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11-11-2019, 05:46 PM

11-11-2019, 06:25 PM
I don't understand what the big fuss is about, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. I'll miss him.

11-11-2019, 06:25 PM
He was 100% right, and Sportsnet can fuck themselves.

11-11-2019, 06:40 PM
For me comes down to, if you don't like what he has to day.....................change the channel. Keep in mind, I am in no way shape or form a Don Cherry fan.

11-11-2019, 06:59 PM
so black face, stuffed crotch and singing Day-o equals not racist,

saying people should be thankfull for those that lost their lives for our freedoms and the least they can do is buy a poppy equals racist

I hate people.

waiting for the actual numbers of those that complained. didn't last time they got "inundated" with complaints on something it was like 10 people

11-11-2019, 07:08 PM
so black face, stuffed crotch and singing Day-o equals not racist,

saying people should be thankfull for those that lost their lives for our freedoms and the least they can do is buy a poppy equals racist

I hate people.

waiting for the actual numbers of those that complained. didn't last time they got "inundated" with complaints on something it was like 10 people

I have nothing else to add to this perfect statement

11-11-2019, 07:13 PM
maybe not perfect. there has to be a spelling mistake in there somewhere. lol

11-11-2019, 07:25 PM
It's a shame, but unfortunately nowadays you can't voice your opinion when your time is being paid for by someone else.


11-11-2019, 07:34 PM
What Don Cherry says, has no affect on my life. However, what a leader of a country or province does and says can affect us all.
I am a person of colour, although born here....however, I know and have plenty of 80+ yr old white guys in my family. A lot of them think like Cherry, but are not racist per se.

Yes, another topic, but I am WAY more offended by a PM that wore blackface, than an old guy complaining about a lack (perceived or real) of poppy wearing ‘immigrants’......and yet, said PM got voted back in, and Cherry gets fired.
A corporate entity seems to have more of an issue in the regards of racism than the ppl that voted for a

Just my 2 cents.....

11-11-2019, 07:46 PM
"You know, I was talking to a veteran, and I said, I'm not going to run the (annual Remembrance Day montage) anymore, because what's the sense? I live in Mississauga, nobody wears, very few people wear a poppy," said Cherry in his rapid-fire, sentence fragment-generating way. "Downtown Toronto, forget it, downtown Toronto, nobody wears a poppy. And I'm not going to, and he says, wait a minute. How about running it for the people that buy them?

Now you go to the small cities and you know, the rows on rows, you people love — that come here, whatever it is — you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada, these guys paid the biggest price. Anyhow, I'm going to run it for you great people and good Canadians that bought a poppy."


I think this is the sentence that did it. I'm not saying he should have been terminated, but I can see how a lot of people who do wear a poppy and that do live in those 'row on row' houses he was talking about, probably didn't appreciate his comments.

Why not just say, "Hey, everyone... Wear a poppy. It's important!"

Cherry's response to being terminated today: “I know what I said and I meant it. Everybody in Canada should wear a poppy to honour our fallen soldiers.”

Now, had he just said that, he still be employed.

Oh well.

11-11-2019, 08:05 PM
Yep, good old Grapes....not what you call a tactful kind of guy. Never has been. Just comes out and says what's on his mind. He definitely didn't help himself, and unfortunately, given the state of our country, i.e. watch out what you say....you might offend someone, he's finally met his waterloo. At 85, it might be a good time to move on anyways. All I can say is he must have really loved his job to be still working @ 85. I wonder if anyone will come knocking at his door again?

It's too bad because I think he genuinely cares about our veterans and Canada.

No question there will be a TON of talk on social media over this for a bit.

11-11-2019, 09:01 PM
Maybe time to retire anyways , enjoyed him in his younger years . Unfortunate , no filter but that’s Don

11-11-2019, 09:27 PM
when I first heard the issue I went and listened to what he said.
no body wears poppies, when you go to the small cities. the rows on rows. you people that come here could at least buy a poppy.

translate to a normal person. "when you people who come to the small cities, the least you could do is but a poppy."

nowhere did I assume for a second he was talking about immigrants. if he said when you come to this country, you people.... then sure I could see the issue. but how does it get turned into a race thing when he talks about people in cities should be wearing a poppy.? do only immigrants come to the cities? do only immigrants live in the suburbs? do only immigrants not wear poppies?

sorry but if you are offended by this your looking for a reason to be offended.

