View Full Version : Beach Tool Box Parts

09-08-2020, 02:07 PM
I got a Beach Tool Box # B27 & # B29 combo. Several drawers don't open and close properly because the slides (14 3/4" long ) are bent.
Tried to straighten them but can go only so far. I am giving up.
Anybody have this problem and knows if slides are still available from some Canadian parts supplier.
Forget trying at Canadian Tire, Sears US parts,too. Old stuff on KIJJI goes too quick and big bucks.

09-08-2020, 07:21 PM
usualy slides are a generic thing and most likely not make or model specific. I would assume that as long as the length is correct you could use any ball bearing slide. possible something you could fine at macmaster carr or aliexpress

like these?

https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000593820612.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.78a32 c698Nqg5O&s=p&ad_pvid=202009081619594566001796251750037624672_1&algo_pvid=2ef2052f-1530-45da-ab52-3e6792d720dc&algo_expid=2ef2052f-1530-45da-ab52-3e6792d720dc-4&btsid=0bb0623115996071997462977e98b5&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb 201603_

09-08-2020, 08:41 PM
Yes these are used on the newer boxes. Mine are the older friction style, slide locked in a channel on the box and another channel on the exterior wall of box.
Sorry can't post a pic.