one will want their money back.

I've tried to explain it this way in the past but suck at explaining - but I believe, simply put, Canadian consumer household credit card debt is directly related to Canadian Government Debt. - they pass the deficit onto us twice - once in the form of taxes and then we pay it again while trying to survive with credit cards....the ones who cant pay the second time around file for solvency (the whole thing makes no sense to me) - I think if many who may understand this, they will disagree, but I firmly believe if taxes are much lower our dependency on government and the need for credit would be much lower - like cell phones there was a time we lived and survived without all this BS

83 5.0
10-26-2019, 06:41 PM
The debt to gdp argument just confounds me, I can make my payments, but don't expect me
To pay it off

10-27-2019, 11:05 AM

And a quick google search shows that an MP gets a average salary of about $170k

Weird how there is no money for vets or pensions. No money for ei or mat leave to small business owners.

But someone getting almost 200k per year gets a 15000 hand out for re training. Counselling and travel expenses.