11-11-2019, 09:33 PM
^Sadly many people are looking for a reason to be offended.............mostly just liberals and millennials though. The issue I have is they’re only offended by select people, when approved people say or do something offensive it’s dismissed and swept under the rug.

11-11-2019, 10:19 PM
He's said dumber things in the past so this was likely low on the "fireable" scale for him but my guess is they wanted him gone and was looking for something to underline it (with cause) even if somewhat weak. He's not relevant any more so should have moved on already, maybe on better/his own terms. As Armen said, it was a good opportunity to relay an educational message of the sacrifice being commemorated with the symbolic poppy versus the angle taken. Anyone go through the citizenship process recently? Is this covered anywhere in the study materials?

That said, I was observing people in Bolton and the only ones wearing poppies appeared to be age 50 and over, so it appears multi-generational Canadians have not been passing on the story/message. That and cashless society means people don't have cash to buy these things while out and about....always thought they should have Square readers (not necessarily the older guys but the Cadets, etc) as the world evolves and the average ticket size (donation) would have moved up too with electronic payments.

11-11-2019, 10:40 PM
another reason why I don't get how this turned into a racial thing. way too many people of all walks ignore the poppy. I get one every year, and even after getting one still drop my change in the boxes, gave the local Tims crap when they removed the box a week ago. also took my empties in and gave the cash to the vet standing there.

more people need to make an effort.

11-11-2019, 10:42 PM
I don't have a horse in the race, but I'm amazed how much attention it's getting.

I think he's only actually gone because he won't apologize. I think what's not realized is he would not be apologizing for what he said, he would be apologizing for offending people. That's different to me.

I think if he apologized, he might have made it but it's kind of sad because I can see both sides of the argument very closely.

and yes, it's pretty silly that he gets toasted for that but not Justin Trudeau for black face and not Trump for just about anything he says. lol.

Edit.....I wear a poppy every year without fail. Both my grandfather's served.

83 5.0
11-11-2019, 10:48 PM
Easy for the twitter universe to pile on a guy like Don Cherry, but forgive a guy like Trudeau who says our vets are asking for too much https://globalnews.ca/news/4010965/reality-check-liberals-veterans-pensions/
Feds would sooner spend millions on lawyers fees than give it to the veterans.
Ron Maclean's apology was basically the company script. If not for Don going to the wall with the brass of Sportsnet, Ron would have been off Coach's Corner and who knows where. I think Ron has thrown Don under the bus on this, and respectfully should resign.

11-12-2019, 03:57 AM
Cherry didn't single out any ethnic minorities groups, just stating what he has witnessed...remember all the good deeds he's done over the years and this gets him fired.....Sportnet has no Balls to stand up and bow down to what they believe is the right political thing to do here.

Ron was told to apologise or find yourself joining Don....another follower not a leader....we have become to a nation that can't say anything and we my offend others....FCUK grow some tough skin......soon if not already if you say MERRY CHRISTMAS you will offend some one...now it's Happy holidays......really...……..FCUKEN leave if you don't like it.....

11-12-2019, 06:33 AM
I've never really cared for Don Cherry, and his restaurants aren't wonderful, but he's a national figure and entitled to his opinion (in this case correct). To be fired for that is ridiculous.

11-12-2019, 08:03 AM
Not once did he mention which group of people he was referring to. Lots of immigrants come from lots of places. They are not all visible minorities. My wife's family are all immigrants. They came from Germany. They are all white and catholic. When they came here they all learned to speak english and all found jobs. So the people offended are 100% looking for something to get offended about. B.S. I always say Merry Christmas. Doesn't matter what they say to me.

