View Full Version : So... what are you guys doing during the apocalypse?

03-14-2020, 07:40 AM
I'm finishing my 302 build, renovating a bathroom for a friend, going to work with cold symptoms and enjoying scaring the bajesus out of people. I am a jerk, sorry. It will get much worse before it gets better, especially in the USA where the average person is, let's face it, not super healthy.

But if things do turn to poop for real (doubtful), I'm keeping a full tank of gas in my truck and a bug-out-bag with enough carbs and protein for a few weeks and taking my wife and kid to quebec to live on the family farm where we can live our inner redneck dreams for a few months.

And yes, I always keep a month or two of supplies in the house and enough TP as well. Not because of the covid, but because I generally like having this in place. I told my wife, we don't need 6 months of reserves, just need enough ammo. lol

03-14-2020, 07:57 AM
I'm just staring outside looking for zombies... yes I believe going get worse before better ....my daughter graduate celebration 2 week trip to Dominican for April needs be canceled as soon as westjet get the Easy Cancel button set up on website next couple days....might wash wax mustang in garage and going remove the fuel pressure sensor from fuel rail as no longer used being changed over to return style fuel system...

03-14-2020, 08:30 AM
I have to agree with Brian ^^^ I think it will get a little worse - turned my news feed off cause I'm tired of seeing certain faces lol and news in general - I have a good idea of what's going on just from general communication and I catch about 15min. of BT in the am - We are starting a full blown home renovation. It gets underway, well, right now...lol everything has been finalized basically this week. The High Commander is happy about that - May start a thread here if anyone is interested - I think I will be doing all the work except maybe if I decide to add more gas appliances. (I will need a licensed hookup). This is the beginning of a bigger plan about two years away. Continue with my Fox.

If I can just say one thing - I contracted pneumonia in 2011 or 2012. I can guarantee it's not like a common cold. I work outside and in the past I would wear very little clothing and spend the winters outside. I battled with a head cold for about two weeks. It was now March and extremely mild. The day before it was cool, damp and raining but not unbearable. I spent 6 hours in the rain without rain gear doing a brake job on a 53' trailer and was soaking wet. I thought my head cold had finally moved on - the next morning I had a massive fever and cough - I thought it was just the flue and stayed home for a few days. Those few days nothing changed and I felt as tho I had been paralyzed massive pain in my lungs and throat and was exhausted - just moving around zapped all the energy from me. After 5 days went to the clinic and they gave me a ten day prescription (antibiotic) The recovery was very slow even after the ten days I was week and would still be exhausted after just simple movements. 4 weeks I returned to work but still missing days here and there - in a nut shell this sickness weekend me and I believe has taken some years off my life - I still don't have the strength I once had. I guess |I'm just telling everyone this because I would hate to see it happen to anyone - be aware - don't take common sickness for granted - always over dress in the cold - trust me you don't want to get pneumonia....

03-14-2020, 08:47 AM
I might try my hand at finishing my basement if I get really bored and holed up at home . Suks was gonna try and list next month to go north but doesn’t look like that’s happening anytime soon

03-14-2020, 08:50 AM
... going to work with cold symptoms and enjoying scaring the bajesus out of people. I am a jerk, sorry.

Big yikes.

03-14-2020, 08:51 AM
I might try my hand at finishing my basement if I get really bored and holed up at home . Suks was gonna try and list next month to go north but doesn’t look like that’s happening anytime soon

we are planning to sell in a few years...

03-14-2020, 09:03 AM
we are planning to sell in a few years...

told my family when this is over we are outta here , cabin in the woods or farmhouse

03-14-2020, 09:16 AM
I've been getting lots of calls lately my guess people are getting ready not to go out and shop but stay at home and do it, bring it.

03-14-2020, 09:31 AM
we are mostly business as usual. extra precautions to protect ourselves, our employees and our customers.

