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View Full Version : WiFi guru's needed

05-19-2020, 04:19 PM
So, I recently switched from a 75 down internet service from Primus that used a SmartRG SR808ac modem to a Rogers 150 down service using a Hitron CODA-4582 modem.

My WiFI service in the house is worse off than it was before. All things aside are virtually the same. The input was and still is a Rogers cable service. Primus is a reseller. In the worst areas of the house, I was pulling down 4 - 6 mbps with the Primus service without a range extender. With a range extender, I was getting between 12 - 20 mbps. I expected that when I doubled the speed that this speed might double as well - or at the very least improve. With Rogers, the same areas are reading at 2 - 4 mbps without a range extender and around 8 - 12 with.

I called Rogers and they sent a technician that found issues in the lines outside and replaced them. These were the very same lines Primus service was being delivered on. They also set the frequency to the channel that presented with the least interference. Most times, the 2.4Ghz delivers better than the 5Ghz signal.

This is extremely frustrating and I am thinking of switching to another provider but before I do, I thought I would throw it out here to see if anyone has any advice. Not sure if a mesh system would improve things but those systems are quite expensive and I don't want to throw hundreds of dollars for a net zero result.

I should also say that my wired connections NEVER report back at anything more than 70 mbps using the Rogers speed test. Obviously they are sighting that many people are home and this will clog the network. They also said that anything over 1/3 of the 'up-to' service was within their tolerances. I offered to pay a prorated amount - that's when the techs were dispatched.

05-20-2020, 07:16 AM
There are several options. If you don't mind running Ethernet cable, you could put up some access points at strategic parts of your house... Then again that's a lot of work. So, I would recommend a decent wifi router. To that end, this one is fairly highly rated and should handle whatever you throw at it.


05-20-2020, 07:25 AM
we have had issues with our for years and unfortunately where we are located there are no other options.

If I want to stream a movie in HD I need to completely shut down everything else. I pods, ipads, phones. then reset the modem. then I can stream. its become a weekly ritual on movie night.

True Blue
05-20-2020, 08:13 AM
Ditch using the built-in router in your modem. Even purchasing a cheap dual band router you'll see a huge improvement in speed, distance and security.

05-20-2020, 08:56 AM
It's been years since using the Rogers modem only, so I don't remember what numbers I was getting previously. Now getting 480-490 down and I pay for 300.

05-20-2020, 09:21 AM
I hate you guys. Lol

I pay the “premium” package available here

I see 30 down on a good day. Usually 9-14

It’s not uncommon for my cell to be faster off the wifi.

05-20-2020, 09:34 AM
Wow, that is super slow. I'd be constantly frustrated. We stream a ton here, in fact don't have cable so netflix, crave and YouTube are all we use.

Old Fart
05-20-2020, 10:25 AM
I've connected 3 routers in my home. Have great signal in all areas of the house. Too bad I can only get 6 downstream.


05-20-2020, 07:45 PM
Thanks! I didn't think of adding a router.