11-12-2019, 10:12 AM
DH summarized my feelings pretty much. If he would have come out and apologized or said something to the extent of "I'm sorry if I offended people but my comments we're not meant to be directed at any one group.... I feel very strongly that veterans should be recognized... " that may have been enough to keep him.

More than likely higher ups have wanted him gone for a while because I'm sure with a wildcard like Grapes there's always a risk someone with the ad dollars will be offended. Digging his feet in on this one gave them the ammo they needed to make the final push. TBH I used to watch Coaches Corner all the time growing up, can't recall the last time I tuned in and talking with my group of friends that sentiment is pretty shared. Like a lot of things this is probably a business move wrapped up in public interest blanket.

11-12-2019, 10:17 AM
If he is 85 and "wants" to work - great for him. Lot better then sitting on his ass and looking out the window watching the grass grow or at the traffic.
He is a life-time hockey coach.
He will come back in a year somewhere in the sports line up.
Mayor of Mississauga worked into her senior years even with some mud thrown at her about her son's dealings. Left with hugs and kisses.
Hope people in sports world give the network some backlash, by boycotting it. Rating and ads are there be all not hurt feelings of some groups.
May be even bring him back to the Sportnet in a little while.

11-12-2019, 11:37 AM
I don't think it was a fire-able offence, but agree that they have probably been looking for a way to get him out for a while.
I tuned him out years ago though, has just been the same old stuff with grapes for so long, nothing new to say
good ol Canadian boys are the only ones who can win, mispronouncing people's names, these people are soft and you can't build a winner with them.

11-12-2019, 12:05 PM
why apologize. It's never good enough.

So if anyone ever makes a mistake, just don't acknowledge and move on? I didn't say grovel at the feet of the offended and beg mercifully for forgiveness.

But you know, probably not unreasonable to say "Hey, I got heated talking about my love for our veterans. I recognize there are thousands of hard-working immigrant families in this nation who salute the flag and honour veterans. My comments were not directed at them, and if I made them feel unwelcome or implied they are ungrateful for the sacrifices made by our armed forces that was not my intention and I am sorry. I do stand by my beliefs that all Canadians
regardless of background should wear the poppy and observe remembrance for those who made the ultimate sacrifice."

You're right though, that would be too snowflake right? Paint everyone with wide brushes and fuck em if they don't like it.

11-12-2019, 12:29 PM
Yes, that. If you lump every single person in a box you're bound to upset those that don't fit in that box.

To me it's ZERO difference between the uproar everyone has when someone says Males are all Topically Masculine, all Conservatives hate the environments, all Mustang owners crash in to crowds. I mean there have been literally dozens of posts on here exclaiming "How dare these people label me as such, there are exceptions to rule!!!" but when someone does the same but you agree with the blanket statement it's fine because they just can't handle criticism or they're reaching with their feelings of offense.

11-12-2019, 01:34 PM
Everyone is a bad driver but me...

11-12-2019, 03:37 PM
DH summarized my feelings pretty much. If he would have come out and apologized or said something to the extent of "I'm sorry if I offended people but my comments we're not meant to be directed at any one group.... I feel very strongly that veterans should be recognized... " that may have been enough to keep him.

More than likely higher ups have wanted him gone for a while because I'm sure with a wildcard like Grapes there's always a risk someone with the ad dollars will be offended. Digging his feet in on this one gave them the ammo they needed to make the final push. TBH I used to watch Coaches Corner all the time growing up, can't recall the last time I tuned in and talking with my group of friends that sentiment is pretty shared. Like a lot of things this is probably a business move wrapped up in public interest blanket.

This is pretty much how JT operates - doesn't apologize for what he says but that people got offended. This might have worked but it was ultimately a business decision I think because the segment is out-dated in a world of cord-cutters, etc.

11-12-2019, 06:55 PM
Don meant what he said, and he was right to say it, it’s completely true. If some people took it the wrong way because they WANT to be offended and make a big deal, that’s their problem-not his. He should not apologize and good for him for standing his ground.....on our local news radio station today they said that of all the people surveyed $85% say he should not have been fired for that. Shame on you SportsNet, grow a backbone.

True Blue
11-12-2019, 09:50 PM
Don did an interview today on Rebel News.

https://www.rebelnews.com/don_cherry_interview_rebel_news_hockey_fired_news_ canada

11-13-2019, 11:36 AM

Published Tuesday, November 12, 2019 4:02PM EST
Last Updated Wednesday, November 13, 2019 8:01AM EST
TORONTO -- Don Cherry says he is sorry if his "you people" rant about poppies on "Hockey Night in Canada" hurt anyone but he believes the silent majority backs him.

Sitting inside his Mississauga home on Tuesday afternoon, the 85-year-old former hockey broadcaster told CTV News Toronto's Michelle Dubé he was "quite prepared to be fired."

Cherry was let go from Sportsnet on Monday following his rant on Saturday night. During his regular "Coach's Corner" segment, he implied that immigrants in Toronto are not paying their respects to Canadian veterans by not wearing poppies.

“They listened to the people who give them a hard time,” Cherry said. “There a lot of people who are with me but they are very silent.”

"I still say downtown (Toronto) and Mississauga people don’t wear poppy. I won’t back down one bit."

"I believe if I had a chance to come on this Saturday, I could have said 'everybody' instead of 'you people.'"

"I volunteered to apologize but it wasn't enough. I can't tell you what they asked me to do after that but I said I wouldn't do it."

"I can see how it hurt some people, I can really see it."

Cherry said if he agreed to the demands from Sportsnet in the wake of his comments, he would not have been fired.

"I would rather go out on a high. I never back down."

Cherry called the last few days "surreal" and said he thinks the whole situation could have been “smoothed over."

"We could have worked something out Saturday but they didn't want anything to do with that."

11-13-2019, 11:44 AM
So he's saying he would have apologized but they said not to but rather had other demands? That's a bizarre twist.

11-13-2019, 11:50 AM
So he's saying he would have apologized but they said not to but rather had other demands? That's a bizarre twist.

Sounds like he said he would apologize for the hurting people's feelings aspect (which to me signals he did "get it".....both sides of it) BUT THEN......they wanted him to do MORE which I'm assuming would have humbled him/embarassed him or further compromised his personal values and he said screw that.

They discussed damage control but Sportsnet decided to use it as the last straw it seems as not doing what THEY said he needed to do made it Sportsnet's way or the highway........

11-13-2019, 12:02 PM
Sounds like he said he would apologize for the hurting people's feelings aspect (which to me signals he did "get it".....both sides of it) BUT THEN......they wanted him to do MORE which I'm assuming would have humbled him/embarassed him or further compromised his personal values and he said screw that.

They discussed damage control but Sportsnet decided to use it as the last straw it seems as not doing what THEY said he needed to do made it Sportsnet's way or the highway........

Yea, sort of confirms many folks suspicions that this was in the works for a long time, this was just the incident that catalyzed his departure for good. Unshakeable pride meets unwavering commitment to advertising revenue. Does make me feel a little more sorry for Don than I previously did as I agree sounds like "he got it" but unfortunately the damage was so long standing that it was too late to "get it". I'd say this is one of the last of the old media personality Dinosaurs dying, but given todays media landscape I would be more shocked for him to actually retire in peace, than the likely event he ends up as a pundit on another platform.

11-13-2019, 01:03 PM
It's all BS and I say this reflecting on grapes on words "they all turtled on him in the corners", next they will complain poppy sales are low and wont admit why. In my opinion Canada is becoming a country with no heritage and no identity. I've been raising six children since the 80's and have been alive since '62 and seen this in schools, especially when I was raising children in the city. Schools have sidestepped a lot of Canadian history and promote other heritage from other lands - I've had my kids subject to teachers that have on occasion decided to teach a lesson in their language only leaving out the minority students on their own to try a figure what the lesson was about. - I'm thoroughly disgusted in our leaders and people of media especially the ones who embellish and shed a little tear in how hard their upbringing was in this so-called (at times) racist country they call home now - before people start slinging the racist word they should take a deep look into their bullshit ideals and on occasion lack of respect for the country and all the people in it, they now call home....Thru the years I've had dozens of children, of all races, at my home's and all at once, especially in the city my home was the Kool Aid house and there was always dozens of kids on my lawn and in my pool of all colours- there would be kids at my house when my kids were not home - and we as a family had great respect from all the parents in the neighbourhood and together we would all celebrated Canada Day - Watching kids - young kids that haven't been influenced yet buy culture - religion - politics - and adults is very refreshing - if there was only some way to eliminate the adults from society the world would be an awesome place....

11-13-2019, 03:11 PM
Just saw CP24 coverage of the protest outside of Sportsnet office. War Vet was dealing with a whole bunch of media throwing questions at him.....and why he's out supporting Don Cherry. Thought he handled it very well....not that any of those offended that might be listening will be placated I'm sure.

Anyways, this seems to be taking on a life of its own, possibly a good one....if it results in more respect being shown for remembrance day.

11-13-2019, 03:43 PM
Yea, sort of confirms many folks suspicions that this was in the works for a long time, this was just the incident that catalyzed his departure for good. Unshakeable pride meets unwavering commitment to advertising revenue. Does make me feel a little more sorry for Don than I previously did as I agree sounds like "he got it" but unfortunately the damage was so long standing that it was too late to "get it". I'd say this is one of the last of the old media personality Dinosaurs dying, but given todays media landscape I would be more shocked for him to actually retire in peace, than the likely event he ends up as a pundit on another platform.

I'm sure the writing was on the wall and either he misread it (ie. thought he was indispensable) or called their bluff (ie. he was ready to go; not sure if he calculated the tarnished image post-retirement) knowing this ultimatum would come. Their demand was likely one they knew he wouldn't capitulate on. Not sure about feeling sorry for him - I'm sure he knew it would be an issue and went ahead with the statement so at least he stuck to his guns, taken responsibility for it, and hasn't taken a victim's stance on it (yet at least). It's still much ado about nothing since he's made dumb statements that's gotten him in trouble for decades so this was nothing new.

11-13-2019, 06:58 PM
Yea, “you people” isn’t specific to any race, gender, believe, etc...it’s a generalization that is often used to avoid being specific. As stated previously, the only people who are offended, are people LOOKING to be offended.
Love Don, proud Canadian and vocal about it too!

11-13-2019, 08:37 PM

11-13-2019, 10:28 PM
Total bullshit!
This country is a joke.

On another note,my father met Don Cherry twice in the past when he delivered to his home when he worked for Canada Post.

He said Cherry was nothing like the guy you see on Coaches Corner.
Described him as being nice and friendly both times.

11-15-2019, 07:08 AM

you people is a phrase he used often. Go to the last minute or so of this video for a previous similar go buy a poppy rant.

“You people “ “you guys” yes common phrase he uses . He uses it to reference defensemen , coaches, media , forwards etc

Was thinking the same thing I don’t think it’s the first time he’s used that phrase

11-15-2019, 07:29 AM
I think it was the combination of saying "you people" and then saying "that come here, whatever it is — you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey" It insinuates immigrants. I still agree with Don.

True Blue
11-15-2019, 07:36 AM
Earlier this week a man brings a sign to a Vancouver game, holds up said sign saying "I support Don Cherry". A member of Vancouver’s security team approached the man and told him to follow him into the hallway where multiple policeman were waiting, who then took the sign away from him.

Fucking pathetic!

11-15-2019, 09:00 AM
Earlier this week a man brings a sign to a Vancouver game, holds up said sign saying "I support Don Cherry". A member of Vancouver’s security team approached the man and told him to follow him into the hallway where multiple policeman were waiting, who then took the sign away from him.

Fucking pathetic!

You should go to a Sabres game and see how the stadium security treats people. You are a GUEST inside the venue. I saw a French Canadian guy get arrested when the Habs won for gloating. it was likely because he was French and nothing else, but it's not a democracy in a such a venue.