I joked with the wife that we would set up a turn table by the front window of the store and people can just stand out side and look at stuff. at home I have a kitchen reno to deal with so that will keep me busy.

the wife and I had a talk yesterday and our biggest worry is people like my brother who are not in a financial situation to be able to stock pile or people with you kids making sure they have enough food and supplies with so many people going crazy and clearing out shelves. we decided to set up something to help people if they need it. obviously I'm not in the same area as most of the people here but I'm sure it goes without saying a lot of others here would do anything they can to help out.

so if your find yourself stuck under quarantine and short on something just post and I'm sure we can work together to get you taken care of, if your embarrassed no worries send a pm, no judgment,

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fhen sallmajorappliance%2Fposts%2F2479036625541212&width=500" width="500" height="290" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

"With all the turmoil and uncertainty currently going on we may be unknowingly causing problems by clearing out the shelves in a panic to protect and support our loved ones. We at Hensall Appliance love our community and all it has given us and we hope to be able to help us all get through this. If you find yourself stuck on a quarantine and short on a needed items - whether it be food or diapers, toilet paper or even a book to pass the time -
please post a comment below or call our store at 519-262-2728 and we will do our best to arrange something to be dropped off.
If you are struggling feel free to send us a private message and we will help to get you what you need.
Also if anyone has a little extra and you would be willing to pass it on to someone who needs it or want to join in and assist by dropping packages on doorsteps to those who need it, let us know. By working together we can make sure we get through this as a community.
Be assured, we are also taking proper precautions to ensure the health and safety of our customers and employees."

03-14-2020, 09:41 AM
I've been getting lots of calls lately my guess people are getting ready not to go out and shop but stay at home and do it, bring it.

Hey nothing like some positive wrenching

True Blue
03-14-2020, 10:36 AM
Doing some spring cleaning, some work on the house (paint, plumbing and electrical).
Playing with the kids building TP forts, lol.

03-14-2020, 11:22 AM
Finish the shower stall I'm working on, replace ignition on fox if warm enough, compile shopping list (stocks).

83 5.0
03-14-2020, 03:43 PM
Nothing has really changed ( yet), at least the Beer Store wasn't busy, didn't see anyone hoarding Bud or Coors light.

03-14-2020, 04:56 PM
As long as I have to work won't be doing anything different, until I catch something it's business as usual.


03-14-2020, 06:03 PM
As long as I have to work won't be doing anything different, until I catch something it's business as usual.


Mehh gas doesn’t stop flowing you’re golden

03-14-2020, 08:46 PM
Nothing has really changed ( yet), at least the Beer Store wasn't busy, didn't see anyone hoarding Bud or Coors light.

Can stock up those if water is sold out.

03-14-2020, 09:52 PM
Not doing much as I'm fucked enough with a broken left wrist.
What a nightmare.

When you have two functioning hands you take it for granted.
When one is suddenly taken out of service you're screwed.
So many things I can't do now.

I can still lift a beer can to my lips with my right hand,so I'm pissing it up as I type this.

03-14-2020, 10:55 PM
Nothing different here. Work from home mostly. Pulled the cover off the Shelby today and put the trickle charger on. Bring on spring!!

I am getting quickly sick and tired of the non-stop, minute by minute updates on the virus though.

I had no clue that the H1N1 virus pandemic in 2009 infected over 60 Million in the U.S., sent 275K to hospital and killed some 12K people. Does anyone remember a similar panic? I don't....

03-14-2020, 11:20 PM
I remember SARS being all over TV but don’t really remember much about H1N1.

03-15-2020, 12:37 AM
Nothing different here. Work from home mostly. Pulled the cover off the Shelby today and put the trickle charger on. Bring on spring!!

I am getting quickly sick and tired of the non-stop, minute by minute updates on the virus though.

I had no clue that the H1N1 virus pandemic in 2009 infected over 60 Million in the U.S., sent 275K to hospital and killed some 12K people. Does anyone remember a similar panic? I don't....

Good point

03-15-2020, 02:19 AM
I’m just waiting to get infected to get it over with. Drive public transit so I think it’s almost a guarantee I’ll get it. Maybe I’ll become a pro gamer while under quarantine lol.

03-15-2020, 02:40 AM
Too bad you couldn't mod your uniform to look like Mad Max Fury Road look (mask included).

03-15-2020, 07:50 AM
Too bad you couldn't mod your uniform to look like Mad Max Fury Road look (mask included).

Haha. We’ve already had 1 guy refuse to work unless he was allowed to wear a Hazmat suit. That was denied lol.

03-15-2020, 09:55 AM
I’m just waiting to get infected to get it over with. Drive public transit so I think it’s almost a guarantee I’ll get it. Maybe I’ll become a pro gamer while under quarantine lol.

Not a bad idea....have you seen how much the $$ prizes are in these pro tournaments? Incredible. I've read they have bigger audiences than some major sports.

03-15-2020, 11:53 AM
Other then having to deal with all the BS out there I am going to go about my life as usual. I lived through the 80 Acid Rain, SARS, H1N1 etc. So fuck you Corona.

Old Fart
03-15-2020, 12:32 PM
Nothing different on my end...life as usual. It's easy for a hermit like me!

03-15-2020, 01:58 PM
Likely getting divorced.

03-15-2020, 04:46 PM
Gotta work from a secret remote location for the next little while. I guess it's a change of pace, no more public transit, but is sure is a lot of work putting back-up plans in place. In the meantime, the global markets are melting down.....lol. My family has a nice long vacation though......OK as far as supplies go for a bit, but it's crazy seeing what's going on in stores.

Not many events like this each generation.

03-18-2020, 12:42 PM
Likely getting divorced.Not sure if true but in China 49 percent of quarantined couples are divorcing

Sent from my SM-N960W using Tapatalk

03-18-2020, 01:30 PM
As a deck builder, my season hasn't really started yet, but we're getting almost no calls. We've had 2-3 estimates and that's all. I can survive another month, but after that I don't know.

03-18-2020, 01:37 PM

03-18-2020, 02:19 PM
I’m playing ps4 lots of it. Internet better not go down!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-18-2020, 02:44 PM
As a deck builder, my season hasn't really started yet, but we're getting almost no calls. We've had 2-3 estimates and that's all. I can survive another month, but after that I don't know.

Had to make the call to put our guys down to less hours. If things don’t change in all honestly in 2 weeks I’ll be bankrupt.

Winter is our slow time I started it with almost 15000 in truck repairs.
Followed by the federal government still failing to even look at the eco Rebates. That’s minus another almost 20k

We were behind going into this epidemic.

We have put calls into the banks, lenders and government. They all said fill out an application and wait in line.

The service end will stumble threw. The sales may not survive this

03-18-2020, 04:30 PM
I am still going to work as per usual. We (IT Department) have spend this week buying/setting up Laptops for our office staff to take home and work from there. Lot's of hand holding :-)

03-18-2020, 04:40 PM
I am still going to work as per usual. We (IT Department) have spend this week buying/setting up Laptops for our office staff to take home and work from there. Lot's of hand holding :-)

Oh may God have mercy on your soul.

03-18-2020, 04:58 PM
Hasn't impacted my company yet. We do large scale landscaping - grading, parks, storm ponds and channels etc. All our work is through developers and builders and for the time being all is moving ahead. I know some builders have shut down sites but the land development side of things is still going ahead. I'm in the office doing pricing and we are busy, probably the most tenders coming in that I've ever seen.

That'll probably change at some point but for now we are all going in every day and doing our jobs.

03-18-2020, 05:14 PM
Hasn't impacted my company yet. We do large scale landscaping - grading, parks, storm ponds and channels etc. All our work is through developers and builders and for the time being all is moving ahead. I know some builders have shut down sites but the land development side of things is still going ahead. I'm in the office doing pricing and we are busy, probably the most tenders coming in that I've ever seen.