In the U.S. sometimes a few signs are the starting of a race riot and I think that's where the police are coming from.......experience.

11-16-2019, 10:14 PM
In the old days, us old people used the term "you guys" or "yous guys" all the time in groups. So what.

11-16-2019, 10:49 PM
Just saw a video from like 97ish.

Don cherry saying. You people need to be buying poppies. Your sitting in your house watching a tv and enjoying freedom paid for by soldiers.

11-16-2019, 10:53 PM
Context - the rest of what he said makes this version different. Still a stupid episode and firing but they wanted him gone. Is Coaches Corner still relevant today? Not sure how many viewers they have still.

11-16-2019, 11:23 PM
Yep context. Like the full version of what he said.

People in cities don’t wear poppies. You people enjoy the benefits of the freedoms paid for by our veterans. The least you can do is buy a poppy.

11-16-2019, 11:30 PM
Yep context. Like the full version of what he said.

People in cities don’t wear poppies. You people enjoy the benefits of the freedoms paid for by our veterans. The least you can do is buy a poppy.

Full Version - "You know, I was talking to a veteran, and I said, I'm not going to run the (annual Remembrance Day montage) anymore, because what's the sense? I live in Mississauga, nobody wears, very few people wear a poppy," said Cherry in his rapid-fire, sentence fragment-generating way. "Downtown Toronto, forget it, downtown Toronto, nobody wears a poppy. And I'm not going to, and he says, wait a minute. How about running it for the people that buy them?

Now you go to the small cities and you know, the rows on rows, you people love — that come here, whatever it is — you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada, these guys paid the biggest price. Anyhow, I'm going to run it for you great people and good Canadians that bought a poppy."

11-16-2019, 11:46 PM
Don’t get the immigration issue.

People looking to make a problem.

Context to me clearly states he is referring to the people he just referred to that don’t wear poppies.

11-17-2019, 12:48 AM
Yep context. Like the full version of what he said.

People in cities don’t wear poppies. You people enjoy the benefits of the freedoms paid for by our veterans. The least you can do is buy a poppy.

You left out part of the "full" version which is where the context comes from.

11-17-2019, 08:48 AM

11-17-2019, 09:32 AM
You left out part of the "full" version which is where the context comes from.

well I was paraphrasing in an effort to point out the context that the entire media is ignoring of saying you people referring to people in cities.

using the full contest as Armen posted please explain in depth how he meant, beyond a shadow of a doubt, immigrants.

11-17-2019, 11:55 AM
well I was paraphrasing in an effort to point out the context that the entire media is ignoring of saying you people referring to people in cities.

using the full contest as Armen posted please explain in depth how he meant, beyond a shadow of a doubt, immigrants.

All that matters is what his bosses think he said and it appears they have a problem with this part although I'm sure you know that because paraphrasing it out leaves out the context that his bosses thought was problematic: "you people love — that come here, whatever it is — you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey"

11-17-2019, 12:49 PM
mind reading. How exactly do you know what he was thinking. Do you have a degree in tarot card reading?

Ron is bowing to this BS, shameful way to treat a guy who made his career. Didn't Don campaign to have Ron retained when it looked like he wasn't going to be rehired.

Doesn't matter what I know - like I said, his bosses appear to know what he said/was thinking and they made the decision.

I assume you guys are regular/loyal HNIC viewers?

11-17-2019, 01:28 PM
All that matters is what his bosses think he said and it appears they have a problem with this part although I'm sure you know that because paraphrasing it out leaves out the context that his bosses thought was problematic: "you people love — that come here, whatever it is — you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey"

And what is problematic about that?

In contexts. You people that come here or what ever it is. Equals you people that come to these cities. Because, in context, that’s what he was talking about.

You love our way of life you love out milk and honey.

Referring to the way of life and the benefits being Canadian and in Canada. Paid for by the sacrifice made by vets.

So in context. How is that offensive?

To me this is a conversation we should be having “we as in all Canadians”
If we are going to allow it to take a guys lively hood. It should be an open two sided conversation in stead in typical fashion it’s been a “he’s racist’ anyone how defends him is racist. And all of hockey and as a link Canada is racist.

11-17-2019, 01:54 PM
I thought we were all immigrants.

11-17-2019, 02:38 PM
He met with his bosses and a decision was made on both sides - no mind reading there.

11-17-2019, 06:12 PM
He met with his bosses and a decision was made on both sides - no mind reading there.

I don’t think the decision was made by his bosses. But more by the mob of justice Warriors.

Should that not warrant a conversation and question of motives? Should we not be able to question when someone gets fired for questionable reasons?

11-18-2019, 09:33 AM
You should go to a Sabres game and see how the stadium security treats people. You are a GUEST inside the venue. I saw a French Canadian guy get arrested when the Habs won for gloating. it was likely because he was French and nothing else, but it's not a democracy in a such a venue.

In the U.S. sometimes a few signs are the starting of a race riot and I think that's where the police are coming from.......experience.

As a "paying guest" at a venue, do you not still have some rights? Holding a sign that says you support a person or team so long as it is not demeaning or derogatory isn't breaking the law (or venue rules) the last time I looked. This was a pure case of BS on the part of security. The follow up proved that no rule was broken by the "paying guest" as the sign size was within the parameters posted on their website. He should have demanded and received a full refund of his ticket for this BS treatment. The slope gets more slippery each day.

11-19-2019, 12:01 AM
As a "paying guest" at a venue, do you not still have some rights? Holding a sign that says you support a person or team so long as it is not demeaning or derogatory isn't breaking the law (or venue rules) the last time I looked. This was a pure case of BS on the part of security. The follow up proved that no rule was broken by the "paying guest" as the sign size was within the parameters posted on their website. He should have demanded and received a full refund of his ticket for this BS treatment. The slope gets more slippery each day.

No you don't. Read the fine print on tickets.

11-19-2019, 12:03 AM
I don’t think the decision was made by his bosses. But more by the mob of justice Warriors.

Should that not warrant a conversation and question of motives? Should we not be able to question when someone gets fired for questionable reasons?

If they wanted him gone it was made by his bosses - they are the ones with the contract decision power. If they bring him back then we'll know they were wrong.

11-19-2019, 12:04 AM
Nice pivot. When you can't answer the q just divert.

Not sure what you're referring to - clearly the contract owner after meeting with him made a decision - maybe they have mind reading powers. I think that was in first year MBA but I skipped that class because I already knew what they would say/present.

11-19-2019, 12:30 AM
The discussion went from mind reading what Don meant, but didn't actually say, to he got fired.

Getting fired still doesn't equate to applying nefarious intent to something Don didn't say.

The pivot is going from being unable to answer mind reading by plebs or upper management, to Cherry's firing. Just because he was fired doesn't prove (or disprove) some hidden, unsaid meaning.

Sure it does - it's between his bosses and him as to what he meant when he said 'You people" and "you come here....for our milk and honey". If you want to believe/ascribe some generalized past unrelated pattern to that then I would suggest you avoid those CRA telephone calls.

11-19-2019, 08:27 AM
so you chose not to believe it was meant in the way stated in favor of it was meant as a racist remark. do you have a past related pattern that would point to him being racist? perhaps unreleased pictures of him in black face?

11-19-2019, 08:55 AM
you are mind reading with a bias towards racism.

He may very well have been alluding to a racist remark. He did not directly make a racist remark however.

Neither you, I, or management can say for certain what the intent was. Any conclusion reached by anyone is mind reading, which isn't a thing. This incidentally is what most women do when something can be taken in either a positive or negative light.

Disagree. I don’t think gender usually has anything to do with it. I think people in general tend to always assume the negative.

Different reasons I would assume. Some have been screwed themselves so get in a habit of assuming the worst. Zithers I think secretly know that how they would handle a situation. Therefore assume other would be the same.

IMO one of humanity’s greatest flaws at this current time

11-19-2019, 09:30 AM
That’s a viable point. As we turn towards new times and social constructs. Our hardwired instincts have to try and cope.