That'll probably change at some point but for now we are all going in every day and doing our jobs.

Shitty situation. Builders know best case is to shutdown. Rich owner says no till papa Ford says so.

03-18-2020, 06:26 PM
Working from home. Started to do that because my younger son just came back on Monday from Florida, so he has to self isolate, and my wife and I are as well for the next 14 days maybe for awhile after that as well.
Holding meetings and pretty much working as normal. All our pharmaceuticals sales reps are now working from home since the hospitals need to focus on patients that are sick.

03-18-2020, 06:43 PM
Had to lay of employees today. Gave them the choice of reduced hours or a temp layoff till things turn around. Two of my guys are semi retired so reduced hours didn’t bother them. My other guy has been with me since almost the beginning has asked to finished off the week and then gonna take the lay off. I feel like I’m letting him down.

Good news is our personal bank defered the mortgage and one of our loans. No questions asked. No paper work required.

Still waiting to hear back from the work stuff. Our main creditor said they are working on something to help. But nothing definite yet that will be the make or break it. We need to close about 10k per week to cover. So far have only closed about 3k in all of March.

Trying to stay positive but in a pretty dark place right now.

03-18-2020, 07:00 PM
Shitty situation. Builders know best case is to shutdown. Rich owner says no till papa Ford says so.

Builders don't want the bad press if an outbreak happens at their site. They don't care about the trades. It's pure ass covering from their standpoint and an easy out to avoid paying when someones closing is delayed.

03-18-2020, 07:03 PM
Had to lay of employees today. Gave them the choice of reduced hours or a temp layoff till things turn around. Two of my guys are semi retired so reduced hours didn’t bother them. My other guy has been with me since almost the beginning has asked to finished off the week and then gonna take the lay off. I feel like I’m letting him down.

Good news is our personal bank defered the mortgage and one of our loans. No questions asked. No paper work required.

Still waiting to hear back from the work stuff. Our main creditor said they are working on something to help. But nothing definite yet that will be the make or break it. We need to close about 10k per week to cover. So far have only closed about 3k in all of March.

Trying to stay positive but in a pretty dark place right now.

Gotta be stressful. I work for a small business and I'm a little worried, even though we have enough work lined up for a good part of the year. I'm sure the owner of my place is more worried than he is letting on.

03-18-2020, 07:22 PM
Builders don't want the bad press if an outbreak happens at their site. They don't care about the trades. It's pure ass covering from their standpoint and an easy out to avoid paying when someones closing is delayed.

So with that in mind doesn’t it make sense to just shut it down for a couple of weeks?

03-18-2020, 07:30 PM
It's pure ass covering from their standpoint...
Let’s be honest; most companies are just trying to cover their asses.

Our office has flip flopped several times ....just this week!
I feel for them (a little, maybe ....um, maybe not really), but it can’t be easy. They don’t know WTF they are doing as this is something completely unprecedented.

03-18-2020, 08:11 PM
When this crap is all over there will be lots of businesses having their employees work from home which will be great for driving during the day, on a lighter note I'm pretty busy these days and I hope it gets better.

03-18-2020, 09:49 PM
Still working here, but like honestly very hard to focus and any time I call anyone for materials or parts I feel strange discussing anything with whats going on. Beats staying home however and it's keeping our guys working which most need. Not being able to go to the gym is wrecking me pretty bad. If the wife continues to complain about all the ways in inconveniencing her and only her I might move to the second floor of our single floor house.

Old Fart
03-18-2020, 11:17 PM
I am still going to work as per usual. We (IT Department) have spend this week buying/setting up Laptops for our office staff to take home and work from there. Lot's of hand holding :-)

Helping my brother do exactly that for his agency.

03-19-2020, 12:51 AM
Had to lay of employees today. Gave them the choice of reduced hours or a temp layoff till things turn around. Two of my guys are semi retired so reduced hours didn’t bother them. My other guy has been with me since almost the beginning has asked to finished off the week and then gonna take the lay off. I feel like I’m letting him down.

Good news is our personal bank defered the mortgage and one of our loans. No questions asked. No paper work required.

Still waiting to hear back from the work stuff. Our main creditor said they are working on something to help. But nothing definite yet that will be the make or break it. We need to close about 10k per week to cover. So far have only closed about 3k in all of March.

Trying to stay positive but in a pretty dark place right now.

Sorry to hear - hope this doesn't go too long and lenders are flexible. Tough times out there right now and any businesses carrying debt will have a tough time (deferred interest/payments will be added to principal and incur additional interest and term for both consumers and businesses). Hopefully this doesn't go too long but a lot of businesses won't survive depending on their leverage. I've seen so many businesses over past couple years with minimal or negative equity, thin financials and margins, and it won't take much to really beat them down or under. Yesterday I had clients asking for $750K limits to refund bookings (travel, events, recreation, ski vacations, etc) and today they're asking me for $3+ million dollar limits. Airlines grounded, tours cancelled, events, etc....going to be a fun Spring. I hope you can get back to business and employees back to work soon.

03-19-2020, 12:53 AM
Times like this is when the value of an "emergency fund" as a family/individual really comes into play.

03-19-2020, 06:53 AM
Times like this is when the value of an "emergency fund" as a family/individual really comes into play.

Sad reality in the trades is that most guys just can’t get their shit together and save a small amount for a rainy day.

03-19-2020, 07:26 AM
Times like this is when the value of an "emergency fund" as a family/individual really comes into play.

its true. unfortunaly we have been in debt pay off mode. trying the last few years to chip away as much as possible to bring it down.

funny thing is last year we came out of summer with one of the best fiscal years yet. largest surplus we have had ending October. then bang bang and now bang.

good news is we have less debt than before. but I feel if the banks come threw and we do make it threw with the doors open we will be pretty much back to square one debt wise. better than shut down but makes the last 7 years of hard work seem like a waste.

the real saving grace here is Farming is a large part of the economic back bone. and probably wont be hit as hard. as long as the boarders stay open for commercial trading. fields will get planted and it will be mostly business as usual since they all work from home anyway.

03-19-2020, 09:25 AM
Sad reality in the trades is that most guys just can’t get their shit together and save a small amount for a rainy day.

Not only the trades - this is common across a wide swath of the population. A lot of folks cannot go more than 2 pay periods without running into severe difficulty (a lot of businesses in similar situation too).

03-19-2020, 09:27 AM
Not only the trades - this is common across a wide swath of the population. A lot of folks cannot go more than 2 pay periods without running into severe difficulty (a lot of businesses in similar situation too).

I hear ya. The businesses I can almost understand. But someone making a decent paycheque for 20 yrs could easily take $20 out of each one and save it. Some have a lot of bills and big families, some just have terrible spending habits.

03-19-2020, 11:52 AM
In my industry, we face lean winters no matter what. No one wants a deck built in
January, so traditionally, we go from December till March with no sales, then stat to pick up in April. LAst year I had my best May and june in a decade.
By the end of September, I had already surpased 2018's dollar volume. Then, for no apparent reason, my sales stalled. I have had no sales since the end of September. We do snowplowing, so that got us through the winter, and we have enough money coming in the last us through Mid April.
Hopefully we can get our truck payments and mortgage deferred for a bit, but even so, I'm tapped out, and my RRSP's have tanked to the point that even if i cash them I can't last till next year.
Deferrals and all, we still have to eat, keep warm, and use power, which all has to be paid for.
On top of that, as I'm self employed, on government pension, I don't know at this point what the government will do for us.

03-19-2020, 03:02 PM
I was told today that Ford credit is looking at deferrals. you have to apply and meat a certain criteria, but may help

fast Ed
03-19-2020, 04:03 PM
Info on that should be here:
